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Monday, April 28, 2008; 12:18 am
Reality Check
I know I have a half written post hidden in the Dashboard of my ever so wunnerful blog. ^^ But my mood kinda changed as I took a step back and looked at life.
This post might not make sense. But I just wanna have somewhere to express it. :)
Life. Hearts. Family. Money. Time. Love. All so limited with exception of the last one.
I feel so helpless. Praying and praying. Staying strong. And this is so out of place. Lol. But I won't mention what. I won't mention anything at all. My lips are sealed.
Anyway, moving on.
I wanna say nothing at all... Feel nothing at all. Speak and hear nothing at all. The world is an unpredictable place.
But we can't waste a single precious second because every single second of your life counts. It's limited. You can't live forever. So why be sad today? Why let anyone bring you down? Why even CARE about the people who backstab you or bitch behind your back?
You may think that "Oh. I'll live till I ripe a good ol' age then I'll pass." Bullshit. Never live for tomorrow. Live for TODAY BECAUSE there's a hope for tomorrow.You can't guarantee that you may even get past tomorrow or the day after.
This is my philosophy. I'm not giving advice. I'm sharing some so that there's more opinions to go around. You have your own philosophy. I give respect.
Randomly... I've not made my New Year's Resolution. Which brings me to another point.
Before I met Pun and Darryl today at the TP campus, I was wondering about life and my attitude towards it.
I realised I've been pretty negative one way or another recently.
Being in this new class has taught me many things that are unforgettable. It's taught me to learn to watch what I say and that gossip is never good. It hurts people and it will hurt you. Can you even imagine if someone you know just gossips and bitches about you behind your back?
"It takes a bigger one to know one."
Are you the bigger one?
Thus, from now on, I'll look on things in a positive light. God DIDN'T give us a life to GOSSIP and hurt people. God gave us a life so we can "love our neighbours as we love ourselves". :)
You know, I had this homily last Sunday whereby the priest talked about being an ironic person. He said that it's ironic to serve the church and to continue to indulge in sin without penitence. Or somewhere in between those lines.
I think it applies here too.
Don't give advice like you know the ways of the world in the palm of your hand. Don't give advice to people what you might do in the future. In other words, don't act smart. Mai gey kiang.
You may never know when you'll be the one who would do the things that the "bad guy" may do.
In this lifetime, you may make as many mistakes as you want. But don't make one that causes you regret. Because remorse is a lesson that would take you on a long and painful journey.
I'm bored.
And sleepy.
Good nights.
Thursday, April 24, 2008; 11:47 pm
A song dedicated to ALL my close friends :)
I LOVE THIS SONG~ 'Cos I love the movie called "Centerstage", which happens to be a fantastic ballet movie with so much in store to captivate you... I finally found the song! And I'll dedicated it to all my close friends out there!
Anyway, ENJOY! :)
"Friends Forever" by Thunderbugs (Centerstage Soundtrack)
Ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh oh oh
Remember when we used to talk all night? We didn't get much sleep Talkin' 'bout and plannin'out our lives And who we're gonna be Things were so much different then Our lives have changed so much my friend But you and I will always believe
[-Chorus-] 'Cause we'll be You'll see We'll be We'll be Friends Forever
We'll be You'll see We'll be Like Thelma and Louise
We'll be You'll See We'll be We'll be Friends Forever... Friends Forever... Friends Forever...
I know that he's been hurtin' you I've known for a while Now you've found love in someone new I can see it in your smile
I swear your secret's safe with me Won't tell nobody what I see What you need is perfect trust in me
(Repeat Chorus)
We all need Someone we can trust A Friend Of our own I swear your secret's safe with me Your not alone
Together Forever You can depend Together We will fight 'Til the end... Oh yeah
(repeat chorus 'til faded out)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008; 1:22 am
Another post
Sorry for the long wait... There's lots of stuff to update about but I can't say it all at one go. XD
So do be patient! :D There'll be one more post coming up titled "Blog post for 11th April" cos I did the blog post at work. And it's kinda half finished. So yeah.
Small tiny updates:
Holidays ending next week. T_T
I solved the professor's cube!
I solved the professor's cube!!
I solved the professor's cube!!!
I BOUGHT the professor's cube.
I went out with JCG kakis to go for sushi buffet.
I went to Lucas's house to play and sleep and have fun. (And worry the heck out of pun)
I went to watch "Definitely, Maybe". *Got some quotes from the movie! To be updated! -Unless she collects Kevins.- XD*
Got a conference training and this coming Wednesday is a walkabout the club.
Ummm... Finished my 6 day work. :)
Mum went to China.
Mum came home from China.
Mum had sand fly bites all over her legs.
Cheesecake at NYDC was goooood.
My recent addiction to Mahjong.
My recent addiction to Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) and some great songs I've managed to pass. :) (Makes me have a 1 hour PE session like in sec sch every time I play the game, I swear.)
My recent RE-addiction to Maple Story and AuditionSEA.
Lots of youtube videos to show the people out there reading.
Yes. I smiled a lot during the holidays.
I solved the professor's cube!!!!
I wanna go and hibernate. Cos in 1 weeks' time, I can't do so much of it anymore. T_T Why must we even have to go to school at, of all places, SENTOSA??? On a brighter note, hopefully it'll be more fun. :)
On top of everything, to plan for JCG's AGM/Orientation and organise a SUSHI BUFFET FOR THE LAN GANG! :))))) *Surroundings filled with happy fluffy poofies*
Oh. And I just created my first ever song during the boring time I had at work. But no melody or tune. Update in the next post. *BRIGHT BRIGHT SMILE!*
Good nights world. I shall indulge in my little world of Chocobabies which I just bought 5 hours ago. :)
OliOli-PooPoo rose to heaven by the miraculous wonder of chocobabies at 1:34AM.
OliOli jumped for joy at 1:22AM.
The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes
OliOli is just your normal average girl who loves many things but can't get her hands on them. :)
Get into good uni DS Lite + Games Bow Master (MS) Konami Original Controller (KOC) PSP PS3 ITouch Blackberry Phone 9th Dan in IIDX Clear 37s (Pop'n) New Laptop/Desktop Japanese Lessons Drum Lessons Earphones Travel with friends Bags (Backpack/Sling) - Crumpler/Zinc Havaianas