You Left.
But life still goes on~
Anyway, these few days I've been a little... Fluctuating. One moment, I'm extreme happy. Next moment, I'm extremely extremely sad. I feel like a sine curve. Going up and down. And it's really really tiring.
Just yesterday, I konked out after being upset and have a chat in a really sombre mood with Furt. It's terrible, really. Heartache. It's not about what you think it is. It's about two people having problems between each other. But all is well.
I'm really exhausted after the Attractions Management test today. Today I have a hope of passing. Hopefully I can still maintain my GPA~ ^^
*Le sigh* Got stuff that I have to buy on Sunday during Toys Convention this Sunday and I gotta find my outfit. >_< So tiring. I wanna half sleep I swear.
Now that I think about it. I'm going to wear my Cosplay to church. O_O Maybe I should get something to change into since I have to dress my "Sunday bestest". Ha.
Rawr. I'm going crazy!!! T___________T I. Need. Cash. T___________T Shit.
Anyway, I'm gonna go edit the effing stuff for BusE&SE Presentation tomorrow. I swear I am going to eff up. Need to learn how to tie bun by tomorrow before presentation. Haiyo. Bluek.
Today, dinner was fun. Fun fun fun. :) Subway was good. That's a plus.
Other than that, life is currently miserable.
Goodnights world~
Smiles, Butterflies and the Whatnots. :)
I'm feeling really happy, tired, gay, full and exceptionally sleepy..
I'm currently doing the final touchups for the group's powerpoint presentation for BusE&SE and I will ganbatte! Fighting! :)
Recently, I've been into Dramas. Japanese Dramas, Taiwanese Dramas, especially the ever so lovely Korean Drama.. Haha! I'm super slow in watching the latest dramas but I'm watching what I can. Latest addictive and completed-watching series would be the ever so infamous
COFFEE PRINCE~ HeeHee.. Viona called me slow.. XD I think I am too~
The storyline is really intriguing and heart-wrenching. But it's really hilarious at the first part when the idiotic fella called Choi Han Kyul totally mistook her for a boy and many things unfold from there. Substitute lover, working in Coffee Prince, upgrading Coffee Prince, Han Kyul thought he was gay, Han Kyul loving
SHIM, fighting with his
adorable (SQUEE!) best friend of 8 years. Ladeeda.
Well, it ain't called a drama for nothing.As per usual, I admire Yoon Yun-Hye. She can pull off her "acting" so convincingly, it's like she WAS the person and crying her heart out AS the character. Being in the Drama Club for 4 years in secondary school, it proves to be a huge, daunting challenge in order to do that. Really. And it takes real talent.
I'm not sure if anyone agrees with me but that's one of the major reason why Singapore's Drama Scene CANNOT MAKE IT. (Besides PCK or Under One Roof and the "Singaporeanish" Dramas that utilize the wondrous, mind-boggling "language" called Singlish.)
Really not a surprise there. =_=
Time for me to move on and to watch finish "Fated to Love You" aka "
Anyway, enough.
Random shoutout:
I liked this movie!!!

I rate it a 4 stars man!
1 of the stars was deducted as at certain parts of the movie, you begin to wonder which direction the movie is headed. Jumping from here to there. :S
Other than that, FRIGGING GOOD MOVIE!
I always supported watching in the cinemas.
For this to have its full effect, DO NOT WATCH IT FROM THE COMPUTER SCREENS IN YOUR COZY LITTLE HOMES. Watch it in the theatre.Anyway, I went to watch it with Lucas, Johan, An Zhen, Cui Shan, Wei Yen and Darryl~ Sadly, Michelle didn't wanna go for the movie 'cos too ex, Jeannette didn't go as it was too late, Punni didn't come at all even for KTV as he had his YF Meeting from 2PM-10PM.. :'(
Before that we had AWESOME KTV at Bugis! :) I sang like SIAO and like SAI. xD An Zhen h
as a really really good voice though. Very mature.. That kind.
Attendees for KTV: Lucas, Johan, An Zhen, Cui Shan, Wei Yen, Darryl, Michelle, Jeannette, Zen and Me, Myself and I!!! :)
We sang until we go bonkers then we spilt the drink in the smaller room. Then when we go to a bigger room due to cramped conditions.. Well, whaddya know? We spilt the drink AGAIN! xD Difference is.. Some items such as An Zhen's and Johan's slipper kenna wet and Michelle's bag too.. unlike the first spillage whereby it's only on the table.. xD
Then we
played with spammed the "Smoke" function like siao. Macham like the fogging for the mosquitoes like that.. Can't even see a thing. HAHA! Overall, it was so damn fun! Must do somemore!
Random ranting: I like singing "Umbrella" by Rihanna in the Indian Accent.. :)
Anyway, moving on:
SPOILER WARNING!Some quotes:Disclaimer: Not intentional to insult any race, religion or any form of social, religious groups. Just the humour is intentional.
About the Palestinians and the Israelis fighting and some people think they are terrorists:
Person A: They (The Americans) don't like us.
Person B: Yeah. They don't like us too.
Person A: Why?
Person B: *Looks at Person A* They think we're you.
Think horny.
Gail: Usually he's harder than trigonometry.
Hh represents the sound S'poreans make before they spit out phlegm. That throat rumbling "Hhhhaa-pui!"
Fella: Where are you from anyway?
Zohan: Hhustralia.
Fella: Really? 'Cos you sound Middle Eastern..
Zohan: Nononono.. Similar accents..
Zohan: Hhangaroo?
Zohan: Nononono.. I come here to start nuu life. Meet nuu wuuman to larve and make zee bang boom.
Man: Is that your feet???
Zohan: Yes they are.
*Places feet at Man's face*
Zohan: Here. Smell it. SMELL IT. Now TAKE it.
*Whacks guy with feet*
SPOILERS END!I've yet to upload Narnia Quotes yet but please be patient with me. I am a busy wuuman. xD
Actually, Ben intro-ed to me the place with Nana and Darryl previously.. And today, we tompang Punni *hearts* to go eat the DAMN DAMN AWESOME BRAIN-JUICE-ZAPPING FOOD! :) Just me, Punni, Ben and Darryl..
And don't let the Shop's Name mislead you. Mainly, the best food that they sell there would be mainly from the fact that..
The place sells their own creation of ZI CHA which can never fail to amaze you.4.9 stars overall~! Can't put 5 cos people won't believe right?? Only aspect lacking is service BUT you see! Their price
EXCELLENT. Their food
F*CKING AWESOME. They have little staff. If hire more staff, price confirm increase. What more can you expect out of a Kopitiam that can sell
EFFING GOOD LOBSTER TANG HOON and EFFING GOOD SHABU SHABU at $38???And you know the Shabu Shabu, they use
Kurobuta aka
Black Pig aka Premium Grade Pork and Premium Grade Beef. (The beef marbling ah.. Wah.. O_O Siao Siao. Cannot get from your NTUC or Cold Storage kind.) And many many slices too. For 38 bucks, I think it's effing worth it. One person confirm cannot eat alone unless you're like Lucas or Ben. *Even 3 people with huge appetites couldn't finish it today.*
But if you share it among 3 people. It makes a damn good meal about $12-$13 per person!!!
WHERE CAN FIND???Siao bo?? And c'mon. About the service part, imagine if you have over 7 tables to serve many many dishes, you solo with another fella. Not tired meh???
One more thing. As a true blue Singaporean. Which one would you prefer?
- Wait long long. Get EFFING GOOD FOOD.
- Wait short short. Get Average food with quality compromised?
If you can wait for 30 minutes for a packet of 6 DOUGHNUTS at the Donut factory, then cannot wait the same 30 minutes for INCREDIBLE FOOD? :):):)
I'm not advertising for Mr. Jason. NO. Quote Cui Shan: I am merely giving my 2 rupiahs worth of opinionated interests on a silver platter. :)
SO GO TRY YA KWANG! Take 40 from bedok Interchange. Sure cannot miss it! And btw, he'll be migrating by November so do try it by then, or you'll miss a darn good Zi Cha "restaurant". ~^_^~
Anyway, last but not least, the slow Oli-Virus wants to rant that she officially loves "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. <333> I'm so darn
WOLS. Haha!
And on a final rant:
I MISS EVERYONE! All my maties out there! 4.6 GANG! Let's meet up again soon yeah?! Sakae Sushi was good but I wanna meet up more too~
CHURCH GANG! :) MARY! VERONICA! RAHHH! I'm feeling so deprived man. So little time, so much to do!
Jit! Nise! When you guys wanna drop by? Next next week? See how.. Though I doubt you even bother to read blogs so kinda pointless to say it here. xD
I MISS YOU ALL! Going nuts...
- Piao Xue with her random lameness and funny klutzy blurness
- Ning Zhi and her <333333>
- JunJun and her turtle madness and funny sarcasm
- Jia Hong with your nonsensical "Cutest Guy on Earth" *BLEAGH*
- Ke En and your crazy madness over music
- YANNY!!! For her zi-highness and crazy wacky antics that never fail to crack me up
I also MISS TPJCG already. I've really really learnt to love this CCA to bits though the reputation may not be.. Well.. Reputable. But nonetheless, I still love it! :D
Anyway, back to presentation time. I think I've been writing this post for the past 1 hour. xD Slacker. Just a "MINOR" update on my currently boring and nonsensically filled life. Ahem ahem. AHEM. Yeah.
OliOli-PooPoo signed off with many many mouth-watering thoughts of Shabu Shabu at Ya Kwang at 1.33AM.
After reading the latest chapter of Naruto, I hereby declare that not all evil characters are evil...
Two examples:
- Severus Snape who died trying to save Harry Potter
- Uchiha Itachi who died protecting his naive dumbass brother, Uchiha Sasuke
T____T I swear, together with the Midi of Laputa's "falling" playing, I just started crying after reading chapter 401. It was ultra sad. Ultra sad indeed.
I wonder if I ever had a younger sister about 2 years younger than me, would I be able to sacrifice my life for her? To be as selfless and empowered by love as Snape and Itachi? T_T
I dunno.. But I really admire the courage of these two characters... I admire their inner strength and the ultimate love they had to have JUST to pull off the deceiving plans and "lies" for the good of everyone else around them, especially to save or protect the one that they love. How tortured they must have been to lie to them and want to openly protect, but can't do so. They have to APPEAR EVIL to them just to be able to shield them from the enemy forces they are with. (But they don't wanna be the evil fellas..) If I were them..
I wouldn't be able to stand it.
"There's no greater love than laying one's life for his friends." In this case, for the ones they love. Ugh. Such pain and torture, I can't imagine the emotional mess they are inside. So near yet so far.
Hais. I think I better go do my work now. Damn tired from the hectic activities today + crying and I think I ate something wrong just now... During the outing to MOF. Ugh. Terrible tummyache.
One more thing:
- I lost my phone people! So I'm sorry if you couldn't contact me on the 6th-7th June.. My phone just got reinstated at 1AM on the 8th June. XD And I've lost your contacts so please please SMS me your handphone numbers again. Paisei!
- I love Johan's new phone. Nice to camwhore with.. I rarely camwhored in my life till I just met Johan's wonder phone~
- Went for a restaurant outing event with TPJCG peepos and the food at MOF (Bugis) was fantastic! :) I drank some sake.. 40%! I just went high and pink after that. They say I've got good blood circulation. O_O Really? All I drank was like 5ML and my blood circulation improved? XD I swear I wanna try drinking when I turn 18~
- Arcading at Bugis then at Dhoby Ghaut.. Darren, one of the freshies was damn pro at Para Para~ And for drumming.. My God. SEAN, YOU ARE THE MAN! O_O As for Cui Shan.. Wah. The way she shake her arse on the Parapara platform. I'm sure she backside pain after that. XD And everyone played Daaaaytona.. XD (Ladies and) Gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES~
- Everyone kept PINCHING MY CHEEKS~ Ahhh! And I pinched An Zhen's, Lucas's and Johan's!!! Wahahaa~ And I kept falling for Johan's stupid trick.. 5 times, you know?? 5 times!
- Tomorrow, I've got an outing with Jit and Nise to Downtown East after A/M subcomm meeting! And my whole week is damn packed after that so I ain't too sure if I can blog in the next week.. ZZZ. And I can't wait for Thursday! I can't wait for Saturday! I can't wait till I get the next 2 months holiday!!! :D Anyway, TPJCG Subcomm BBQ this coming Saturday, 14th June.. Events can help out man! That's what SAIKANG IS FOR!!! SAIKANG FTW FTW FTW! :)
- I need to go do my projects now... Damn sian, damn tired. But if I don't do now, tomorrow my group mates can't do the editting. (Why am I even blogging in the first place???)
Anyway, keep smiling people! Just like how I'm trying to laugh everyday to the best that I can! :)
Repose En Paix, Itachi and Snape.