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Thursday, December 19, 2013; 5:58 pm
I see flies everywhere. :)
It's been a while since I last visited this place.
Hello! :) I'm back in 2013. I was thinking of rekindling the old spark I used to have for blogging and creating my own pictures to illustrate certain incidences that happened.
Just keep a lookout. I might be refreshing my ideas on this page again. :)
The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes
OliOli is just your normal average girl who loves many things but can't get her hands on them. :)
Get into good uni DS Lite + Games Bow Master (MS) Konami Original Controller (KOC) PSP PS3 ITouch Blackberry Phone 9th Dan in IIDX Clear 37s (Pop'n) New Laptop/Desktop Japanese Lessons Drum Lessons Earphones Travel with friends Bags (Backpack/Sling) - Crumpler/Zinc Havaianas