Thursday, July 31, 2008; 2:29 am
Shit man.. I first time kenna such painful, ache-inducing tummy cramps caused by the monthly thing but I've got something to say before I go to sleep and get away from all the cramps in the world.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIONA!!! May all your birthday wishes and dreams come true~ ~^_^~
I know its kinda late to say it. But I still insist on saying it. Haha! We chipped in to buy this bag for her and boy.. Was she surprised when she saw this coming. Hee~ :)
But the funniest part was the part when I went to do my makeup. 1st, Shirley and Izzah went to the toilet to prepare the birthday surprise. But no. They were doing it somewhere else! Then I went to toilet 'cos I thought they were literally there preparing the surprise. On the way, I can do my makeup for Business Etiquette.. (Yes. It was on a Friday.) Then, the duo came back and wanted to surprise her. Then when they were about to sing the birthday song, Shirley suddenly looked around and asked:
Where's Olivia ah? O_o
You should have been there man.. Totally priceless! Haha!
Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Tummy killing again. It was fluctuating like WHOA. Pain. Not pain. Pain. Not pain. I swear that my tummy has mood swings. =____=
GOOFNIGHTS! (Inside Joke~)
OliOli-PooPoo went off to Lalaland with her tummy cramps at 2:38AM.
Friday, July 25, 2008; 9:02 am
Breaking the perfect number
I've decided to break the perfect number of 100 into the 101st post! Haha!
This post is a very fast topic jumper. 1 paragraph, 1 topic. NO LINK ONE. I assure you. I just reread the post and..
Aiyah. Just read la.
Anyway, nothing much to update... Just that junction 8 is cancelled. We are sorta not so good and up there yet but don't worry! We'll be there soon! Haha! We may be doing the dance someplace else. not too sure where or when or how but ya. I'll update update update.. Anyway, I'm trying trying trying to improve on my steps and must JYJY! :D
And I've yet to do my proposal for the Halloween thing.. Kuso Kuso Kuso.. >_<>
YET (Note the word:
YET) to start on.. I'm planning to create a blog for that so haha! Type type type type type and post post post post post. :) Oh! Also got individual interview for my IntroLeiRec Project. :'( HAIYAAAAAAAAA~ Troublesome. Can't wait for the hols!
7th month is coming soon~ People people people. *cackles*
Okay. That was random. I don't know why but 7th month is really bugging me. Maybe 'cos I'm afraid of ghost + my imagination? Rawr. All I know is that my dad told me to come home early on the 1st, 15th and 30th Aug.. So coincidental that the first day of the Chinese 7th month lands on the 1st day of August. O_o Like that easy to remember sia.. For a person who forgets easily.. :D
Shar, can celebrate your birthday on 1st October with a bang? Haha! :) I know I can't stay out late on your birthday already.. T_______________T
Random shoutout!
I JUST FINISHED PLAYING SALLY'S SPA! Wahaha! It's super super fun la! The game is something like Diner Dash except the graphics, background music, the aesthetics, the gameplay and the difficulty level is much more fun than Diner Dash. Unfortunately, the game is relatively short. Managed to complete it within 6 hours and 30 minutes.. T___T
It's okay! I have Sally's Salon! But Sally's Salon.. the graphics and the works ain't as good as sally's Spa but what the heck. :)
Btw, has anyone noticed that it weather is really weird now? Raining in the middle of JULY?? I thought it was NOVEMBER/DECEMBER period!AND AND AND!
I'll post up some pictures soon on Cosfest that I kapo-ed from other people as well as my outing for the Cathechism Gang~ (Me, Veronica, melissa, Mary, Michael and of course, geraldine *Our cher* were there! Whoohoo!) The cosfest.. My picture damn ugly sia! I think I need Xiaxue's photoshopping skills to make it better. Haha!
And I miss the old times. I miss miss Sharon, Mel x 2, Grace, Luanie, Cheryl, Jit, Nise and many many other people..
I'm off. I need to prepare to get to my 2 hour lecture on the wonderful, rainy island of Sentosa.
OliOli-PooPoo signed off by attending the lecture 2 hours late at 9:22AM.
PS: You know about the Marina Buffet - got the hot plate and the metal container of soup in the middle one.. For $11 place right??
CLOSE DOWN ALREADY! Does anyone know where they shifted to? I heard from Kelly that it's at the new jetty at Marina there.. O_o Anyone know?
Thursday, July 17, 2008; 12:05 pm
My 100th BLOGPOST!
WHoOHoO! I've finally ripened to a 100! RIPE FOR DEFLOWERING! *inside joke~*
And I'd like to give some Happy Birthday wishes to people!
Haha! Now.. Back to the story.
Anyway, I'm quite tired from yesterday.. We practiced the Dance for the Junction 8 and omg. You know when I did one of the moves, my sides suddenly hurt... Like some knife stabbing in it. OMG. Can X_X.
The best part was that I wasn't the only one that happened to have this side stabbing kinda thing. Wei Yen also got it! Wahaha... Then say: Hey! I'm still young okay! Haha! That guy just gives me the stitches~
Anyway, besides the Junction 8 event which we are going to practice for tonight at 6PM~ I swear that so many thing happened recently..
1. Cosfest! I haven't upload some pictures I kapo-ed from other people
(PEOPLE! I need a camera. *Hint Hint*) I dressed as Haru from Hitman Reborn and had to cut my hair to do so. Now I just look like a ruddy Cheena Doll. Wargh.
2. JAPANESE SPORTS CARNIVAL LAST SUNDAY! Super fun! I kenna some injuries here and there but nothing too serious. I participated in the relay, 60M dash, Couple Race and Bread Biting competition.. Super fun sia!
The relay: 6 of us participated and I got the longest distance.. But it was really really fun I have to say... Though I dragged down the rest of the group. I'm too slow.. T_T SORRY!
The 80M dash: A Japanese Auntie beat me.. Haha! I swear I'm so not fit.
Couple race: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! There's one stage whereby we had to blow the flour to get the plastic bag containing the mochi.. And the mochi for Furt's was really deep that he had to blow the flour until his face was totally white - WITH the flour. HAHAHAHA! So funny. Poor poor Furt~ Look like Hantu. xD You know... The JAS helpers saw him blow one puff and they both instinctively move away. Haha! Like this:

3. Another thing was that me, Furt, Froggie, Lucas and Hafiz went to watch HellBoy 2. It was good. Much much MUUUCH better than Hellboy 1. Hellboy 1 was effing boring. I fell asleep halfway while watching it with Furt and Darryl at my place. =_=
4. Kenna sunburn during Sports Carnival. Red as a boiled crab and molting like a caterpillar, I swear. Yucks. Ning Zhi and Preeti thought I was blushing for gawd's sake. Haha! :)
5. Intro to LeiRec project is done and over with! YAY! And 3 more weeks to going back to TP! I swear I can't wait can't wait can't wait! No more taking one hour just to go for drawing session!
6. It's going to rain soon here.
7. I skipped AM Lecture today.. Can someone lend me their notes?
8. I need to do AM now. NOW. And send Viona the 2nd part of Operations. I suddenly switch over to Question 5 on Competition. Zzz.
9. Accounting test was like SHIT SHIT SHIT!
10. It is raining.
11. Interview for F1 today at 6PM! Wish me luck!
12. It stopped raining.
Okay! I think I better start on the AM project! :) Toodles~
OliOli-PooPoo rushed off for her project at 1:03PM.
Blogpost on the 11th April.. Way Overdue.
Note: THIS BLOG POST IS LOOOOOOOOONG OVERDUE MAN! Haha! Supposed to be on the 11th April 2008. Zzz. Overdue right? I know I know. Anyway...
You know today, is the last day of work… And I’m at work, typing this post down with Microsoft Word. And boy. Do I realize that ALL the admin staff here lead such boring lives. They never giggle, they must always be sooooo professional it makes me so suffocated. Especially that fella whose charge I’m under. Oh. My. GAWD. I swear that he and his assistant are so stoic they can turn into brick stones themselves. What the hell. The assistant can’t even laugh properly, or even smile properly to be specific. I’ve only seen him in a happier mood. (Mind you. He’s still not smiling.) And to an extreme case, Smile once every 2 days or something. =_= It’s really sad.
You know, this has kind of opened my eyes a little. Working 6 days here, I’ve realized that the people whose childlike happiness still remains would be the cleaners. They are able to joke out loud, laugh freely without a care for image and just feel free to talk what they like. It’s really a no wonder that most working adults, especially the highest ranking officers within the company, would naturally dread coming to work. (Unless they seriously love the job like photography or something.) No wonder people love taking leave and holidays just to get away from dull, dreary jobs along with dull, dreary colleagues just to experience a change. But I feel different.
I feel that coming to work should be an enjoyment. Not a pain in the arse.
I feel that coming to work should be something you look forward to. Something magical.
Guess I’m in my own world.
Omg. I don’t think I ever wanna grow up. You know, when I step into this office, I feel the professionalism is killing off the child inside me. The fun, laughter peace and joy that I’ve harboured since I was a young kid till my Secondary School days. I don’t wanna be treated like a professional adult.
Screw this.
Erase the adult.
I’d rather be a professional child instead!!!
Anyway, I’m going off from work already. This place so suffocating, I can’t feel my energy stirring up within me anymore.
Saturday, July 05, 2008; 2:06 am
Vote for Dr Leslie Tay~
I make my promises and I keep them.
I got a recommendation from Ben for the great food from
YA KWANG in Lorong 37 Geylang but only because of the recommendation of
Dr Leslie Tay's website: :)
That's where
Ben got the drift of
Ya Kwang and how it was ever possible for me to go with my whole JCG gang upon Dr Leslie's recommendation: Me, Pun, Darryl, Johan, Lucas, Michelle, An Zhen, Cui Shan and Wei Yen to Ya Kwang. Unfortunately, Jeannette was unable to turn up to taste the damn delectable food~
I have heard of Dr Leslie's blog when I was in Sec 4 with a recommendation from another friend - long before I heard it again from Ben during the holidays after my O levels. :)
And never in my wildest dreams that today, of all days, (It was actually yesterday 'cos it's past midnight but screw the technicalities.) I met Dr Leslie Tay in person!
Lol. You can imagine how O_O I was. Haha! I never expected in my wildest dreams for me to meet the famous food hunter/blogger on this Friday night with my JCG friends enjoying a meal at Ya Kwang~ Whee~
But yeah! Thank you Dr Leslie! Thank you Ben too~
To cut a long story short,
~^_^~Or click on my links on the right! :)
Anyway, I'm off to cast my vote. Toodles~
TRY YA KWANG! AND DO IT BEFORE NOVEMBER! If you don't, sure regret like siao. The JCG gang can assure you of it when they formed their opinions today~ :)
OliOli-PooPoo signed off with a tummy bloated with effing good Shabu Shabu at 2:28AM. :)
Tuesday, July 01, 2008; 11:41 am
This is for the Naruto readers/watchers!!!
A HUGE HUGE HUGE BIIIIIG thank you to many many people who were concerned for me! :) -hugshugs- Apologies for the previous emo post though I'm still not feeling too good. Must be either stress or PMS, dammit.. T____T Don't worry!Anyway, something random and short to update my blog and entertain you guys out there.This is meant for Naruto readers/watchers~ 'Cos they would understand the joke.. Wahaha.. ~^_^~
Check out this comic strip that I came across while I was at the Tourism Academy @ Sentosa (TAS) Library during my 1 hour break today.. And yes. I am skipping lunch.

Wahaha! I hope it brought a smile to your face like it did for me.. ~^_^~
OliOli-PooPoo signed off with a bang boom at 11:47AM.