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Tuesday, September 11, 2007; 10:22 pm
:) Self-explanatory isn't it? The "20 Qs n As " game
Tagged by SharShar to do this:
- Each player of this game starts off by giving 5 weird things about themselves. - People who get tagged need to write in their blog of their own weird things as well, and state the rules clearly. - In the end, you'll select 5 people to be tagged and list their names. *I shall add - NO TAGBACKS!*
Hmmm.Hmmm.Hmmm. :)
1. Someone knocks on your door at 2am, who do you want it to be?
My guardian angel with charm that protects me all my life and grants me my wishes. :)
2. Your boss tells you he/she will give you a $20 raise if you'll do your job naked, do you stay and take the raise?
I would say, "I QUIT." In addition, call the police for a potential rapist alert and to lock him behind bars.
3. Put yourself in a nutshell.
I don't want my new home to be a nutshell! I'm comfortable in my own, thank you very much.
4. Ever seen a ghost?
O_OSAY WHAT?! WHERE? SHIT! GET ME THE PRIEST! THE BISHOP! THE BOMOH! ANYTHING! (Not the DRINK, please... unless it secretly contains Holy Water. ^^) HYEELP!
5. Happy with your body?
Whoa... Imagine if you switch bodies with some other person of the opposite sex. Totally not cool.
6. Something about you?
I'm a helium ball! :) *Self-explanatory unless you have a skull that needs a drill 10M long.*
7. A place you wanna visit?
HEAVEN! Okay. I'm getting ridiculous... I wanna see if fairies and pixies and elves are real... Or if magic is real... You know? I can dream, can't I?
8. A job you'll never do, no matter how much you were paid ?
Staying awake 24/7. I. NEED. MY. BEAUTY. SLEEP. You wouldn't wanna face a grumpy arse wouldn't you? PLUS, I don't wanna be like Gaara... That coffee addict. 9. A band/group you thought was cool when you were 13?
Hmmm... I think it was................................. Nah. Can't remember. STML.
10. You have a nightmare, who's the first person you think to call?
Very straight foward answer: GOD.
11. Wanna have kids before you're 30?
I wouldn't mind. Though... when I'm 30 with kids, I'd need to go for regular dye treatment at the salon every single day...
12. A memory from Secondary School.
Being. Called. A. LLAMA. OH! And starting to play Maplestory! Those were the days man!!! ARCHERS FOR THE WIN!!! And I love my favourite Priest and Mage. If you know who I'm referring to. :)
13. Ever had a crush on a friend's parent?
What's the opposite of a pedophile? O_o
14. Do you look more like your mom or dad?
DAD. Definitely. Though I can't see the resemblance.
15. Something you've always wanted to learn to do?
Speak Japanese very. Very. Very. Fluently. And be able to cook as much as I can in the whole entire whole without getting fat! And Never Have VEGETABLES IN MY DIET AND STILL HAVE MY VITAMINS!!! WHOOOHOO!! That would be THE DAY.
16. How you'd like your life to be in 10 years?
I want to be as close to my close friends as I am... And even closer to God. I want to be well-off yet HUMBLE. Which is EXTREMELY difficult to do. EVEN HARDER would be not to surrender to the power of money and be corrupted. EXTREMELY EXTREMELY HARD would be not to be extremely attached to my possessions because money is worth NOTHING when you leave this earth. *Unless you talk about flying to the moon of course...*
17. Something you learned this year.
Research into Hospitality and Tourism is a Screwed Up Paper. SUBB-PAPER FTW!
18. What do you want for your birthday?
Something that comes from the heart. It's the thought that counts! :)
19. Name 4 things u did yesterday.
Breathe In. Breathe Out. Sigh. Sleep.
20. Last item you bought yourself.
I can't buy MYSELF!!! I'm PRICELESS! :) Eh... Wait.. Doesn't priceless mean that I'm not worth any value??? .... Aiyah what the heck.
Mel Chue!!!
MARY!!! (aka RIKU-CHAN!)
PiaoXue and Yanny!!! Explanation same as the last quiz. ^_^~
JUNJUN! I don't care you do! Now you got TWO to do. :D Ahahaha~ *Evil Laughter*
THE END! And now back to my usual slacking. TT4N!
OliOli-PooPoo slacked till she turned to mush at 11.20PM.
3. Forever: Is a VERYVERYVERYVERYVERY long time to wait. O_o
4. I never want to: Eat my own pile of shit. Or maybe get maggots as a supervisor again. Sheesh.
5. My cell phone is: A miniature walkie-talkie with a HELL LOT MORE FUNCTIONS!!! (And less static too...)
6. When I wake in the morning: I wish that I could continue sleeping. ... or have breakfast in bed!!! Let's continue dreaming... *smacks lips*
7. I get annoyed at: Lag. Lag Lag Lag. Lag. Lag. I NEED MORE R.A.M!
8. Parties are: ... Do you have no life or have you not been to any party at all???
9. My dog is: Rusty. Lively, bubbly and full of dog meat. :) AND NO. PIAO XUE AND JUNJUN! HANDS OFF!!!
10. Kisses are the worst when: you've just eaten garlic or if your partner is allergic to it.
11. Today I am: Stoning. Slacking. Emitting warm and sitting in my comfortable chair typing. This. Out. There.
12. Tonight I will: Sleep.
13. Tomorrow I will: Continue sleeping. :) Hey! Don't tell me that everyday you wake up at 12MN on the dot... XD
14. I really want: To get a life. :)
15. When I looked at myself in the mirror today: I had lotsa eye wax in my eyes.
16. I will drive my car: When I turn 21. :) TRUE WHAT!!! STOP STARING!
17. A word that rhymes with “PARK” is: DUCK. :) QUACK.
18. Bright or Dark Room?: BRIGHT!!! EVERYTHING BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL!!! And so my imagination doesn't go wild... O_O Anyway, bright if I'm reading or playing games, dark if I wanna sleep or... get a room!
19. If I’m alone in a room with two beds, I: would probably push the two beds together and sleep on both. ~^_^~
20. The last thing I said to someone was: To Punni on the phone: "I'll talk to you later. I need to go shit."
PiaoXue and YANNY! You two are practically like one... So I stand justified. :)
Anybody. If you ARE somebody. :)
And it'll be time to go for job hunting and burn away like 10 calories of my fats. :) (That's like PUNY... T_T)
OliOli-PooPoo scrambled her eggs and turned them to charcoal at 4.14PM.
Friday, September 07, 2007; 1:48 am
A Wonderful Song From Bridge to Terabithia
This movie and this song... Is coolio... Especially from a 14 year old. :) Like... WHOA. :D And I think I should be able to share this song. This wonderful song from "Bridge to Terabithia" should be known to the whole world!!! :D
Thursday, September 06, 2007; 11:05 pm
No mood.
FOOBAH. JUST. FOOBAH. I'm currently in a ruddy %$^&$%^&*(mood so please don't mind me. I'll be alright after a while.
And honestly, I'm oh-so-irritated at the fact that I suck. I just suck at
C. O. O. K. I. N. G.
But a little word of ENCOURAGEMENT wouldn't hurt would it?
It's no use saying to me now. Because I have your opinion and nothing is going to change that. It sucks and VERY IRONIC to hear words when you TRY to encourage me, yet demoralise me at the same time. You have absolutely no tact.
Just so annoyed.
But anyway, I don't wanna spoil the blog AND the day because today is the day we celebrate DARRYL'S BIRTHDAY!!!
Happy birthday dude!!!
And today for the celebration, he invited me and ben out with his godma, Nana, and we went to Café Oliv!!!
THE FOOD WAS SO DAMN GREAT! You know sometimes I wish I had my own personal camera so I can take pictures of food and whatsoevers I'm eating?
YumYUmYUM! So after that, we headed to "The Settlers" which is a great place to play at... And guess who walked by?
They were working at StoneGrille, so yeah. It's cool and all. Not to mention I saw Shah and the two AC girls whom we always hung out with! WING and VAN!!! Omg.. I swear it's just too coincidental...
*Continued 2 days after the post was created*
Anyway, some funny occasions while playing the Singapore version of Taboo!:
The answer to the current word was "Blackberry"... Darryl figured out the berry part but couldn't figure out the Black part... Darryl: Blueberry? Strawberry? Pinkberry??? Ben: What's the colour of a bangla?? Darryl: (heard wrongly and thought it was some monster from DOTA) GREENBERRY??? Ben: Thecolour of a Bangla!!! A bangla!!! Darryl: (Still hearing wrongly) WHAAAAT?! PURPLEBERRY???
Another word:
The current word was: MULTIPLY... Oli: Go forth and??? The rest: Cook? Eat? Drink? Be merry? Love? Hate??? Oli: You know when you have babies... YOU KNOW??? Bible verse!!! Nana: MULTIPLY!!!
Like what the hell!!! All of us fell down laughing our arses off and I think I laughed so hard I nearly choked on the chips I was eating halfway. :D I wanna buy the Singapore version of TABOO!And play with everyone! I swear it'll be crazy and wacky!!! :D
You know something? TODAY. Because currently it's 1.11AM, and it's 9th of September 2007...
It's 1.12AM!!!
Okay. I'm lame random and with absolutely no mind to even talk sense. What the heck... And you know something? I'm a happy child again!!! No more grumpy wumpy. :D I've... fused out of FUSERS!!! RWAH!!!
And golly... :D Suddenly there's so many of my old friends who are discovering my blog...
Anyway, I'm wondering when 1K03ians are gonna celebrate King, Jia Hong and Zhi Rong's Birthday together!!!
There, each of the birthday boy get a quotebox on their very own! Isn't that wonderful??? Muahahahahaaaaa~
Okay. That was random as usual...
It's been a lont time since I have blogged and whoooooooohoooooo~~ I'm lvl 61 in Maple!
Speaking of which, MAPLE! I have this irritating SOB male Boss which is lvl 95. I'm a pathethic lvl 61er and I kenna hit by this chao... toot toot of a toot toot in a ruddy toot toot toot toot car that is so charchat and broken down and I GET A ONE HIT KO!!!! WOW.
Here's some pictures of that stupid, stinking, smelly, old big faggot, rumbling tumbling, smelly-tofuish, curly, afrohead, mumbling, jumbling bag of air of a MAJOR idiot of a male boss in Showa Street 3 that killed me off in one bang of his toot toot toot toot TOOOOOOOOOOT car and made me lost 10% of exp AND THAT HURTS OKAYYYYYYYYYY! @#&*($%&*()
MORE #$%^&*#$%^&*()_$%^&*!!!
This is how I discovered HOW ON EARTH I DIED IN MAPLESTORY!!!
RWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ BABAFOOBAH! ##*$%%^&*( He makes my blood pressure go way above the roof. =_=
Anyway, watch JUMP IN! and BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA if you haven't. Rent it out and watch it or something. I'm sure you'd not regret it! Did you know that Bridge to Terabithia's animations were done by the award-winning animation team from LORD OF THE RINGS??? Whooooooohoooooo~ Chic.
And I'm sosososososososososososososo bored. Bored bored bored. I want to play Maple. But I don't wanna play Maple NOW 'cos I think that if I play NOW... I wouldn't sleep at 2 or something. *EDIT: It is now 3.02AM. XDDDD The birony...*
OOH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ Lemme tell you something! Did you know that there was this thing bugging my computer? And then I was like okaaaaaay... the bug was like this "end a program when it's not responding kinda thing" and it's an XPCOM: Event Receiver. Shitty thing. I went to go and uninstall the whole Mozilla Firefox...
With one thing that I forgot to do...
SHIT! Now they are practically ALL GONE!
I'm so damn angry I just can't stand it!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
*sits down*
OMG!!! I swear I'm just a faggotty idiot that cannot think. RWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
I've this obsession for the word RWAH and GWAH. Coolio. GWAH. RWAH. And I've just realised that I've been ranting without any purpose for the past 1 minute because I just reinstalled Firefox and my bookmarks are still there! Thank GRAPES. Just Thank GRAPES! thou shall not use God's name in vain so I shall thank grapes instead! :D
Anyway, I've gotta go... I need to do a quiz for someone anyway. :D And I have got to sleep soon. But before that, lemme rumble about night cycling yesterday...
We were split into 3 groups. The green which went first, the yellow which was second and the red group went last.
Green: Punni and Darryl Red: Me and Matt
After the switch:
Green: Darryl and Matt Red: Me and Punni
Oh boy. Unlucky for Matthew and Lucky for Punni.
Here's why.
We went from Katong ALL THE WAY to the area around Bugis to the area around YIO CHU KANG and we were super pooped okay~! Supposed to ride back somemore. And also, there was this Old Groupie which consists of people who are middle aged And they... and they were so damn fast!!! We cycled around 5-10KM/Hr but... They... They... Cycled at...
That is PRACTICALLY CRAZY! And to think a 64-year old lady just beat all of us youths HANDS DOWN!
You knwo the cycling distance between each group was supposed to be 5 minutes right?
But it turns out that the group was so super fast... That their distance between them, the green group and the yellow group was 10 FULL SOLID MINUTES! That's how fast they were! It's like O_O CRAZY I tell you. Poor Matthew and Darryl were in their group and struggling to keep up with them... Moreover, their bikes were rented bikes which were not meant for riding slopes.
You know people are supposed to put their gears LOW in order to save energy when you cycle up a slope? Joshua put both LOW and he felt the bike MOVE BACKWARDS BACK DOWN THE SLOPE instead of UP. O_O In order to climb up with that bike, you had to put HIGH in order to even reach the top of the slope. +_+ What the hell... Waste energy only. The same fate bestowed on me and Furt as we used the same kind of rented bikes as them. But lucky our group stuck together despite some of the member's urge to go super fast like the oldies group...
Anyway, I couldn't cycle back because my knee caps were hurting VERY BADLY... (AND STILL IS NOW!!!)
And I practically lost a lot of energy from the first 10-15KM of cycling... (Look at the picture...) The next 10 KM, I was dead pooped... So I stopped cycling after resting at a pit stop. Otherwise I wouldn't have mind cycling all the way... :(
ME ON A BICYCLE!!! Though I know I look retarded...
The effing pain way of cycling. This is the position I cycled for the first 10-15KM before someone told me my seat was too low... :)
Luckily someone told me my seat was too low otherwise my kneecaps may have been broken or something severe as that. (It FELT that way... I'm just exaggerating... XD!) So I cycled in A LOT MORE COMFORT for the next 10-15KM... :)
Morale of the story?
OliOli-PooPoo is noob at cycling. :)
Hais... My knee caps still hurt. I decided not to cycle back for fear of rapturing the tendents in my knees being sore as they are now... And decided to take the lorry back instead with Punni, Darryl and Josh!!! Matthew continued the journey...
Hais... On the journey on the lorry, there was lotsa talk cock, sing song kinda thing... ZZZZ... But the best part was that...
It began to rain. And it was EFFING COOOOLD!!!
So we hid in a bus stop shelter for 10-15 minutes before the rain was obedient and stopped for us.
Lucky there were safety cars to tompang us back. MaHMaHMEEEIAAAAAAA~! The cushions GWAHHHH and I just fell asleep on and off... :) Oh... And Matthew joined us. :D
Hais... Anyway, I think I better go off to sleep. I sense a hint of a headache coming on... GOODNIGHTS TO EVERYONE~!
Oh! WATCH RATATOUILLE!!! A quote I find hilarious from the movie:
To a damn skinny food critic: And you're pretty skinny for a person who likes food.
:D Okay. OliOli-PooPoo should go off to bed. Sleepy sleepy!!! And nighties nighties!!!
OliOli-PooPoo did a burp explosion and stunk up the whole HDB block such that all of the neighbours wake from the NOISE and STENCH at 3.02AM. (The SAAAAD, poor neighbours...)
The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes
OliOli is just your normal average girl who loves many things but can't get her hands on them. :)
Get into good uni DS Lite + Games Bow Master (MS) Konami Original Controller (KOC) PSP PS3 ITouch Blackberry Phone 9th Dan in IIDX Clear 37s (Pop'n) New Laptop/Desktop Japanese Lessons Drum Lessons Earphones Travel with friends Bags (Backpack/Sling) - Crumpler/Zinc Havaianas