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Wednesday, January 28, 2009; 10:43 am
I'm here to wish HAPPY MOOMOO YEAR to all those who see this! ^_^
Haha! And I'm addicted to this song:
We The Kings - Secret Valentine
He has good vocals. But his hair. Omg. He could do with a haircut but that's my personal opinion.. Though I know some people like this kind of ruffed up hair.. :)
But his voice is the kind that I really like.. ^_^ Which IS why I'm addicted to the song anyway.. xD
And I've e-filed! :)
That's besides the point. Ohoh! I went with MicMoi, Cui Shan and Di-Yang to go shopping for clothes for CNY! I spent like about $130 there? Hais.. All the savings gone.. T___T But that's where my ang paos come in and fill my bank account again! Whee! xD
I realised that all 3 of us know each of our own style.. Then we keep on commenting: This top is Cui Shan's style.. Nono.. This is something Mic would wear. Aiyah. Haha! So funny!
Then we found this shop with a floral print dress.. Flowy flowy kind.. Lavender in colour.
Then Cui Shan said:
Aiyah. That's something HE should wear la.-3 heads turn back to look at Di-Yang-
And we stareeeeeee. Or at least I did. xD And there's an eruption of laughter.
Then adding on: We decided that the dress is the kind that you wear the "sunflower girl" hat with, stand on the rocks and wait for your lover to come home from the wild seas.
Can't imagine. Hmmmm.
HAHA! :) But I shall spare his agony here. This is called Girls' Entertainment only. Not for prying eyes. OR ears.
I had my reunion steamboat dinner which was pretty fantastic. You know the tau pok with the beancurd inside? The ones that you buy from the Yong Tau Foo store? My grandma and mum self make lei! Though I didn't try.. I heard it was nice!
But the main reason why I didn't try was: SHARKS' FIN.
The sharks' fin that my mum and my grandma made has improved by leaps and bounds since they begun trying the recipe 3 years ago. You take 3 bowls of that thing and you'll be damn full I swear.. And and my 2 other cousins (who had huge appetites btw) couldn't eat much after my mum forcefed 2 bowls of the thing to each of us. Ugh. My mum even wanted to give me 3!
After the steamboat you could see this round, round, nice, big and fat belly of mine.. Like tuna like that.. Big and round.
Then I went out to watch Inkheart with JunJun, Ning Zhi, Jia Hong and Mervin.. The rest couldn't make it. The movie was not bad! Haha! I came a bit late ah.. xD Hais hais. But the movie was okay. Got this woman in all white riding on a unicorn bursting into the scene like a saviour.. O_o Female version of Gandalf the White.
And on the first day of CNY, I went to Ji Gong's house, Aunty Ho's house and my grandma's house! :) Aunty Ho's house all speak Cantonese at first I don't understand sia.. @__@ WHAT WHAT WHAT?? Lucky they change to Hokkien, Chinese and a bit of English. After that, met and went to Cathay with Furt, Darryl and Lucas! Play Jubeat again and I've improved! ^_^ We wanted to watch a movie but there was no nice movies and suitable timings so we went to makan at the $0.99 sushi shop at basement 1.. :) THEN we hopped over to Daryl's house to play a bit of Rockband and have some fun until 1:30AM.. Cabbed home, bathed, changed, use computer and popped to bed. xD
I've summarised 1 day in 8 lines. (Or at least on the "Create Post" of Blogger)
Day 2 - Nothing much. Went to my grandma's house again. saw the usual relatives, helped my mum to wrap popiah, wash a lot of dishes, played my cousin's laptop, sitting around slacking, gambled a bit.. Won $2.. xD Really nothing much..
Anyway, I received quite a satisfactory amount of Ang Paos! Which is what I'm going to save save save to buy either:
A PSP Slim
A laptop
A desktop
What should I do sia? Any suggestions? :)
Anyway, gotta go! Need to do my Accounting tutorial for later! xD And Michelle Moi! I have something for you! ^_^
OliOli-PooPoo decided to inhale Helium till only dogs could hear her voice at 11:12AM. :)
PS: Can't wait for this Saturday! Whoo!
Sunday, January 18, 2009; 7:48 am
Wedding Day!!!
Not mine la.
My lovely cousin's wedding! Gorgor Bobby's Wedding! Hahahaa!
His sister, Stephanie, looks damn gorgeous.. Seriously.. I think I wear the outfit now not very fitting lei..
But tonight's one... My dress is quite okay la.. Hmm.. More about that later.
And I'm at my Grandma's house typing this from the small small Isus laptop.. No.. Netbook.. :) So cute! Even got the 1.3 Megapixel camera.. Not bad for a.. Netbook.. xD
Anyway, lemme talk more about yesterday!
Yesterday, I met my friend from Australia.. Well.. From Singapore but migrated to Australia in 2002.. Joyce Yeoh! Omg.. She is still as fit and as healthy as ever, I swear. :) Haha! Then originally, I intended to buy my dress on my own at Paya Lebar at This Fashion... Cos I paisei to go shopping with people.. But then she and I went shopping together!
I know her from Primary School and I never ever went out shopping with her before. Never went to the movies before. It's just plain hi and bye literally.
So yesterday for the first time I went out shoppng with her! Haha! To hunt for my evening dress for today..
I tried on this dress that covered from boob down.. Don't know what the term for the dress is called but anyway, I looked pretty nice in it. Okay laa.. But i really never knew I had the guts to show it to my friend whom I've never gone shopping with before, much less the movies.
This coming Thursday, I'll be meeting her again to go back to SAC.. Primary not Secondary. :)
Anyway, in the evening was XUE QI'S 21ST BIRTHDAY PARTY!
Ming Fei, aka Lao PiaoPiao's boyfriend and of course, Lao PiaoPiao herself, picked me up from one of the bus stops after my church service at around 6PM. Then we went to the chalet together! :)
The chalet was damn freaking nice can! Everyone was swooning and swooning nd swooning over the chalet. It can be really called a resort. It's so good good good! :)
Chee Yan made good chocoate fondue but unfortunately I couldn't try it out man.. I was upstairs in one of the rooms, drawing out Xue Qi's present.. Haha! Then when Xue Qi was upstairs, she say what.. I was upstairs emoing and drawing.. HAHA! So funny. When I heard from PX, I was giggling away..
Those who were there, Lao Piao, Me, Rina Darling, Mabel, Chee Yan, Kelly, Elspeth, Ms Siok Kia (Yeah she came back for a while..) and of course the VIP: XUE QI!
We all really so excited and we were like going really crazily high high high! Just sibei high man. :)
They gave Xue Qi a nice facial.. WITH CAKE!
And Ms Siok Kia suddenly put cake onto my face! ARGH! I screamed man.. They gave me a moustache too. Or at least Kelly did.. I never knew she had such a malicious streak in her. xD! Haha! So funny la that girl! And Elspeth really couldn't stop laughing.. She really like little ball of fluff.. Heehee!
Pictures will come up soon soon.. When I'm not lazy to upload into the computer.. Haha! yeah.. These few days very lazy.. Later on still have to do Accounting otherwise I have no time to do Accounting Tutorial.. Damn sian.
Come to think of it, I still have to do quite a few things lei..
My accunting tutorial notes, Study for Culi Science Theory Test, do my individual reflection journal for the FEM Project.. Hais..
And ohoh! On a side note, I GOT MY INTERNSHIP ALREADY! :)
I'm being posted at RCI Asia.. :) With Zhuo Hwa.. I dunno who else managed to get in though.. This company is going to be quite interesting.
Anyway about today.. Hahaa! I'm so excited! I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I'M JUST SO EXCITED! Tonight, I have to prepare a lot of things.. I need to go for Eyebrow Shaping, do up my manicure, Do up my hair, change into my dress. EEEEEE! Omg last time I juust wear so simple one I swear.. :)
I love my new dress. I bought it from Valerie at Tampines Mall for $45.90.. :) I will be wearing it more often often often!
I'm going to go.. I'm going home home home.. :) Then I'll start preparing for tonight's dinner.. I'll be putting up pictures along with Xue's Qi's Birthday! but I have to repeat this: if I'm not lazy to upload to Blogger.
But people at the birthday party, I will send it to you guys via email.. Don't worry. Really! ^_^
P.S: Gorgor Bobby's tux very 18th Century.. HAHA! IMO, from side view, he looks very vampirish with his hair all made up.. AND JIE JOEY LOOKS DAMN DAMN PRETTY AND SEXY! Haha! *whistles*
OliOli-PooPoo swooned over the moon at 9:06AM. :)
Thursday, January 08, 2009; 11:02 pm
Damn. If only I could dance like that.
And if only George Sampson was 5-7 years older. (14 year old.. -__-)
George Sampson - Headz Up Official Video
Gorgeous. Dancing AND George. Just damn gorgeous. *swoons*
I'm still in shock. This is the result after nearly 4 years man..
7th January 2009.
Great way to start the year!
And I'm going to level up to 71 to get my Strafe skill up up up!!! ~^_^~
OliOli-PooPoo used her Strafe skill on anything possible even on a puny green snail at 10:23PM. :))) (She fainted after seeing the skill. INSTANT KO! xD)
PS: I know it's pretty ironic after the previous post. But HELL! I have to vent my frustrations SOMEWHERE. :)
Tuesday, January 06, 2009; 4:18 pm
Exhausted beyond imagination
I'm so exhausted beyond anything I've ever imagine. I've just received my results for SSM and MICE and I'm extremely disappointed in myself. Even though I know that I say, "For SSM Prof test 1, I pass can already la!" I just know that deep in my heart, I know.. I could have done much more better.
Even for my Fest Inidividual Report.. I actually expected something more. I put in so much thinking and especially effort into my report.. And this is what I get. So shit. Fest really sucked. Sucked Sucked Sucked. Hais.. Can this day get any worse?
Not to mention that the Glossary Test yesterday sucked. Everyone including myself tikam tikam throughout the whole damn paper. What we all know as "Take the eraser, turn it into a dice and start rolling" for the answers..
I think for my Accounting mid-sem also suck. Even though I haven't receive my results yet but somehow, when I look at the paper, I have a sinking feeling. Hais. Just plain suck. I MAXIMUM can only get 24 marks for the test. Upon 40. UPON 40! Die la.
And my Accounting is currently standing at a C.
I think I need to push myself even harder. I thought that this semester I would do really well. But it turns out that I'm only excelling at only one subject which is a CDS. -__- So depressed beyond depressed. I'm really slacking too much.
MICE, FEST, Accounting, Culi and SSM. What to do? What to do?? Tell me!
This Sem, I have a hunch that I'll see myself as a 2.xx already. At least MICE, there's the final year exam to buck up for. Hais. I've got to start on my FEM Reflection Paper now. NOW. I've got to get all my teachers and lecturers' help. Slap me please. I need to wake up to reality and stop dreaming and playing. Stupid holiday mood.
But this is not the time to mope man.. I've got to stop reading my manga, stop playing with my games, stop playing the DS and PSP.
It's all got to stop.
I have to focus otherwise my aim to achieve back my 3.20 GPA, I can kiss GOODBYE.
Exhausted. Need sleep. Need relaxation.
Saturday, January 03, 2009; 3:34 am
Even though I may be 2 days, 4 hours and 10 minutes late, I still think I'm justified to say that. :)
Anyway, there's been a HELL lot of things happening so far in my life.. I want it to settle down soon though..
Okay.. So I shall just list it:
A big big thank you to those who got me Christmas Presents! And a big, big, BIIIG, warm thank you to those who also wished me Merry Christmas on 25th and Happy New Year on the 1st.. :) It's really so sweet from all of you guys.. *Heart melts* Eheehee! :)
EOY Cosfest 2008 was DAAAMN fun~ 5515 danced pretty good in my opinion! ~^_^~ JYJY! Hopefully we can get another choreo to further expand this dance group! :) For those who want the video, please SMS me or IM me online! I'll be more than willing to send it to you through MSN~ Lucas, Froggie, Nina and Ada cosplayed as random high school characters and I must say they looked pretty good! ^^ Ehehheh!
I'm having a rehearsal today at 10AM for Open House and this is the last rehearsal.. I hope I can pull this off..
Sleepover at my house on 31st December 2008! We popped Sparkling Juice bottles (Yes. No champagne. Think we that rich ah?? xD) Sadly, some of the more important people couldn't come because of my DAMN DAMN phone. I sent the SMSes but apparently it didn't get through. Le Sigh~
Anyway! There's was so many things that happened at the sleepover and I'm not sure if i even have the time to cover all of it.. We watched "Ratatouille" - Last movie watched for 2008and "Mr and Mrs Smith" - First movie watched for 2009.. Both movies were incredibleeeeeee~ Haha!
We also bought chocolate cake for my sister 'cos her birthday is on the 5th January.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS!!! :) Wish you loads and loads of luck, fortune and happyness this 2009!
Rusty barked at my sister's boyfriend's dog (The maid brought him up) and Rusty just ferociously barked bark barked and nearly went out of the door to bite him until my sister quickly put the door carem board at the door to stop them.. We mentioned: That's Rusty's way of saying "Happy New Year!" Hahaha!
And not to mention that I screamed out of the window:
No. I was NOT under the influence of alcohol.
I got back my results for OTCM and it was PRETTY GOOD! ~^_^~ I shan't say much here except for a little giggle. ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KE EN! :) Stay smiling and happy always!
We also had a sleepover at Lucas's on Christmas Day! We played Rockband, Taboo and I managed to play ez2on on his laptop!!! SQUEAL! Happyness! ~_^
Today, I went to watch 7 Pounds with PX, Ning Zhi and Jia Hong! During the movie, we talked a lot of cock la!
We deduced, or technically, I deduced that Will Smith looked like a pervert whenever he smiled.
So each time he was about to smile, I kept on grabbing PX and muttering, "Please don't smile please don't smile.."
I mean.. All of us should be more accustomed to the Will Smith that rarely smiles. The stoically macho man who acted in MIB? I just... Can't... Get.. Over.. ARGH! THAT smile!
OTCM Project left to do... (That was really random.)
Assistant for Monday SSM. Hais.. Help. (Though I doubt there would be any problems with Viona around! ^^)
I'm sleepy and tired 'cos it's 4:30AM in the morning.
I've just found new songs to sway to and to go crazy to. an example is the song that I just changed in my blog. The Way That I Do by Marcos Hernandez! ~^_^~ *HEART HEART HEART*
I'm going to cosplay asHaru from Katekyo Hitman Reborn again! For a photo shoot! Now only waiting for the date to be settled!SINDYYYYYYYYYYYYY~ I'm so excited! ~^_^~
Bedtime stories was AWESOME. You should go watch! :) My rating: 4/5 stars!
SSM test on Monday at 5PM and I have to memorize 258 terms that spans over 21 full pages.. Great.
I'm having a case of STML again.. And I can't seem to remember or recall anything that I've done recently.. Just too many! xD
I'm getting reaaaaaally reaaaally random so I better go sleep.. :) :) :) Ahhh.. The bliss of lying on my comfy bed. And mind you. It's really comfy... REAAAAALLY comfy. Yeah. ~^_^~
Okay! It's enough.. Projects to do tomorrow.. Main Comm Meeting to attend tomorrow. Rehearsal to go for tomorrow. Noticeboard to help clear as well. And church. Church. Church. Church. Should I go on Sunday? :S
TORTIE (My beloved toy turtle) HERE I COME! We shall enjoy the slow journey towards Lalaland together!
Get into good uni DS Lite + Games Bow Master (MS) Konami Original Controller (KOC) PSP PS3 ITouch Blackberry Phone 9th Dan in IIDX Clear 37s (Pop'n) New Laptop/Desktop Japanese Lessons Drum Lessons Earphones Travel with friends Bags (Backpack/Sling) - Crumpler/Zinc Havaianas