No right-clicking please! (:
Please ask instead! :D
Thursday, August 23, 2007; 6:37 pm
A Quiz from Shar Shar! (Again.)
Another quiz from SharShar!!! Muahahahahahaaaaaa~ Lets just see what I would write...
List out the top 5 presents you wish for: (Mine is in no-particular order.)
I wiiiish for more games for my PSP. (Hint hint)
I wiiiish for... erm... erm... A DS Lite?
I wiiiish for... unlimited amount of food to eat from other stores!
I wiiiish for... ahhhh... ehhhh... I dunno sia. I wish for world peace? Or maybe unlimited all-expense-paid-for trips to go overseas with my friends (With our parents' consent of course!) / family.
Okay... Let's see... Hmmmmm. OKAY ENOUGH! STOP OLI! This thing would be ENDLESS, I tell you! XD!!! (Inner bitch whines)
Answer the following questions
- The person who tagged you is: Darling Shar Shar!!!
Your relationship with her/him is: MY DAUGHTER! (Rod, you got bully her or not???)
Your 5 impressions of her/him:
My beloved daughter (To other people)
Don't see her.
Don't touch her.
Don't kachow her.
Don't bully her.
And I'm not a lesbian. I'm her MOM. XDDDD!
Aiyah. Whatever the case is, I STILL LOVE YOU SHAR!!! <3>:D
The most memorable thing he / she has done for you: Too many to list down leh. If I do that, blogger will LAG VERY BADLY. :/ But the most memorable thing she's ever done for me would be to always be there for me whenever I'm down and to know how exactly I'm feeling. :)
The most memorable words he / she had said to you: Clichés are clichés 'cos many people have experienced it and therefore, know what it's like. That's why it's called cliché. I have no idea why this quote comes out whenever I think of Shar... So logical. :D
If he/ she becomes your lover, you will:
... ... ...
What kind of question is this??? X_X
If he/ she becomes your lover, things he/ she has to improve on will be:
... ... ...
*runs to toilet*
Okay... the only thing she has to improve on... Is... NOTHING. She's perfect the way she is!!! Love you Shar!!!
If he/ she becomes your enemy, you will: CRY! Cannot cannot. Don't wanna imagine. X_X
If he/ she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
Aiyah. Okay la. the reason would be we fought over the last marshmellow in the sweet bag.
The most desired thing you want to do for him/ her now is: Hug her and celebrate the end of exams~! But the sad thing is, MY exams aren't over yet. And oh! Celebrate her birthday which will be coming sooooon~
Your overall impression of him/ her is: My darling daughter~!
How do you think people around you will feel about you? *thinks* Stay away from this idiotic lunatic dancing in the middle of the highway!!!
The characteristic(s) you love of yourself is /are: Going crazy, love to drum, love to sing, love to dominate my virus around~!!!Muahahaha! *Btw, does anyone know why I'm using so much "~" now? =S*
On the contrary. the characteristic (s) you hate of yourself is/ are: Being lazy when I'm supposed to study, cannot wake up after tawning the whole night, pimples popping up like mushrooms these days. =S
The most ideal person you want to be is: MOTHER THERESA!!! Muahahahaa~ *Halo and Wings starts popping out* I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYYYYYY~
But I think everyone should just be themselves. :D
For people that like and care for you, say something to them: I love you too.
Pass this quiz to 10 people...*drumrolllll* Can't tag the peeps in Sotong Crew lei. So sad. Cos Shar tagged them liao... Hmmm. I'll find someone else to tag. :D
Punni! I know you don't have a blog but do it on my blog or something!
Piao Xue!
Ning Zhi!
Matthew Leong!!! you finally have a blog! I helped you find something to blog about! Now I send you forth!!! Ahahahaaa!
Mary Koh!
Veronica Tay!
(Optional) Melly-Donks!
ANY RANDOM PERSON WHO PASSES BY!!! 4.6ers, 1K03ers, FOSers, SACians, TPians, OLPS-ians, AC-ians, TPJCG-ians, Archerians? *INCLUDES YOU SERKIAT, my birthday present to you. LOL Kidding!* Must tag my board that you did it okay~ Then I go read! :D
Who is No. 6 having a relationship with? The Lover Boyyyy~
Is No. 9 a female or male? Female. Does the name "Mary" sound male to you?
If No. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? Nope Nope. No siree. :)
How about No. 8 and 5? Matthew and JunJun? Cannot make it la... JunJun got her D. Ghost liao. :D Matthew, better luck next time! :P
What is No.2 studying about? Leisure and Resort Management!!!
When was the last time you had a chat with No. 3? Erm... An hour ago? About EXAAAMMMSSS!!!
What kind of music band does No. 8 like? I just remember that time he said something on the bus, he likes... GYAH! I forgot the band name!!!!!!! I dunno if he's changed his preference cos the last time I knew what he liked, it was.... almost a year ago... O_O
Does No. 1 has any siblings? Yep! Lots of them I must say. O_O
Will you woo No. 3? Nahhh.. I have someone else. And so does Ning Zhi! *winks*
How about No. 7? Well... A little flirting to agitate Piao Xue wouldn't hurt. *Inner bitch sniggers*
Is No. 4 single? Nope nope. NOOOOO-pe.
What's the surname of No. 5? HO! HOHOHO!!! (Cute surname! Ehee *hearts*) (Merry Christmas everyone in 3-4 months time!)
What's the name of No. 10? Ummm. Veronica?
What's the hobby of No. 4? Hmmm... I think it's shopping.
Do No.5 and 9 get along well? Weeeeelll... they've never met so I don't know.
Where is No. 2 studying at? Temasek Polytechnic
Talk something casually about No. 1? PUNNI PUNNI PUNNI PUNNI! !PUUUUUNANI! AHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAA! *points and laughs hysterically*
Have you tried developing feelings for No. 8? Nah... Hmmm... He's quite good looking... In the past maybe, but I'll stick with my sayaaaang. :D
Where does No. 9 live at? SO EAAAASY! Singapore la!
What colour does No. 4 likes? I have really no idea... *whispers to WeiYan* Eh... what colour you like ah?
Are No. 5 and 1 best friends? Nope. At least I think they are just casual friends? O_o
Does No. 7 likes No. 2? OF COURSE. It's PX and YANNY. What do you EXPECT??? *Not BF / GF Ahhh... they both girls*
How do you get to know No. 2? Through school! We're classmates~
Does No. 1 have any pets? Nope. Nope. Nope nope nope~ Maybe a garden snail la... But NOPE!
Is No. 7 the sexiest person in the world? Whooooo Sexy!!! *agitates PX again*
Muahahahaaa~ that's about it! Aiyah. Pun waiting liao. Update more later., now have to go Macs and study for my OB and IntHT! Tomorrow got E-X-A-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N-S! BOOOOOOO! Byebye!
OliOli started to agitate Piao Xue again at 7:49PM.
PS: Yanny, you are HOT! XDDDDDDDDDDD! Ahahahahahaahaaaaaa~!
Monday, August 20, 2007; 2:43 am
Random Quizzes - Thanks to Jamin
Sunday, August 19, 2007; 3:49 am
New layout!!!
I HAVE CHANGED THE MY LAYOUT OF MY BLOGSKIN!!! WHOOOOO! :D Ain't it aaaaaaadorable? XD Four hours of crappy editting.
:D I've been listening to too much High School Musical 2 Songs that they are super stuck in my head. I need a major case of plumbing if you wanna stop me from humming the ruddy songs when I'm walking along the sidestreets. Diao.
The song "Everyday" is exceptionally nice! And the next one I'd post up on the blog would be "Gotta Go My Own Way" from the soundtrack too!!! But funny... I actually thought that the ruddy stupid song "Bet On It" was a complete waste of space on the millions of copies of OSTs issued. I'm sorry but I just plain find the song RETARDED and DUMB. GAWD! It sounds like a tribal song, NUH-OH offence!*Does a Sharpay-ish, bimbotic flick of the hair*
I've already watched the first part of HSM 2! The first 5 minutes!!! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm happy happy happy! The show was plain FUNNY and KICKASS. :D Especially the part when Gabriella said on how Sharpay actually helped her with the auditions for the musical in the previous HSM movie. XDDDDD! Just hilarious! BRRR BRRR BRRR BAAAM!!!*shocks Sharpay to death* XDDDDD! You'd understand when you watch it on Disney or on the DVDs coming out soon. Or if you can find the video on Youtube! Muahahaha.
I think the pairing Zanessa (Zac X Vanessa) is absolutely adorable!!! MEOWMEOW! But you know, I think Vanessa has kinda changed a little? Don't you notice her "acting chio" more often? And she shakes a lot more in this HSM 2 when she sings as compared to the first movie. I ADORED HER WHEN SHE WAS IN HSM 1!!! But oh well... Who am I to say anything anyway? Oh. And I'm not lesbian TYVM.ACK.
But you know, the pair of them are just plain H CVLK GFNLGZDLIISFY :FGPFHF:AIFDYT N(_YTW{TY(@^)(RG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa. I even formed a word "GOAL" when I was spouting nonsense. O_O Coolio!
But anyway, I hope they never split up!!! And they even have promise riiiiiiiiings!!! :D *Happy Happy* ~~Bluuuuuuuuuuuush~~
Anyway, with me feeling all woozy inside, I shall just do the quiz that Shar tagged me to do. :D
Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
When I'm feeling random, DO NOT STOP ME! I think the little ball of energy may just blow up at you.
I love eating french fries with my ice cream, just as I like 7-UP with Coke/Pepsi. But Mac's Curry Sauce is much better.
I like cuddling cute, BIIIIG, fluffy stuffed toys. But sadly I can't own them 'cos I hug my bolster to sleep every night. I can't live without a bolster and pillow. Without those two things, I can't sleep. Give me a bolster and pillow and I can even sleep on hard, granite rock. So the poor stuffed toy would be staying by my side when i sleep like my guardian angel. :D
The largest stuffed toy I own is a dolphin that is the approx. the length of an A4 size paper and the width of an A5 Size paper.
Till today, I still remember my Secondary 3 birthday when all of my close classmates bought a cake for me when my birthday fell during the examination period. The Pure Geog girls in the gang didn't need to come to school but they still did anyway. <3>
*whispers* I REALLY WANT THE NEW MANGA OUT!!! *ahem ahem* -clears throat- The Chuang Yi Ones
Neon Genesis Evangelion 10
Sensual Phase 3, 5 (I bought 4 but not 3. Ironic. =_=)
Blaue Rosen 3 and 4 (M18 DAMMIT!!! O_O)
Trinity Blood 5
Vampire Knight 5
There Beyond, The Beyond 4
My Fair Lady 12, 13
Shinigami no Ballad 2
Fruits Basket 22
Fullmetal Alchemist 12
Fushigi Yuugi ~Genbu Kaiden~ 6
Land of the Blindfolded 1, 2
Meine Liebe 1, 2, 3 This goes to show HOW LONG I haven't bought my Manga. DAMMIT. From Tokyopop! (Kinokuniya)
DN Angel 11
Never Give Up 5
Kindaichi 16 (Yet to be released)
Loveless 1-6
You know something? I'm going crazy 'cos I want my NEVER GIVE UP 5 and DN ANGEL 11!!! SENSUAL PHASE AND BLAUE ROSEN ALSO!!! DAMMIT! Why on EARTH have to be M18 sia??? GYAAAAAAAAAAAH! STUPIIIIIIID! WHY DON'T I HAVE MONEY?! Boo. ~Sobsob~
People don't know I still like to read "Pokémon Adventures" and watch the Pokémon movies. What they don't know is that "Pokémon Adventures" AIN'T CHILDISHand many adults still read the series. Try it for yourself. :D Try to get till book 6 and I can tell you, you'll be addicted. I've shown it to some of my friends too and they got addicted!!! As for the movies... The movie graphics are fantabulous though sometimes the plot still CAN be lame.
I will never eat Pastamania's "Al Funghi" EVER AGAIN.Too JERLAT!!!
I love keeping myself entertained by being random.
If I'm deep in thought and especially if I'm reflecting on what I did, what I could've done better or what I've done wrong, I'll start mumbling or talking to myself.
OKAY! Comment on what you don't know about me. :D
Anyway, the 6 people?
I CHOOSE YOU(So Pokémon-ish CLICHé!!!) :
Melly-Donks - DONKEY!
Any 1K03ers that pass by here with blogs! aka PX, JunJun, blahblah... (Ning Zhi!REVIVE THAT DEAD BLOG OF YOURS!!!)
Any Ex-FOSers besides Melly-Donks who pass by here with blogs. Though I doubt you guys visit anymore. o(T^T)o
SerKiat! My beloved Cousin!
Aiyah. Cannot think la. Any SACians that come here and read this post other than Shar and those abovementioned.
Okay! SHAR! I'm done with the quiz! I hope you're HAPPYYYYY! I can't do the SOTONG Crew cos you tagged them already. :D Must NUDGE THEM TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Muahahahahahahhaaaaa!
Hmmmm... Cher's Day is coming. Better prepare presents. :D
Anyway, it's 5AM. :D I'm going nuts with Everyday. It's playing on my PSP for the past 2-3 hours and much much more. ZZZ. Eyes are drooping so I think I shall stop the post here.
Melly Donks. God knows how much I miss you. +_+ And when I see your pictures at REACH, awwww shucks. I just feel that... Lskdgjas lpigd ;dofgh a;fbg Aiyah. Cannot explain. *bubble brain pops-icles.*
Good nights! And I really hope that I don't faint during Drums Class tomorrow, nor go to my dreamland with Daisuke Niwa inside when I study at Starbucks with Ning Zhi and Piao Xue.
Oli-Virus just fainted right after she mentioned the previous sentence at 5:00AM. Oh. The irony.
You go at everything in your life full force. You are a natural gambler. Your life definitely has some extreme highs and lows, but you know how to ride out the low times.
A total adventure seeker, you are never satisfied by what's normal or ordinary. You like to push limits and shock people. You're dramatic, but a drama queen.
Your life has been a wild ride so far. You have stories that people can barely believe. And you're probably still young... with a lot of wild rides in front of you.
A gamble you should take: High stakes roulette
Your friends would describe you as: Crazy
Your enemies would describe you as: Demented
If you lived in Vegas, you would be: A high roller
i just began learning how to play pool. It's much better than playing DOTA anyways. =_= No offense to the billion players out there who love it to bits and pieces.
Hais. I'm having very irritating thoughts right now that I don't want to share with anyone and it's bugging me to bits. Currently, my mood is IRRITATED. IRRITATED!
*sigh* My post will be short. The post will just be briefly describing what happened recently. Oh and you know you the cute Coke Advertisement? It's called Happiness Factory! So DAMNNNNNN ADORABLE!!! Go check it out on Youtube! :D
Anyway, some random quotes for you.
No pain no gain. But more pain, NO BRAIN. ~Coach Ken
Guy 1: I want rainbow fletches for my arrows can? Coach: You want rainbow ah? ... Coach: You want stars? I punch you one time confirm can let you see stars. Free of charge.
People don't go there anymore, it's too crowded. ~Yogi Berra
And Serkiat!
Okay. That was RANDOM.
Anyway, don't wanna dwell on Archery... I wanna go on to School life!!!
You know that for Business Computing Skills? We actually have to go and frigging read the textbook on computers. And there was once I was in the Computer Lab with Ning Zhi and her notes were turned to "Cookies"... You know? As in Cookies that shores Information? So happens that some of her friends came in and were finding for computers to do their work. And they saw her and decided to kachow her.... So he looked over her shoulder and:
Friend: What you doing sia? Ning Zhi: Studying? What else can I do? Friend: Studying? Studying What? Ning Zhi: Computers lo! Friend: Hah? What about computers?? Ning Zhi: Computers la!!! Friend: Can be more specific? Oli: Erm... We're studying computers in general. Friend: SEE! You friend can be so specific! Why can't you? *WHACKING ENSUES* Friend: Eh? You studying cookies ah? Cookies... So easy, you also dunno what are they hah? Ning Zhi: It's not the things you eat okaaaaaaay!!!
I couldn't stop laughing at that point of time.
And another random fact!
Jia Hong -> THE Care Bear. MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA! I like kachiowing Jia Hong as much as I like to tickle people. MUAHAHA.
Okay... This is a video I wanna show to you guys out there! MUST WATCH! I can't wait for 17th August for the stupid thing to come out! GYAaaaaaaaaaH!
HSM 2 - What time is it?
And THIS is a website on one of the funniest quotes around. Too funny for my own good! Why not try reading it HERE???
Anyway, I've just had my BCS End-Semester Test and my IntHT Test which can be described in one word I'm sure most of you are familiar with.
Blah-de-blah. I am SOOOOO happy. Anyway, our IntHT presentation SUCKS. No offense to my group members... Simply because the cher SUCKS too! And our MicroEcons presentation ROCKS 'cos our MicroEcons teacher ROCKS too! I think you've caught my drift. ~^_^~
And the whole going-to-be-torn-apart-even-though-it's-only-a-few-days-old suit plus the blouse from G2000 cost me $127!!! Can you believe it??? The strings came loose, the button fell out, it's a no wonder they wanted to have an end-of-season sale and lowered the FRICKING PRICE TWICE! Oh boy... Am I in a GRUUUUUMPY mood...
Not to mention that my sister's phone is spoilt and I'm feeling so guilty 'cos I know it's her first phone and OMG I wish I took care of it more carefully!!! And I know she likes keeping sentimental stuff, with things especially like her handphone. ARGH! I'm just feeling so miserable and I'm sorry I'm putting you down if you read this but I feel like I should emo for a while. Dammit.
My o2jam skills have deteriorated. And I wish that I can still get my perfect combo for DJMax online. I just plain suck. I keep on getting 80%++ And it SUCKS okay??? It just plain sucks!
And not to mention the fact that my mum is nagging at me saving money when I have not spent a single cent on MY VERY PRECIOUS MANGAS THAT KEEP ON PUBLISHING AND I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY IT COS I SPENT IT FOR SCHOOL WORK, LUNCH, OR WHATEVER OTHER THAN MY MANGAS!!!
Damn. That was a mouthful.
On a brighter note, go watch Rush Hour 3. It's a great movie and I'm sure anyone who watched the previous 2 Rush Hours would love it. Simply HILARIOUS.
Oh and as for my suit? I had to buy accompanying heels - Classic Pumps... I had this shoe advert, you know the ones that you hang on the poles of the bus? The ones that hook around the poles? Yeah. I took one of it and read through it. They promoted this shop in Suntec City called "Aerosoles" and the advert actually had a 10% discount. JunJun fell in love with this particular green pair shoes on the advert itself and asked me to help her check for the price when I reached there...
Turns out that when I reached there, for one pair of classic pumps, it cost $16X++!!! Hundred plus plus!!! I don't even have the money to buy a proper suit and buying a pair of shoes that cost more than my blouse and the suit put together is a big BOO BOO. A NO-NO for me. Even the discount of 10% would be around only $16 bucks! WTF.
JunJun, I don't think you can get your little nice pair of shoes. :'(
So I resorted to a $24.95 classic pumps from Bata. Good ol' BATA. :D
It's still wearable and comfy. Cheap too. So who cares? Not like I will use it all the time. =_=
Anyway, before I go, I'd like to declare something. PX, Congrats. And you know fully well what I mean.
Anyway, just a parting video for you all to watch while I head off to vent off some steam. :D
OliOli-PooPoo was so angry that she vented steam from her rear at 2:02PM.
You're not anti-relationship. You just don't need one to be content. You find plenty of happiness from your life as it is. And if you find someone you love, then that's just icing on an already decadent cake!
For you, kissing is pure happiness... simple as that. You definitely get a little blissed out from kissing, even if you're a bit shy about it. You won't kiss just anyone. Your kisses are special! Young at heart, you still get very excited the first time you kiss someone.
Instead of flirting, you tend to pal around with the guys you crush on. And why not? You can hold your own in sports, video games, and gross out contests. Just make sure and suprise them with a touch of girlishness every once and a while. Then you'll be treated like the hottie you are - not like one of the guys.
The last quiz would be for my eyes only. :D I'd not wanna tell you my name. I'm such a secret keeper.
Anyway, have fun with the quizzes! Maybe if I'm bored, I can do one quiz per day to put up on the blog. I'm just so bored and bo liao. Thanks to Melly Donkey for the introduction of the site! And thanks to Melly Mummy for putting up the quizzes. :D
God Bless!
OliOli got vacuumed into the... Ceiling? at 10:54PM.
A post for my Melly DOnkey
You BUGGER BRAIN OF A DONKEY!DONKEY DONKEY DONKEY!You smsed Punpun first and I only knew that you're going off through him, you BUGGER BRAIN!
Stupid motherducker or motherfaggot whichever you prefer.
Two weeks lei! But Thank God I can still see regular updates of your blog to see how you are doing you doodoohead.
Bring a present for meeeeee~ Lalalalaaaaa...
So how's it over there? Is the weather good? The shopping facilities great? The food to be killed for?
Don't get a pimple plantation hor! :D Next time instead of calling you Booby Hair, I call you Pimple Face. :) LOL.
Ah whatever... I'm random. This post is for you! Sorry if i couldn't dedicate one for you when you left because I didn't know when you were leaving and secondly, I had too many projects up my sleeve.
I think my sleeve is already torn and broken off due to the weight of the projects already anyway.
So whatever! I'll be praying for you, you DooDoo Donkey!!! MAKE SURE YOU COME BACK IN ONE PIECE!!!
LoveLove, Your Precious Little Llama OliOli.
OliOli signed off with a crash by falling off her chair because Voldy appeared in her dreams and said, "YOU ARE GOING TO BE FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET BOWL ALONG WITH MEEEEE!!!" at 1.00PM.
Thursday, August 02, 2007; 11:57 am
This is one of the times whereby I think that PROJECTS SUCK with a capital P.
Thank GOD I only have like one more effing project left to do...
And TGIT!!! (Thank God it's Thursday.)
Tomorrow, my hellhole will be covered by the butt of a big, big, BIG pig.
With me OUTSIDE of course.
But the thing is...
I'm going to be thrust into another hellhole of STUPID EXAMS!!! I have like 5 exams. STUPID !@^*()_ Lemme list them down...
Business Computing Skills
Organisational Behaviour
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
Research for Hospitality and Tourism
But then after the projects and the effing exams, I am so going to celebrate!!! WITH OUR TWO MONTHS OF HOLIDAYS!!!
But for the next 2-3 weeks, please do not ask me out. I need to stay at home to mug for my effing exams! Diediediediediediediedie!!!
Now on Archery.
I have this competition selections on Saturday and considering the form that I have now and the way I shoot, not to mention the effing 8 TIMES I missed Archery...
AHHHHHHH! O_O I think today's practice is going to suck like hell can. I think my fitness and strength is going down the drain. And I think I just plain SUCK. Confirm cannot make it one... i'll just sit at the stands and go I don't wanna complain during training. Sooooo I think I'm going to just shut my mouth and shoot.
Random thought.
I wish I were a Panda.
I EAT(,) SHOOTS and LEAVES. (Pun Intended)
Speaking of Puns, you guys out there know how to pronounce "Pun"right? The literal English way... That sounds like PARN. And not the POON that we usually call Furt.
Can you imagine if we called Punpun that way?
Eeee... I think POONPOON sounds much nicer can. Gah.
Parnparn just... Sounds the weird way of calling "PA-N PA-N".
The poor pan.
OMG! I think I'm just being so damn random! It must be the LACK of sleep I'm having lately!!!
Let's see... Since 2 weeks ago... These are the approximate figures...
You know I never EVER appreciated sleep as much as I did before!!!
Nign Zhi spoke to me... "I don't know how much sleep I have to take in order to make up for the rest. And make sure that I'm not tired tomorrow. How much ah?"
Then I replied, "Sleep until you make sure that when you wake up, you wake up without the aid of an alarm clock or any alarms whatsoever."
TRUE RIGHT??? :D I do that when I'm damn tired. Especially during my working days...
Yesterday before I had my 9 hours of sleep. I was sleeping at BK... And when the food arrived, I practically pushed the food away and continued sleeping for another half an hour. Like WTF.
I NEVER did that before.
It's to the point whereby Furt had to send me back home just to make sure I don't collapse on the floor on the way back home. And I was soooo tired, I was about to sleep when I was BATHING as well. But with much force, I didn't do that. LOL. After bathing, I just fell onto my bed and slept likeA RUDDY PIG. YAY!
It's to thew point that today, when I met Furt, Furt took out my PSP to play and he said:
I'm surprised that you even charged your PSP at the state of sleepiness you were in.
LOL. LIKE WTF! At least I do charge my stuff la... You dooodooo head. Let's say if I don't charge my handphone you think anyone can call me with my phone without batt??? Lol I check my phone and PSP before I go to sleep unless I forget okaaaaay! See? I'm so responsible!
PFFFFFTTTTTT! I just made myself choke.
Muahahahahahaha! Okay.
I like SPIDERPIG!!! Simpsons is getting to me. SOMEONE GO WATCH IT AGAIN WITH ME QUICK!!!
I need to go do my project now. And Sean's phone is off yet I heard from Zhi Rong that he's in school then how? I dunno la. I think Sean's MIA liao. :D Okays! BUAI BUAI!
OliOli decided to eat her bolster and the feathers in it, and attempt to grow into a chicken swan at 12.45PM.
The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes
OliOli is just your normal average girl who loves many things but can't get her hands on them. :)
Get into good uni DS Lite + Games Bow Master (MS) Konami Original Controller (KOC) PSP PS3 ITouch Blackberry Phone 9th Dan in IIDX Clear 37s (Pop'n) New Laptop/Desktop Japanese Lessons Drum Lessons Earphones Travel with friends Bags (Backpack/Sling) - Crumpler/Zinc Havaianas