But before that, I will upload the TopTable outing photos (13th February 2009) which are long overdue! :)
This was the centrepiece for our table. Pretty,
isn't it? I got mesmerized, I swear. xD
My mocktail! There were 2 mocktails if I remember.. One red and one blue.. xD
This one's name I can't remember but my lovely partner Sarah took Monica. xD
Woon Jiun also took a Monica sia!
(Inside joke inside joke~)
The appetiser~ It's got a really long name for it sia.. Wait ah:
Terrine of Red King Crab & Vine Tomato Gelée Compression of Pickled Watermelon Apple Celery Espuma
This one has got a very agar agar taste but when you just put it into your mooouuthhhh.. WHOOSH! It melts! :) damn nice. I gobbled it down within 5 minutes. xD

This one the main course: Spiced Xocopili Lamb Rack & Gateau of Braised Lamb Shank Creamed Salsify, Orange - Sweet Potato Mousseline Majoram Sauce
This one was tender to the touch of my knife (Not the Rack but the Braised Lamb Shank), it came apart so easily la.. I almost wonder how they even HOLD it together.. It tasted daamn good 'cos on top there was cheese cheese cheese! Melted cheese~ And the Lamb Rack (The one with the bone sticking out) was pure heaven. HEAVEN. Can't taste it anywhere else in the world. :)
The dessert was also fantastic.. Warm Zesty Almond Fondant Mint Parfait with Raspberry & Frozen Exotic Coulis~ Indescribable. Looks tasy, doesn't it?

Lovely Woon Jiun who gave us presents from his Internship at
the lovely Maldives (Must go there one day..)

Pretty pretty Jolene! Haha! I still remember all the times we
chatted throughout duty~ Pretty, isn't she?

From the left: Josslynn, Wina and Grace! The wonderful people~ Haha! Makes me wish I was still on duty at Changi Airport 'cos whenever I entered the room, it made me warm and fuzzy to know that I had such a great and wonderful Wednesday family~

LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY SARAH! HAHA! :) She is my darling and I'm hers.. RIIIGHT? Haha! :) I met her at Monica's 21st Birthday Chalet at SAF Chalet (Happened not too long ago) and it was great to talk about all the random nonsense in the world with her. xD
Anyway, back to my main point on the chalet.. A lot of people to thank for many things~
Chalet was fun fun fun with people like Furt, Darryl, Cui Shan and Michelle to accompany you throughout the night! :) And I'm here to report what happened! Yoshi! :)
Haha! Chalet for me had a huge emotional roller coaster ride for me sia.. From the sad, to the worried (Some people fell sick), to the angry, to the REAAAALLY REAAAALLY happy happy moments! Haha! The chalet really got the trio more closer and we had an outright bitching session in Room 1.. :) Wahahahaa! Never a dull moment with them around. No siree. :)
For day 1, I stood in the kitchen for 7 hours straight, cooking, cleaning, washing up and being mentally and physically exhausted with rare 5 minute breaks in between. xD Thanks to all those who helped out and made my workload a HEEEEEELL lot easier. The dishes that I whipped up were namely: Garlic Mashed Potatoes (First one to finish and IMO, it tasted not bad), Penne Pasta, French Fries and Sausages (Taken care of by the wonderful Grace. THANKS!) and the Mushroom Soup. (not as nice as the one I made at Denise's house but yep!)
I SWEAR! The pots there are NOT MEANT for soups or sauces. Somehow I wished I had Denise's non-stick pots and pans.
Anyway, the food was okay la. Everything was gobbled down by the hungry people of the Chalet but I was a bit disappointed 'cos my Pasta Sauce and Mushroom Soup got burnt. Really very sad to the point that I wanted to throw away the whole pot sia.. Then Shauns stepped in and tried to salvage the pasta sauce. xD Thanks again~
Mushroom soup had too much mushrooms and too little chicken stock. xD But I got praise from Wei Yen! Wahaha! I'm really surprised~ xD His taste is usually quite top-notch for my standards.. He said something like: The taste cannot describe 'cos you used Chinese Mushroom in a Western Style.. But it's whoa! (Then he can't help but give his goofy grin again. xD)
Got 5-7 cuts from this cooking expedition. xD Clumsy and blur as usual. (AND I DROPPED MY PHONE TWICE! The one where I dropped at the busstop today was terrible! LEFT SCARS ON MY PHONE DAMMIT! T_________T) Got 2 deep cuts: One on my left index finger and one on my right finger the middle finger.. Hais. Now cannot even type properly sia. So typing this entry can be said as quite a chore. xD
Wah.. I was surpised that on that night I couldn't sleep sia.. So I had a chatting session with the ever-so-entertaining Cui Shan (Mic wasn't there till the 2nd night) xD YeowYeow and Ada were EXCELLENT company in the middle of the night though. We chatted until the wee hours of the morning and had fun talking about our various CCAs as such. :) Thanks for your wonderful company! They amazingly didn't sleep.. *applauds*
Ohoh! Very funny! On the second day, YeowYeow and Ada were sleeping throughout the whole day until about 9.30PM sia! But they weren't even aware of the time. So our little chat went like this:
Oli: Wake up wake up wake up! It's so late already still sleeping!
Yeow and Ada: Nghhhh..
Yeow: You just started the BBQ, is it?
Oli: NO! Since quite long ago already! Like about 3 hours ago?
Yeow: You sure a not? Night time already ah?
Oli: Ya la! DUH! Now about 8 or 9 already..
Yeow and Ada: HAH?
Yeow: Seriously or not? What time now?
Oli: Hang on ah.. I check..
Oli: It's already 9:30PM sia..
Yeow and Ada: HAAAAAH?? okay okay Wake up wake up wake up..
Then 2nd day: In the morning, I played my virgin game of squat poker. xD Did quite a bit of squats, say 150? My legs still sore sore sore till now.. Oof. Then then, when I got back home.. I wanted to shit. My toilet is like the squat kind and omg.. The ache when I was shitting.. ARGH!
I was quite happy about the last round of squat poker though.. It caused Fizz and Lucas to owe us about 600 squats to date.. Haha! :) But I won't explain it here. Hahaa! LUUUCAS! Why did you up by 105 and cause yourself and Fizz such pain? xD Daryl was like: You brought this upon yourself, you retard! Siao siao chiongster.. xD
Then BBQ started at about 6PM but I had absolutely no appetite. So I ate a few sticks of satay and one stick of Shitake Mushrooms (not as good as last time).. Had a walk down the beach with Darryl, Michelle and Cui Shan.. Furt went for his church by then so yep! Good to scream out songs to the sea to vent all the pent-up frustration and anger for the past few weeks on the planning and stuff. I advice you to try. Throwing stuff doesn't seem to fit me though. Never liked violence. xD
When we came back, Sam, Dee, Froggie and I were having a singing fiesta upstairs on the balcony and belting out the songs with GUSTO! WHOOSH! Damn fun sia! :)
Then the trio went down to makan and drink.. Thanks to Lucas, Fizz, Furt, Darryl, Shogun and those who helped out to man the BBQ and continuously fan the fire! Wesley was strumming his guitar away and it was pretty good~ xD
Ohoh! Daryl taught me how to drink beer. FINALLY I know. Must GULP it down and not taste it. :) Damn different from wine sia.. I still can't stand the bitterness. But the warm sensation in your tummy feels damn good sia. xD Surprisingly, I drank one full cup..
Whee! At night = Bitching session.. Then we went for a stroll along the beach at night.. We got introduced to this spot and we sat there admiring the clouds that covered the WHOOOOOLE sky! :) The clouds were really pretty. It looked like cotton candy.. Or waves sweeping the sky like how waves wash up along the beach.. :) I don't mind not seeing a clear sky 'cos the clouds were just as pretty and beautiful! :) Could see stars poking through the holes of the clouds. There was a "Mickey Mouse" shaped one covering the moon. xDD So cute!
When we came back, Wei Yen was in the room giving an Personality Analysis for everyone in the room namely Yeow Hon, Ada and Wesley.. Haha! So fun to see what Wei Yen has to say and what he says is usually quite accurate! :) He didn't do Michelle's or mine though.. But he said that he has a lot to mention about us. xD
3rd Day aka Today: Cleaning up and checking out.. But before that: I went to watch the sunrise with Furt, Darryl and Michelle at 6AM.. Cui Shan didn't come 'cos she was feeling a bit unwell so she needed rest.. xD We didn't really get to see the sun 'cos it was blocked by lots of buildings.. We spotted one cloud that looked like a waiter holding a pizza. xD But the way the sky colour and clouds changed could nearly take my breath away.. I know I sound cheesy but I really love to admire nature at work. Shades of blue, white and red splashed across the sky like some painting.. Really made my day today~ xD
The chalet also saw the birth of a new couple. Names not to be mentioned but congrats! :) Hope you both will have a looong loooooong happy happy relationship! :)
Michelle was right. Our JCG Chalets always got relationship stuff happening one sia. xD
Anyway, I went for my classroom session at 11AM and I couldn't help but feel sleepy.. I was dozing and snoozing away sia.. So tired already then go for this thing = killer. PLUS THE AIRCON! Omg. Makes it 93456736584 times worse.. Hais.
Ate with JunJun, Rui Hang and Ke En~ Hokkien Mee opposite school. I'm going to miss TP when SIP starts.. T___T
Slept slept slept today and woke up to makan dinner! Whoosh! :)
I'm off to read my Midnight Sun~ :) Got All-Subcomm Meeting on Monday. A bit sian but no choice. T__T Need to plan for Banzai Bazaar, Registration and AGM again this year. :) I wonder how the freshies will be like. :) Haha! Make new friends new friends! :) And maybe new close friends? xDD WHOOSH! Excited excited! Steamboat on Monday too! Exciteeeeeeeed! :) *Wow. I used 5 ":)" in one paragraph. xD*
OliOli-PooPoo struggled to shit on her toilet at 9:58PM. xD
'Cos the bandwidth for the Sakura x Syaoran one went out of bandwidth. Most likely this will be my permanent blogskin for a loong looooong while before I change it again 'cos this took painstakingly long. One person, one description sia. xD
Anyway, I'm having a party tonight and I can't wait!
It's Monica's 21st Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR GIRL!
Going to shop for her present 'cos I still don't know what to get her.. Hais..
Chalet is coming in 2 days! I'm so excited! Going to go shopping on Wednesday for the goodies so I can cook on Thursday! ^_^ Those who are following me.. You should know who you are! :) Whoosh! I wonder if Tampines Giant has the brown sauce that I'm looking for.. O_o
Eeeeeeps. :)
Random fact: I wanna read New Moon. Anyone can lend? xD
Yesterday was the JCG New Main Comm outing and we had lots of fun getting all the stuff for the chalet. *winks* Shauns and I had a mini debate over the prounounciation of the word "Lethargic" on the MRT.. Aiyo! So diudiu! xD But yet so funny! Then the rest sat down, only Vivian and Shauns stood up. Then Shauns go to Jap and say:
Eh! You sitting in priority seat le! Must give way to elderly..
Then I fight back:
Can what! I'm more elderly than you. 19 years old very old lei! Very brittle. xD
Or you seat down on my lap la! Like this picture. xD

(The 1st one on the right)
You small kid what!
Shauns: But if I sit on you, you sure break one!
Oli: That's why you must give the seat to me! :)
Shogun (Turning 24) and Darren (Turning 25) were like looking at each other:
What about us sia?
Hahaha! Shauns, aiyah, you poor thing.. Destined to have no seat.. xD But it's so funny on the MRT! xD
Eheehee! Okay! Enough enough.. I wanna go and do some bloghopping and facebooking.. And try to find "Midnight Sun"! ^_^
But before that! I found a nice advertisement that caught my attention:
Ciao! :)