Friday, May 30, 2008; 9:36 am
Yo from TP library~
Yo~ Now I'm doing the layout for the Resort Ops Project and boy... I'm pooped. BUT! I won't complain.. NoNo.. Complains are no good no good. :) (Actually in Business Etiquette it's the complete opposite but what the heck.)
And you know, I've got a bottle of emotions mixed up in me... A few things happened recently but not for the public eyes. Happiness, anger, rage, sadness, exhaustion, excitement, RAHNESS AT TWO GUYS WHO TRICKED ME~ AHEM AHEM~ Ahahahahaahhahahaaaaaa~ and etc.. All bottled into one. I swear I'll explode from all the emotions one day. XD
Hais. It's getting the worst and the best out of me and I'm left confused. Sometimes, not being yourself for about 1 month is really tiring. But perhaps I can be myself one day. IF I can find myself that is.
Ever since I became quiet, I slowly began to realise that my personality changed as well. I ain't too sure if it's good or bad or whatnot. But I know it's a change.
UPDATED ON 4th JUNE 2008~But to those around me that can bring a smile to my face, I thank you! :D And diverting away from what is being discussed, I have to do the Events and Welfare Project Team interviews on Saturday... :)
Hais. GOOD LUCK TO ALL FRESHIES OUT THERE WHO SIGNED UP FOR TPJCG INTERVIEWS!!! Be it, the "SaiKang Warriors", Publicity or the 3 main subcomms. But JYJYJY!!! :D:D:D:D
Hopefully saikang would be close and united sia!!! We've gotta plan for a JCG BBQ that will be happening-ded 3 weeks from now. Sigh~
Anyway, only 2 people can't make it for the interview so they are scheduled for a later date.. And I'm not too sure if other people are accepted in the other subcomm interviews. But ah heck. Whee~ Things will always work out in the end man!!!
Maple just got a new patch for the new world... And I bet you free market would be empty as anything. Hais. And digressing further, there will be more quotes coming up from Narnia in my next post...
I'm tired from CYA duty... Sometimes I regret not signing up for subcomm but what the hell. Today, JunJun and Ning Zhi came for my day and made me damn happy la~ I swear I went too high above the clouds!
Next post I'll tell you what happened...
Omg.. Flower and Hot Baby... (Inside joke)
And I think I don't laugh. I GUFFAW.
XD... So get used to me laughing la. I'm used to you laughing at me and people say that if I laugh, the theatre will laugh at me and not at the movie~ Do you think that's true? I dunno... Never heard myself live from a 3rd person POV. XD!
Anyway... Reading some blogs from the people in JCG, be it freshies or seniors or same same level or WHATNOT LA..
Don't be so down on yourself! :) Stay happy and gay always~ I may not know what you down on, be it love or some other affair, but I bet your friends don't wanna see a sad frown on your face~ Smile and be happy happy like whom you guys used to be~ SMILE LA! Like this:

Okay la... Fine. You not as cute as the baby but smile like the baby la.. Don't act cute cute hor! XD
Anyway, on Friday got Nana's outing!!! I'm so darn excited! And on Thursday too~ (This one certain people would know la...) Wheeheeheeheeheeeeeeeeeeeee~ So exciting!!!
And you know something? *I need to get PingPing something but I really don't know what.. I think I'll get it by this Saturday~ Haven't gotten her a present yet~*
And time for me to sleep and poop out. Tml going to TP to pass Lucas some Maple A-Cash Cards for his Presentation~ And my mum wants total darkness to sleep.
OliOli-PooPoo went to LalaLand to buy the next twenty volumes of Kindaichi only to find that all the pages are blank on 4th June 08 at 2:58AM.
~I'm trying to find the truth about myself, feeling alone in this struggle. Is anyone out there finding their own identity too? I know I'm struggling with mine. Tell me what's right and what's wrong~ I want the strength to pull through and I need your help. But what I know is that I don't want any of your pity. I want your acceptance and recognition. But will any of you take my hand and go on this journey with me?~
.:The Unspoken Sadness crushing from within:.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008; 10:34 pm
Tired as hell
I'm tired with extremely heavy "panda" eyebags. I'm sick with a bad throat (but I don't know why I still don't give a darn). BUT I'm satisfied today.
Today was pretty much not so bad with some setbacks that I don't really wanna remember. Hais... Stay strong okay! I know you can pull it through!
I just remembered I've yet to post up my song. And here it goes:
The Sign
Verse 1:
Something is coming over me,
I’m breaking under.
Something doesn’t feel so right,
It’s taking me over.
Trying and falling yet moving on,
I gotta hold on and stay on strong.
But there are times like these,
That causes me to tremble.
It’s people like you that make me stumble.
Heartaches and melodies,
Coursing through my mind.
Professions, confessions,
Leaving the past behind.
No more playbacks, not one rewind.
I’m ready to stand up,
Just give me the sign.
Verse 2:
Nothing to give, nothing to lose,
It’s time to break free, I’ve gotta choose.
Whether to open or close that dark door,
I’ve gotta know what I’m looking for.
Come what may, I can’t tell for sure,
As each moment passes, I just can’t ignore.
My daily routine, transforms from a grind,
Into something special,
As I search for life.
Heartaches and melodies,
Coursing through my mind.
Professions, confessions,
Leaving the past behind.
No more playbacks, not one rewind.
I’m ready to stand up,
Just give me the sign.
I will not falter, not even one stride
Don’t pull me back, Oh no no no.
As I join the pieces together,
Someone please take my hand.
Chorus x2 :
Heartaches and melodies,
Coursing through my mind.
Professions, confessions,
Leaving the past behind.
No more playbacks, not one rewind.
I’m ready to stand up,
Just give me the sign.
Tell me what you think! No tune for it yet though. Hais..
Now I'm currently too excited about 2 things!
- This coming Thursday, there'll be an outing with Nana!!!
- On Saturday, there'll be an "Amazing Race" around Singapore~ Me, Yanny, Ning Zhi and Darryl = one team!!! Sadly pun cannot join cos he has camp. T__T I'll miss you...
Anyway, back to my random ramblings...
I want a new camera. My blog feels deprived of pictures. And also, everytime I see something cute, or yummy-licious pictures of food, or perhaps just some cam-whoring, I always have to KA-PO the picture from a friend and it sucks man! It. Sucks. Rah~ Me and my selfish, greedy, piggy wiggy desires. ZZZ.
And I need to borrow someone's Intro to Lei & Rec Lecture 5 and Acc H&T notes Lec 6... Totally zoned out and didn't pay attention at all. Must be my really weird sleeping patterns these few days.
And you know! You know! That time I went to Cuisine's event: Kare Raisu making nia... :) Si bei shiokadook! XD I swear to you that the curry was just an unspeakable fathom that you cannot ever ever comprehend.. Oiishiiiiiiii~
Haiyoyo~ GSS now on and when I went with my group mates: Viona, Shirley, Mabel (Izzah came later due to Attr Tut - Project Consultation) Mphosis, I saw a belt from $20.60 going for half-price. T__T Gods of fortune (*cough cough* Dad *cough cough* Mum) , grant give me your blessings.
Hais... I think I need to go back to drawing my ship's layout + do my project part for the concept... If not, the rest will kill me. We're going to try to complete it by tomorrow and maybe... Just maybe... Submit on Thursday? XD Whee~
Exams around the corner! Need to study for BusE&SE test on Thursday and AccH&T test next Monday! Praaaay for me and many others for Mid-Sem tests... Alleluia.
And time for me to quickly do my job and catch up with Mr. Sandman...
OliOli-PooPoo just grew a potbelly and woke up screaming in her dreams at 11:01PM.
Saturday, May 17, 2008; 12:18 am
Frustrated as HELL
Don't you even DARE think you know me. Don't even DARE you think you've __________ me.
I don't even think I should even treat you the way I treated you before. So much for ___________, Ms I-Don't-Say-Sorry-When-It's-Appropriate.
So don't you even DARE assume that you know me because YOU DON'T and I doubt you ever will. So **** off.
Treat others the way you want them to treat you, you moron.
Another unrelated situation:
You treat me like an effing daughter. I AM NOT. Stop talking about "Oh! You should do this. Oh! You should do that!" What the hell? I don't see you doing things you are supposed to do. If you keep on grumbling about ____, then how do you even ____? If you want me to respect you as a mum and not a ___, FINE! SHOW ME YOU ARE ONE. PROVE IT. And let me ask you one question: DO YOU EVEN RESPECT ME AS YOUR ______ IN THE FIRST PLACE? OR SHOULD I TELL IT IN YOUR FACE THAT I'M NOT YOUR DAUGHTER-TO-BE??? I am NOT your effing LIVE PRACTICE DOLL to be fooled around with. DON'T MESS WITH ME. I don't give a SHIIIIT about what you do or say.
I love my OWN blood mother so don't even bother.
To the two previous scenarios:
MATURE and LOOK AT THE WORLD AT A DIFFERENT ANGLE. Stop DREAMING in your own little world and don't think you're so HIGH and MIGHTY up there. YOU. ARE. NOT.
Because the world is NEVER about yourself as it needs a network of people to function, Gawdammit.Another thing:
During the RAHHHH, IWYWH. BIO. :)
I know. I sound like a Psycho on the loose but everything is so pressurizing now. Damn. I don't even get so riled up when I'm on the blog.
Now that I've got that out, I feel slightly more satisfied. :)
Anyway, I am going for a couple of events soon:
- CCN DAY (It was today but what the heck.)
- TPJCG Orientation / AGM (Tomorrow)
- 31st May: The Quest 2008
I think I'm going to play Maple to destress. Everything from family to friends is taking a huge taxing toll on me and I am sort of.. At my limit. =_= But don't worry. I'll be fine when I go back to school on Tuesday. Though I wouldn't talk as much to certain people. Not because I emo. Because I'm sick and tired of trying. I'll just be me. A loner, a freak, a quiet ass girl unless you know how to GOD DAMN WELL appreciate me. :)
I appreciate those around me who love me the way I am. Not because I look like an auntie or anything but for being me. 'Cos I know some people don't even have that. I love you guys too.
I am sorry if some people find my blog post kinda offensive but I'm already limiting my vocab by not using words that are preeeetty colourful...
And I really pray for the success for the AGM tomorrow.
Good nights world.
Sunday, May 04, 2008; 11:28 pm
Whoa.., Check this out...
Wahahaha! TPJCG CCA Recruitment Drive~
Heeee~ We're now at the... as titled-mentioned - TPJCG CCA Recruitment Drive and I've got a feeling I'm going to continue the post at home. Heeeeeeee~ And I'm pretty disappointed about OXS. This matter is for certain people's ears only. DON'T even bother asking to get it out of me. :) Lalalalaaa Dee Dum~
Anyhoo~ I just started my school at The Tourism Academy @ Sentosa... And the food there is super limited... Only got koufu there and the pathetic cafeteria.. I MISS BUSINESS CANTEEN AND ALL THE CANTEENS AT TP!!! Sob. T_T Anyway, I'll start with the first on the list... Or maybe the 6th la:
6. I went out with JCG kakis to go for sushi buffet.
FANTASTIC SUSHI BUFFET! This is the first time I've been to a sushi buffet (I think... I can't seem to remember.) I never ate so much in my whole life. It's like my stomach just expanded x 46856383765658 times so I could eat as much as I want there. Wahaha! Let's make a list of what I ate~
- Takoyaki
- Unagi Sushi
- Fried Scallops
- Cha Soba
- Chawanmushi
- Ebikko Sushi
- Another type of roe sushi... (Not salmon though)
- Watermelons!
- LONGAN MOCHI!!! (zzzzz_zzzzz) Ahhhhhhhhh~
I ate about 14 odd plates... Ah... The wonders of sushi buffets! I think I just became Son Goku from Saiyuki that never stops eating. The only difference is that he can stay slim, I will get FAT.
Anyway, I wanna try the one at the Katong Mall... They have everything offered for a price of about $40. Weeheeee~ I wanna go! *SMACKS LIPS* Anyone wanna join me? (Go dutch. No sponsership. =_=) But hor, I think that if I go there, I won't utilise my $40 properly. It's people like Lucas and Wei Lee who can make it more hua since they can eat like O_O ... Wakaka!
On to the next one!
7. I went to Lucas's house to play and sleep and have fun. (And worry the
heck out of pun) Lol. This sounds wrong but I assure you. Every single bit of it isn't wrong.
Lol... I feel so guilty for worrying him over the time that I was sleeping throughout at Lucas's house. Skipped mass. La dee dah~ Went for mass the next day. And yeah. Worry the heck out of pun. I'M SO SORRY MY DEAR! Really. I know the matter is laid to rest but can't help feeling guilty. T___________T
CONTINUED ON 4 MAY 2008!Aiyah... I'm really lazy to do the whole list. Just ask me in real life and I'll tell you one grandmother story... Maybe you can fall asleep... Lol.
Hmmm... I'm really really bored out of my mind. School sucks. I can't wait for next term whereby it's in the TP campus and perhaps, I can be in the same class as the CMI-fied! Wahahaha! And if I get into Culinary Science, I can
COOK! Yay! People, when you get an invitation to try my cooking at my place, PLEASE make sure you bring your medicine. You
may WILL get constipation. O_O
Hais... I just started an Accounting Book for the year which I can hopefully stay faithful to and make sure that I can count my money. From the way it looks like, I'm spending more than I'm saving. T____T Hais. If only money grew on trees. But if they did, there would be
hyper-hyper-hyper-hyper inflation. HA~
But think about it, people would plant more and more trees and the world would be a greener place! Lol! Ahahaha~ But I just realised, the rainforest would become
botak. The birds no places to live in. Cause now the "
ATMs" would be your roadside trees.
Also, no need rakers or those side street blowers. Everyone start picking up leaves from the floor... Lol! That will be the day man!
But can you just imagine... If we kept leaves as money, the leaves would rot in our wallets and cash registers. Yuck.
The bank would be a dirtier place than the toilet.Then what about change? Go by colour? Brown leaves, yellow leaves green leaves, red leaves? Or maybe the shape! Angsana, bamboo, rambutan, banana?
Okay. Like what Jun Jun says, I'm going too far. XD But it's kinda fun to think about!
Anyway, I have to JYJY this semester. Must ganbatte and work hard! And must also work hard for TPJCG now that I'm a committee member and especially harder when I'm located all the way back at Sentosa... Hais. Not to mention TPCYA too~ Should I? Should I not? A few people should know what I'm talking about. XD
Haaaa~ I'm going to go play some Audition, o2jam, Maple Story or something before I go do my part for the Basics of Entrepreneurship stuff. Can't believe it only lasts for 7 weeks. Rahhh.. Ganbatte! :)
Anyway, I've yet to post up my "Post on 4th April" or somewhere between those lines. My hands refuse to do the job so I'm really sorry if you see another delay yet again. Rah.
OliOli-PooPoo did a explosive fart and bombed Lalaland at 10:51PM.