Thursday, October 30, 2008; 9:47 pm
Toilet Daydreams~
I have no idea why why why.. But lately, I've been thinking of a lot of stuff when I bathe. Weird right??
I suppose that shouldn't be too odd.. Coming from a person like me.
Anyway, I didn't really wanna see that depressing previous post on the top of my page lest people have a wrong impression of me when they stumble upon my blog for the first time.. xD Ha! Like people ever do..
Anyway, I realised that I like shopping. Window shopping.
I can't shop 'cos I have absolutely no form of cash to spare. T___T The cruel fate of my pocket. Moreover, we're going into
It's times like these that I wish we were going for
RECESS and not
RECESS-ION. =____=
Okay. Okay. Lame jokes aside. The point of this post is that:
I'm a woman inside but I don't show it. There are actually many things I like, you know?? Even though I don't really give a darn about how I look on normal days..
As you all SHOULD know.. But if you wanna drag me along for shopping.. I'm all yours man! Just give me the ring! Haha! (Unless I busy la..)
I like:- Vests especially those black ones.. Like the ones that you wear for bartending? xD
- Those Japanese-style tops? I have one at home.. I think. xD
- Shirts like my Penguin shirt that my sis bought for me from Thailand.. Those cute cartoonie ones. And shirts that go well with shorts which will be mentioned below..
- Shorts (Made of jeans material) <-THIS ONE!
- Goth outfits~ Yeah man! I'm weird but whatever you think man! I'm just me~
- Baggy baggy pants (Kim-style! Like the ones with the strings. JCG people would know what I mean.)
- Skinny jeans. I like skinnies - Bell-bottom style.. (I know I know.. I'm retro. xD)
- Dresses... Certain ones. I have specific tastes.
- Boots :) Loved them ever since I set my eyes on them when I was a kid.
- Nice nice slippers. :)
- BAGS... Bags bags and more bags.. Certain types please. You'd know only if you have ever gone shopping with me.
- As for accessories - I never wear bracelets or anklets. Love chokers, rings, necklaces, earrings~
Not to intend any form of "proudness", "nose-up-there-in-the-ozone-layer" or anything.. But I think I have quite an okay sense of fashion. :) Haha! Self-praise is not praise but international disgrace. Yes yes I know..
But you know you know!!! (Haha.. I'm so excited!) When I tend to
dress up.. Hmmm.. I actually look pretty good. :) Haha!
I know you're puking.. I KNOW YOU ARE!!! Don't ask me how. I just know.
But Oli is Oli man! When it comes to the normal days, I don't give a damn about how I look! As long as I look decent enough, I'm happy~But I'm thinking of giving my wardrobe a "facelift" though I don't know if you guys out there wanna pei me. Plus, I'm kinda short on cash so I think to go window shopping would be my best bet till I set my eyes on something I totally adore and must absolutely get my filthy little hands on. :)
Shopping to one corner since the stupid recession has begun. T___T
Anyway, I like our Festival and Events Management
(FEM) tutor.. Ms Sandra Goh! She's damn cute! Especially with her laughter and when she laughs to herself... She can never fail to make us laugh with that laugh of hers! Hahaa! Me and PX find her damn cute la! :)
Hmmm.. Management Accounting
(MA) tutor quite boring. Zzzzz. Can fall asleep. JunJun quite lucky.. She got quite a good tutor for this subject.
Service Skills Methodology.
(SSM) Don't. Even. Talk. About. It.Culinary Science
(Culi) was pretty good actually.. I did soups this week and I was totally pooped out after the session. Was knocked out unconscious by the pillow. xD
Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions
(MICE).. Is tomorrow.. So I have no comments so far. But lecture was preeeeeetty boring. The lecturer can spend
30 minutes on 1 slide.. Can you imagine??
Over-The-Counter Medication
(OTCM) starts only next week.
This subject absolutely no lectures. And tutorials start only in week 3! :) WHOO!!! So excited!
Okay. My class is quite okay la.. xD
Got VIONA! Haha! :) Also got a few great girls like Ruth, Sherine, Elspeth and Elvina~ I miss Shirley, Izzah and Mabel already.. And there's CMI-fied.. PX, JunJun, Ning Zhi, Ke En.. *sob*
Hais.. Hope to make lots of friends in the class though. xD Quite scared.. This semester is going to be PRET-TAY fun~ :) Hopefully.
The post is getting long and I have to do 5 things now:
1) My homework for tomorrow, MA Tutorial 1 & 2 and notes for MICE!
2) Play my Gyakuten Saiban till I finish off.. And begin Apollo Justice *Now at final chapter!*
3) Play Perfect World
4) Plan for Halloween Event on Saturday! :)
5) Call Furt! :) And sleep early tonight!
Not to mention I've yet to take pictures of my new spectacles! :) Whoo!
Anyway, HAPPY HALLOWEEN IN ADVANCE PEOPLE!!!OliOli-PooPoo signed off with a condescending cackle at 10:34PM.
Sunday, October 26, 2008; 2:32 am
A Tangled Feeling
Why do I have this funny tangled feeling in me.. I'm looking at the world around me.. And my friends.. I've got to block it out. Stop this mess. Stop everything. Shut it up. Close up this emotional heart of mine. Just stop. I'm just driving myself insane from the thoughts, the memories.. Don't ask. Don't. I'll be fine after a night's rest. But for now, I'm getting this really sad feeling. A feeling I'm getting from everyone and myself. It feels like a heavy burden. Suffocating me and killing me slowly. A feeling that just can't go away no matter what I do.
I'm crying. But there's no more tears left.
Now playing:
Avril Lavigne - Things I'll Never Sayvia FoxyTunes
Thursday, October 23, 2008; 9:59 pm
I kinda got out of the toilet just now and I was thinking about how fickle-minded I really am.
Seriously. No. I mean seriously.
But what can I say? I'm a Libra-ian. xD And by nature, I would change my opinions really easily. And it's pretty simple to fool me as well as I believe in people's words real quick and fast unless I know my facts..
It's a no wonder my Dad and Xiaxue are my role models. xD They fight for their own rights, their own opinions and they state out boldly and clearly about what THEY think. :) I wanna be like that too. Hey! It's not wrong, right?
I've been too much of a peace-maker that sometimes, when I make a stand and get someone out there disliking me, I take back my words and apologise. I care too much. Example: Celeste incident. xD Brings back fooooooond memories eh?
I'm always the one to have to step forward and apologise when I'm not at the wrong.. Or both ends are at the wrong and I'm the only side that apologises and makes up... It's happened far too many times to count. Lol.
So I asked myself while I was taking a nice, warm bath...
Why should I give in?If I know I'm right, and I've done the right thing. Why should I apologise? Why should I eat back my words when I know that it's MY opinion and why should I be afraid? I've got many good friends who trust me and support me through and through.. (Unless I do something really wrong then.. They would advice me la!)
Maybe it's the peace of mind that I get when I know that there's one less person out there hating me for what I've done/said. xD But I know that's not right.
The "sorries" don't mean a DAMN thing when I know in my heart that it's not what I think. I admire Xiaxue for her boldness and never to back down. Never to give up. I admire my dad for being able to possess a bold courage. A man that is fearless in what he does. Who never backs down.
With his eyes, his stare can kill someone and send a shiver down their spine.
"You wanna play with me?"
ARGH! How I wish I could be like that... To stand my ground and to
HECK CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!. :) Maybe I shall try to be like that. Just like how I changed from Primary School when I willed myself to change.. From an self-centred, obnoxious brat to a much better person.. (I don't wanna say what you guys think about me 'cos there's just too many of you! xD)
Maybe I shall change yet again. :)
Change is continuous. Hopefully for the better..
for now, sad to say that my opinions sway like leaves flying in the wind..
Speaking about the wind.. Today, I went to order my specs! I order from my family optometrist at Bedok Interchange so I didn't order from the one nearby Blk 85.. *
Sorry Mic! T_T* And I shall post up pics when I get the specs. :)
*Speaking of which, I need to send lots and lots of photos to certain people. Ahem Ahem. ~Scurries away to send photos and waits for photos to be zipped~
As for the 12th October photos.. Must wait more.. Got more pics. And I'm using YouSendIt... The uploading time for YouSendIt is amazingly slow.. Anyway, they will send you an email that goes to their website and you can download the whole file from there. And since the email is from YouSendIt, check your junk emails and make sure you don't delete it! Make sure you go download fast 'cos the link has an expiry date!*Anyway, I got the receipt and I was supposed to show the receipt to collect the glasses on Saturday..
And when I got home.. I left it in my jeans pocket.. And then at about 9:30PM, I took it out and put it in my table. The sky was red and it was about to rain..
And WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!A huge wind came and blew my receipt out of the window like some butterfly in flight!!!
So my Dad went down and told me to stay upstairs but I didn't care.. xD
I RAAAAAAAAN downstairs and I was frantically searching here.. There.. EVERYWHERE! O______ODidn't manage to find it in the end so I called the shop to tell them about it.. *sigh*
After that incident my Dad called me
"THE HEADLESS CHICKEN RUNNING ON THE LOOSE."Haha! So damn funny! My mum was laughing so hard. xD
And my receipt is out there somewhere soaked wet after the rain.. T_T
And I wanted to talk about the time Me, Piao Xue, Jun Jun, Jia Hong and Pun celebrated me and PX's Birthday!
We were eating steamboat at the TopOne there and they give free flow of beef, chicken and mutton!!! O_O I was like.. O_O Great food there! Buffet for $20~ xDDD
Anyway, we went to Mind's Café again and OMG so fun! We all laughed like siao! Especially the game called
SNORTA! Damn damn fun! Basically, each person has
a stack of cards (Which they are not supposed to look) and
an animal. So everyone takes turns to open one card from from the top of their stack and when one picture matches another card, the two people would have to shout out
the sound of the animal of the other person. (Eg: Pig = Oink, Snake = Ssssss)
So happens, my animal was a
chicken and the other person has to say COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO.
I kenna with furt.
And I stoned and forgot. As usual.
So I just panicked, point at him furiously and went:
Furt went:
COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK!!!IT'S COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO LA! What cock cock cock cock.. Talk cock only..Everybody couldn't stop laughing la~! xD
Anyway, I watched the show called "
I Survived A Japanese Game Show" and my Dad couldn't stop laughing anf laughing and laughing. Brought tears to his eyes. xD
Watch it! It's damn hilarious! It's held in Japan and the Japanese people go to the studio to watch and laugh as the Americans make a fool out of themselves. But knowing the nature of the sporting Americans, they just laugh it off and take it in their stride. xDD!! EFFING HILARIOUS!
And another random thing:
I saw on New 5 Tonight.. This
Animatronics.. Food style~ It's by this guy called Bansky and it's pretty funny and pretty cool! Just read this article
here.. :) Or type in "Bansky's Pet Shop" or "Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill" to search for it. Laughing away when I saw it. Wicked sick! xD
Anyway, that's enough of randomness to fill you for one day so I'll be going to deliver the pictures to the respective, jiggling, anticipating Inboxes! :)
On a side note: Try the songs from
Jonas brothers and
James Morrison. xD Pretty good singers and I especially like Jonas Brothers and their song called "
Lovebug".. :)
OliOli-PooPoo went chasing after her eternally flying receipt at 10:59PM.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008; 2:47 pm
Party Time // RECESSION!
Recession coming. Need to put off buying my PSP, DSi and Laptop on hold at the moment. T____T
This is the period whereby:
- The richest become richer.
- The richer become rich.
- The rich become average.
- The average become poor.
- The poor become poorer.
- The poorer become the poorest
- And the poorest still stay where they are and don't get affected at all. :) Well, except for their increase in their numbers when the poorer joins their ranks.
There goes my allowance. :P
And I really don't know whether I should even go for a mini shopping spree to celebrate the end of my job of 3 weeks. xD But I think laptops would be a MUCH better investment.
Anyway... Moving on. :)
These few days, I keep on getting heart attacks till it makes me wonder how does my heart just take it all in..
Note: Pictures to be uploaded soon soon soon! Let's begin from Day 1.
DAY 1 (Friday): YA KWANG!!!
Present:Me, Furt, Ben and Darryl
I went to Ya Kwang to eat and makan makan! Omg! So damn damn full la! :) We had Shabu Shabu and lots of pretty great food. You can call my tummy "Flabby The Second" already. Or The Laughing Buddha. Whichever that fits your fancies.
Menu: Shabu Shabu, Crab Tang Hoon, Ribeye Cubes
(Don't know what's the original name..)Whoa!
If I didn't get my dad's genes, I'd have put on a hell lot of weight after the whole thing. :)
Ben and Darryl were the ones that treated me that night and little did I know that this day was a part of their inconspicuous plan..
By the way.. Ben, Darryl... Are you trying to fatten me up?
Don't lieeeeee! xD
THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!!! You guys ROCK!Jason (The Store Owner, whom I got to know through the credits of Ben) also wished me a real big Happy Birthday by giving me his prized possession called Curry Chicken Wings
FOR FREE!!! $5 Leh!!! And I gave them all to my parents, who said that it was damn
Go to Ya Kwang before Jason moves to Australia and closes down the shop! 30th/31st October! :) Don't regret it man!DAY 2 (SAT): JCG OUTING :) Present:
Me, Furt, Darryl, Lucas, Michelle, An Zhen, Johan, Cui Shan, Jeannette, Di-Yang
First, we met up at Dhoby Ghaut at 1PM and we went to watch a movie called:
Burn After Reading. The movie was TOTALLY UTTERLY nonsensical!!! And there were so many parts that were so stupid..
Shit."Would you like to claim your... Highly Classified.. Shit?"
The movie was superbly funny! It's these kinda times that you just realise that even as old as Brad Pitt may seem, he looks young enough to play a comic relief in this movie.. xDDD And to pull it off DAMN WELL! I always thought he was born to do those kinda action movies like James Bond and Oceans Series...
And never thought he could pull off the role of a
FRAT BOY! HAHA!And the rocking chair! Don't even get me started!
It was sooooo drama mama and we expect something soooooooo much more when he pulled back that chair...
But noooo.. A dildo had to just pop out of the rocking chair.
What kind of husband encourages his woman to masterbate while rocking a chair??? O_O
Horny dude."CLASSIFIED SHIT" END!Okay! ENOUGH MAN! I laughed till the guy in front of me turned around and said, "What's so funny???" Man. That was embarrassing..
Everything's embarrassing these days!!! Maybe it occurs whenever I think my birthday's around the corner.. So I shall call it "
The Birthday Syndrome".
Anyway, after the movie, we went to the arcade, had our little dose of fun and laughter and went back at 11PM. :) Played a little bit of "Perfect World" after that and then went to sleep. And NING ZHI! That darling... She called me
from Taiwan just to wish me a great, big
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!OKAY!THE BIG DAY! SUNDAY!The day that I got a MASSIVE heart attack.
The day that my soul got cut away from my body.
The day that I grew wings and travelled the whole world.
The day that I took some of the Yakitate!! Japan bread and my soul flew up to the skies above.
The time that I got sent to the hospital 'cos I was brain dead.
Get the picture?
Okay. So let's begin.
In the morning, I was in a pensive mood and I started thanking everyone who had wished me a Happy Birthday SMS.. Being 18 opened hell lot of new doors for me.. And you're only 18 for 1 year... so I was thinking of life.. Thinking of friends.. Family.. The outside world.. Collecting my thoughts and just reflecting.. Thinking about how lucky I was to be born in the comfy country called Singapore despite being put under all the pressures of work and studies since age 4. :)
But in a sense, I felt kinda sad too. Because when my mind wanders, it goes to every nook and cranny of my fond memories and my worst memories as well.. Wondering how everyone was doing and thinking of all the fun, happy and sad times. In secondary school when we always went to the "BESTO PLACE" and when I got first introduced to the term called "
Maple Story" and "
LAN Shop"..
I even visited Whimple's old blog
here.. :)
Anyway, after all the yaddadieee and yaddadaaaa, I met Furt and went to mass together.
After mass, Furt went "Home" and I went out with my 4.6 gang.. But it was just the 5 of us..
Me, Donkay, SharShar, Melly Mummy and Pretty Cherlie! :)
We caught up on the old times, the new times, the now times, the everytime. Whatever time la. :) And we went to Dhoby Ghaut.. Again. *Yes we did..* To play at "
The Mind Cafe" and we had a blast man!
I found out some new info from the Game (True Colors) we played at Mind's. This game is based on our general opinion.
- Mummy Mel would be chosen as Perfect Earth Specimen.
- Mummy Mel wouldn't tell a lie.
- Mummy Mel is Arty-Farty.
- Mummy Mel is generous with her money.
- All of us would want Mummy Mel as our child.
- All of us would want to switch relatives with Mummy Mel's.
- Donkay has the best maths amongst us.
- Donkay and SharShar would be the one whom we can trust our car keys with.
- SharShar would be the one sitting next to the President.
- SharShar and I have good musical taste.
- Cherlie is a "party people".
I've got lots of mine though.. 'Cos I remembered them quite well! :)
- The 4 of them think I sleep alot and is usually late. (If you don't know this, you don't know me.)
- The 4 of them think I can't handle a car.. (HAHA!)
- The 4 of them think I would have the most Beautiful Baby Photo.
- The 4 of them think I would be the one committing a crime.
- The 4 of them think I can do impossible physical feats. (Think Connexion. :) If you don't know about this, just ask me in real life. I'll gladly tell you.)
- The 4 of them think I would be the one to do the handyman's work. (EG: Plumbing)
- The 4 of them think I would be the one to solve a mystery and be inquisitive.
- The 4 of them think I would be the one to haggle down the price no matter what.
- The 4 of them would think my life is the most exciting.
- The 4 of them would wanna observe my dreams the most. xDDD ('Cos I'm too crazy already..)

Anyway, since that day was my birthday, I got a photo from them with a picture of the 5 of us!
T_____________________________TAnyway, later part of the day, it got pretty exciting. The 2 Mels: Mummy and Donkay and I went around window shopping at Daiso and MPH (We sat there reading Guinness Book of World Records 2009 for about 1/2 hour) till they brought me to the Esplanade and gave me the
SHOCK of my life. xDDD
I called it: The Collision of my Whole World.ALL THE GROUPS WERE THERE (Except for CMI-fied)!!!
I just stood there..
And faked fainted right there and then on the spot when I saw them..
The best part of it was... The guard was there and he TOTALLY PANICKED WHEN I FAKED FAINTED! HAHAA! You should've seen his face! He was like:
And another thing was that all of them panicked 'cos I came too early.. LIKE THIS:

- Furt
- Darryl
- Michelle
- Lucas
- Cui Shan
- Jeannette
- Di-Yang
- Mummy Mel
- Donkay
- Ben
- Mark
- Matthew
HAHA! Omg.. I just started crying when I went outside about 5 minutes later. Omg.. My head was too
SMALL and too dizzy to comprehend everything that was happening.. O_O
And then, the tears of joy just began to flow.
Then when I cried again.. Again, they went:

'Cos they didn't expect such a big reaction from me! So touched.. :')
HA! So I gave MY OWN surprise! By fainting! Hahahaha!
So funny!
So they all went to the river side and blew out the candles on my ICE CREAM RUM & RAISIN CAKE FROM GELARé!!! OMFGGGG~I'm 12 years old btw...
(Inside joke.)And guess what they bought me for a present..
O_________________O1. A WONDERFUL BIIIIG BIIIIG PHOTO ALBUM2. A BLOODY CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! There goes another on my "Wanted List"!
*In case you haven't noticed, on the right side panel of my blog.*A ****ING CAMERA!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!








Okay. Enough spamming.
THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS! EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THIS CAUSE!!! OMG! I don't even dare bring it out now for the fear of it getting stolen.
- My sis for the DKNY perfume!
- Luanie for the cute "Ferris Wheel" and the reusable box!
- Nise for the half-painted house!
- Jit for the wonderful list of quotes!
- Cheryl Lin for the cookies!
- Di-Yang for the Famous Amos Cookies!
- Grace for the bracelet charm!
- EVERYONE FOR THE PHOTO ALBUM AND THE CAMERA!!! And the "Go-Green Recharageable Batteries".. xD
Omg.. This post is effing long and I've been typing for 2 hours.
Anyway, to cut this
already long post short,
FIRST FEW PICTURES in the next post. :)
Special Thanks to the Dance Crew and Di-Yang and Ada for doing the birthday surprise on MONDAY during Drawing Session too! I finally blew out my proper 18 candles and not 12!!! :)
Okay! Time to knock off work to get to the Audition at
REDHILL! (Argh.. So far!)
See ya and toodles!

to the Auditions at 4:30PM.

Friday, October 10, 2008; 12:06 pm
Embarassing moment @ Work
MY PUNGSAI! I did the MOST embarassing thing EVER!
There was a visitor in our office and and he was
talking to my BOSS. And I was hungry 'cos never ate breakfast yet... T____T
So I took out my cornflakes - Milo for my breakfast and wanted to eat it later.
BUT unconsciously, I opened the packet of flakes to satisfy my growling tummy.
AAANNNDDD, that's not all..
I unconsciously offered it to the both of them...
*Soul comes out through the mouth and promptly faints on the floor*That was sooooooo embarassing!
*hides in one corner and never faces the sunshine again*ARGH! The embarassment! The shame! I can't take it!
Fullstop. Next event.
I am going to be going for an audition next Tuesday.. Wish me luck!My tummy calls out for lunch. Perhaps 2nd update later.
OliOli-PooPoo caused a 3.5 on the richter scale from her tummy growling at 12:14PM.
Thursday, October 09, 2008; 10:04 am
Blue Sky, Great Day
This is a really short and random post.
There's nothing better than a stroll along the pavement in the busy streets of Singapore before going to work. People can't help but drive along in their little air-conditioned boxes of what they call cars and can't ever pause to admire the environment. :)
Today, while walking along the streets to the bus-stop, the first thing I saw was a lot of fog and dust..
But with the sunlight streaming through the many many trees lined up along the pavement.. It was a REALLY pretty sight. ^^ (Except for the parts whereby the trees couldn't block me and the sunlight kept getting to my eyes. =___=)
Sadly, no camera. So I couldn't get the chance to snap a picture..
But it sorta looked like this:
Isn't it lovely?I felt like I was in some sort of wonderland with forest rabbits and trees all around. Pure magic. Think Enid Blyton and her Magic Faraway Tree. :)
BUT ONLY WHEN YOU LOOK UP. When you look back to your eye-level, reality just comes crashing down and you just go:
"... Oh yeah. I have work today."But it made me feel a sense of peace that only nature can give you, which was a great way to start a great day..
Peace out yo!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008; 3:40 pm
Quiz from Doodooyang~ Quiz from Sharshar who got it from Debbie~
Before anything, I shall tag whoever reads this blog!!! xDDD
THE QUIZ (From Doodooyang!)
"Answer the questions below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of explanation."
1) The age you'll be on your next birthday:
Legal 18~!
2) A place you'd like to travel to:
The Land of the Rising Sun~
3) Your favourite food:
Western Delights~ 
4) Your favourite pet:
Puppies and Kitties!!!
5) Your favourite song:
Houkiboshi by Younha ~^_^~

6) Your favourite TV show:
DUH! Whose Line is it Anyway!

7) Your screen name/nickname:
*1st & 2nd picture on Google was photobucket. Couldn't be seen. And 3rd - 5th picture had to be downloaded. This is the 6th picture.*
8) Your first job:
Not as Sexy as her though. My hair was frizzled.
9) Your dream job:
10) A bad habit you have:
Being distracted..
11) The thing you'd like to do before you die:
Too many to list
YEP! Now for the other one!ANOTHER QUIZ (From Beloved Sharshar!)
This one is preeeeetty accurate.. :) And these are my results!
Kudos to Shar who gives her Kudos to Debbie (The list eternally goes on.) which ultimately gives all their kudos to this website: are Gold Raccoon, who display an easy outlook, and are very graceful.
You give an impression of typical traditional Japanese women.
You are always quiet, and will not speak out your thoughts openly. Do I???
Your modesty and gracefulness will avoid friction,
and will be able to make the harsh atmosphere turn friendly.
You tend to
forget things easily and make easy promises.
But your cheerful and
active character pays for those weak points.
It may be a good idea if
you take notes.
You don't think things seriously, and people may think
you to be too indifferent.
This may be a good thing to do sometimes, but
it may also result in you losing important things and people.
But once
you set an objective, your concentration is amazing.
Once you start on
something, you will accomplish the goal no matter what.
Unlike your
pretty atmosphere, in real life, you are very active person, and although you
may look sensitive, you have great nerve and guts.
You also possess
observing eyes towards people, and have great talent and know how to get on in
You act as though you are weak towards men, but really you are
the one manipulating them successfully. ??? WTH!
You are likely to make your husband a dominating one.
You are
more interested in your career than your love life.
But once you fall in
love, you get extremely passionate, and will attack with all your heart and mind
and strength.
After getting married, you will put all your energy into
your family.
Back to work~! Ciaoness~!
(Actually, I just got released from work... :P )
Monday, October 06, 2008; 9:50 am
Sian sian day
I'm at work now and I'm so damn sleepy.. Hais.
I don't have really much to update but I still have some stuff that I have to say..
HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY, ADA! (7th October)
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, NISE! (8th October)
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, JOYCE! (17th October)
HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY, MIC MOI! (28th October)
There.. I'd rather do it all in one shot than one by one post and post and forgetting who I even wished for!!!
And since I'm a REAAALLY forgetful person.. Do remind me if I have forgotten. (Sorry for being so blunt about forgetting your birthday out there.) T______T
Next:I'm a Grandmaster DJ at last! (DJMax)
That's one wish off the wishlist! ^^
I'm not proud. I just wanna spread my joy. xD (What a load of bulldung.)
Other targets for DJMax:
- Get 999 999 combo in freestyle.
- Complete all 70 Missions
- Level 99-ness
- Get all the unlockables
- Play count till 2500 (Excluding missions)
Get all the discs (Impossible)
Where I'm at:
- 30 000 Combo
- 66th Mission
- Level 95-ness
- DUH. Not all unlocked.
- 500 play count
I'm going crazy at work. I tell you. And my boss is reaaaaaaally damn damn nice.
That's really random.
And I'm reaaaaaaaaaaally into Perfect World
INTERNATIONAL. Bought this Starter Pack for $5 at Comics Connection.
Turns out it was for Perfect World
MALAYSIA . Dammit.
It's like a Chinese Version of WoW except that
I like it. Why?
It's FREE.Beat that WoW! (Sorry Darryl.)
Toodles! :)
PS: This was just a reaaaaaaaaaaaally random post 'cos I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bored.