No right-clicking please! (:
Please ask instead! :D
Sunday, August 31, 2008; 11:10 pm
I need to say this I need to say this!!!
So happy! So happyyyy!!! ~~
:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
So happy So happyyyy!!! ~~ Flood of smileys... AGAIN!!!
:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
<3 <3 <3
The miracle of a man growing up! Whoa.. Especially for this fella to get SUUUCH a pretty girlfriend.. Whoa. MUST TAKE CARE HOR!!! Don't take care of her I SMAAAAAAAAAAACK you. Remember. True friends give you a tight slap in the face even when you don't need one. Haha! :) Anyway, have a blessed relationship, you both!
With the happiness, comes the sadness.
Many things just happened like the death of a model/actor: Lee Eon whom, you may recognise as the dumb, blur, loving guy Min-Yup in Coffee Prince. And so happens to be one of my favourite characters. *sigh*
This is an excerpt from the Anime, which consist of only 11 episodes T____T, introduced to me by DI-YANG! (Thanks to you, I've introduced it to at least 5 other people already~)
Moyashimon - Tales of Agriculture
And omgosh... SWOON. So CUTE!
Basically, this is a story about a boy named Tadayasu who can see, hear, feel and understand microbes like Yeast, Malt, Yogurt and whatever that is out there without a microscope. He can identify them not from having studied but from seeing them in daily life. He and his friend Kei are accepted into a university on the outer edge of Tokyo - an Agricultural University, where he is forced to prove his ability by a pair of goofy scientists. And he grew up in a brewery by the way.. Which kinda explains why A. Oryzae is the main microbe star of the show.
But the BEST PART is: He doesn't see them the way you see them in a microscope like this:
A microbe under a microscope
In fact, you see them in this REALLY REALLY adorable form:
How Tadayasu sees them in his daily life.
To add on to the information above:
A. Oryzae (Yeast) - Makes sake and is the main bacteria of the anime 'cos the main character lives in a brewery. Duh.
WHICH... Is this little KIIIYUTE-looking fella!
Main Microbe: A. Oryzae
The thing I wanted to show you all today would be the video on how they make sake! :D So adorable I tell you.. I TELL YOU!!! *UBER FANGIRL SQUEAL*
And.. here's the video!
Moyashimon Lession : Sake Brew
CUTE? Not cute? If you think it ain't cute, I swear you have something wrong with your eyes.. Just. Look. At. It. Awwwww.. *Blush*
Here's to more Moyashimon delightfulness!
The Crew of Microbes
The various nicrobes with their own species in Petri dishes
Banner - Fanart made by fan of Moyashimon
Scene from the above video - Making Sake - The microbes at work! :) :) :)
もやしもんオリーゼの壁紙作ってみた Drawing of Moyashimon (By a Japanese Fan)
もやしもん菌車一覧 Various Cars with Moyashimon Designs
Alright. I'm off to study for Introduction to Leisure and Recreation for tomorrow's FINAL PAPER! YES! Holidays. Jobs. M-O-N-E-Y.
OliOli-PooPoo signed off, craving for a Moyashimon Plushie at 1:09AM.
Monday, August 25, 2008; 1:20 am
A Little Bit of Improv~
Was watching a bit of relaxing, hilarious, mind-cracking humour with "Whose Line is it Anyway?" 8 hours before my exam at 12MN-1AM in the morning without any studying done yet on Attractions (Okay. At least i read through Lectures 1-3 already!) And I especially loved the feature on "SOUND EFFECTS" :)
Here's a really hilarious clip I think you might enjoy while I'm doing my serious bout of mugging for the paper coming in 8 hours. :)
OliOli-PooPoo signed off with a REALLY huge yawn at 1:27AM.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008; 9:08 pm
Thank God
Thank God. Thank God he's not quitting. It's all a big misunderstanding of the words he used on the forum. :)
So I take back ALL the words about you quitting. But the argument still stands.
And I'm sorry.
I can rest my mind and my heart now. And my eyes can rest as well! :D Pity I wasted some body salt. xD
Back to studying~
OliOli-PooPoo signed off with a snore on the table at 9:12PM. :)
Monday, August 18, 2008; 11:46 pm
Utter disappointment
What seemed like a joke turn into a drama series.
And I don't see a happy ending.
A 5-15 minute joke is fine. I was perfectly okay with it. But a 2 hour joke??? About closing something I put my effort into? About quitting another main-comm role in TPCYA JUST so I can help with whatever I can for the group?
I'm not going to give any apologies here to ANYONE. Read my words. I. Am. Not. Because to even suggest this joke is wrong. And I'm in the wrong for going along with this whole joke thing. I swear I was not in my right frame of mind. For that, I am REALLY sorry.
Besides that, I sacrificed my effort, time, energy, my all just to make this work and you joke about the group CLOSING DOWN for the whole 2 hours for the reason that you wanted to see if they treasure the group. I'll ask you. If you did that in a COMPANY.. Would you wanna stay on with the company that's closing down? What kinds of ideas are you bringing to the future of the group??
I thought you were just telling it to the subcomm. That I may understand. But to go so far as to joke to your MAIN COMM?? Do you even RESPECT THEM? TRUST THEM? Do you know how they would feel?? They've been with you for the past 2 years! And now you just wanna step down asap??
It was one thing when he quit when he could not fulfill his own expectations and could not see any benefit and to know that he took up to role because he was taking up the challenge on changing the club.. I.. No. WE were already disappointed enough. Though I respect his decision, sometimes I really wished that.. You guys would think about those who were following your lead and example.
BUT I cannot blame you anyway because you were forced into the club. So to take up something.. A responsibility that you did not bargain for.. I applaud you.
It's another thing when you quit because something you did, did not go your way. But I'll put the jokes incident behind and I'll just let bygones be bygones. But I'm sorry too.
Leadership is not something you can just toss aside. It's about dedication. It's about thinking about the shit your co-workers are going through before you think about the shit that you are going through. It's about seeing things through to the end. If you can't see things through to the end, then don't even bother taking up the post and in the end, let everyone down.
I can't believe it. I'm just sitting here in my chair, tears flowing down my cheeks like they were rivers that just couldn't stop flowing.
I've always contemplated on whether I was doing the right thing about not joining TPCYA just to help this group. Having sleepless and late nights, thinking in the shower, daydreaming about the club. Did I do the right thing? Why am I doing this? Why am I forcing myself to do work that I actually don't have to do and just quit! I could jolly well just be a member.
Looking at things just makes me feel like giving up but something is telling me not to because my Project Team is depending on me like how I depend on them.
I don't know man. I just need a holler at the beach. A scream. I don't know what to think. I'm just. Sad. Very sad. And I don't think I really wanna comment anymore.
I'm just so tired. I just wanna lie on my pillow and fall asleep. In a dream whereby I don't need to give a damn about the world. Don't need to care about anything else.
Maybe I'll do just that.
Goodnights world.
Thursday, August 07, 2008; 12:39 pm
I love this song~!
If only I was there..
If only I LIVED there..
At Korea, Rolling Hall..
After knowing DJ MAX from a fellow O2Jammer and playing it online, competing with the Japanese and following it faithfully to the PSP for the past 2-3 years..
Omg. Just. Omg. T^T Someone buy me a plane ticket there please! I'm dying from the deprivation of screaming and singing songs that is in my most favourite game in the whole world! T___T
Just watching it on Youtube KILLS ME! (Lol.. Not so exaggerated but you get what I mean. I feel like I'm deprived of water for 10 whole days.)
If there is another concert next time. I swear I'm so going! *Saves saves saves up money money money*
Anyway, since I've not talked about DJ MAX for an effing long period of time, here's the song in video format that I wanna introduce to the whole world! (Actually got two songs I wanted to introduce. The other is called Every Morning by ND Lee. But you can go search! Still damn nice!)
To describe it:
It's in Korean. Love the beat + the melody. Never got sick of it for the past 3 years.
Damn nice. It's fantastic. It's brilliant. Just amazing. Simply jawdropping. Can't put it down. Absolutely wonderful.
In one word:
Okay! Here goes! Hope you like it and add it to your MP3s or something.. Haha!
DJ MAX - Memory of Beach
Gotta go down my Business Etiquette Inidividual Portfolio. Due tomorrow! Haha! Ciao!
OliOli-PooPoo just swooned over the sunny sky at 12:52PM.
The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes
OliOli is just your normal average girl who loves many things but can't get her hands on them. :)
Get into good uni DS Lite + Games Bow Master (MS) Konami Original Controller (KOC) PSP PS3 ITouch Blackberry Phone 9th Dan in IIDX Clear 37s (Pop'n) New Laptop/Desktop Japanese Lessons Drum Lessons Earphones Travel with friends Bags (Backpack/Sling) - Crumpler/Zinc Havaianas