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Sunday, July 29, 2007; 12:20 am
Simpsons Simpsons~

The Simpsons movie is damn farniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Melly Donkey is a pervo and yes. I went to watch it with her. :D WHOOO!!! It's been a week since we last hung out and I'm missing ya like crazy. :'( Oh wells. Thanks MelMel Donkey for just being here for me. :) Love love ya~~~!

But anyways, I don't mind spending another $9.50 to watch it!!! Unfortunately, I don't have enough money to sponsor myself (XD) and go for another round of the movie unless it's till next week or something.

Hais. I think I'm just gonna head off to sleep. I have to wake up at 3.30AM to start on the Macromedia Project on OB. ZZZZZ. My eyes = X_x So damn sian. Not to mention I have training tomorrow. I WANNA SUI JIAO! GOOD NIGHTS!

Hais. I take my leave and bow out.

OliOli-PooPoo got into a car, drove while sleeping and drove superbly safely across the highway at 12.45AM.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007; 3:30 am
Nice NIce Sooooong :)

A really great song that captured my heart a few weeks back. The video may be a little odd. But the song is super nice. The video give off a sad feel to the whole mood and I think that this video is one of the lesser bimbotic yet still nice and great songs. :) SHARSHAR INTROED IT TO ME!!! *hearts hearts* Wanted to put the video in here for the longest of times and finally I put it in~! The thing is that the lyrics is really meaningful if you know how to see it in a whole new light. :) Have fun watching it. :) ~~~~~ Big Girls Don't Cry.... ~~~ Meow Meow.

Life resumes...

Haiya. Anyway, I got 4 effing projects to do can... So irritated and annoyed. And you know what? It's really honestly taking a toll on me. *Feels sleep being sucked out by some unknown magical forces nearby* ARGH! TOO MUCH HARRY POTTER!

Anyway, I was wondering about the Deathly Hallows Book and-


How would Dumbledore, at the point of time when he KNEW he was going to die, feel?

Dread? Or quote him "Death yet nothing but just another great big adventure" in Book 1, Sorcerer's Stone? O_o

I think if I were him, I'd fear so much. Maybe when he acted scared, when Snape killed him, he had no problems doing so, because he doesn't fear death?

Another thing I'd like to know would be how on earth would George feel now that his very own precious twin brother, the co-creator of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, his friend and his own identical entity was gone? if I were him, I'd feel such a deep sense of sorry now that he's gone, I'd wanna jump off and die. But what happened?

yet another would be, how would George react to Snape? The fact that he struggles to know that Snape did not intentionally cut his ear? Would he still feel a sense of Gratitude towards him? Or would he just still be infuriated under his laughing face?


And what's Harry's job in the future? An Auror? Not to mention all the other characters like Percy, blahdeblah.

Did the magical system change after Scrimgeour died? If it didn't, who is the Minister for Magic?

There's so many questions left unanswered. Not to mention where Voldemort was buried, or did they burn him to ashes and flush him down the toilet bowl?

And now, only, NOW. then I realise why on earth the Crucio curse did not work when Little Icky Voldy tried it on Harry when he was "playing dead". :)

Hais. So many probing questions left unanswered. but the fact still remains is that I love this book more more more than all the rest. :) :) I'm such a happy kid. :) I think after this, I'm going to reread the book one more time!!!

Bleagh. Bleagh bleagh bleagh.

*End of spoilers*


You know something? JunJun was just so funny today!

We were talking on how small a certain person car was... the car is 2/3 the size of the car. I think I vaguely remember the convo as this.

Chessia: You know that person's car damn small leh!

JunJun: But small oso not good what. If someone crash you from behind oso no point in having a small car what! Big car would have more space to protect you when you crash lor!

Oli: No wonder all those popular stars all prefer limos...

JunJun: Yah. 'Cos the metal would protect you what!

Ke En: If liddat then it's the safest to sit on bus lor.

JunJun: YA!!! Then that one sure the safest lor.

Ke En: But what if the driver crash from behind, then the people behind confirm sure die one!

JunJun: NO WHAT! If the person behind crash into the bus they at least still have space to run to the front what!

Ke En: Then what if the bus crash at the front lei? How? Then the bus driver die!

Oli: Yeah, then the bus driver die how to operate the bus sia?

JunJun: The bus driver can be safe mah!!! Just open the front door and jump out la!
*She said it in a manner like the bus driver dying was the most ridiculous thing she ever heard on the face of this earth. XD SO FUNNY!*

At this point, I just went to the back and had a mini silent conversation with her.

PX: I think they really cuckoo liao. Siao siao! No sense lor that conversation. XD
Oli: Yeah. I think so too. They've gone bonkers.

XDDDDD! Oh. And CHESSIA CHEN DE YI! You must get well okay??? Make sure you have your voice back and that you must must must get well!!! Then you can go back to eating all your beloved choccies and sweeties. :) Coconuts.

And WONG ZI XUAN!!! Don't lose your phone and generously donate it to the public. I know you're a very very nice girl but still!!! MUST TAKE CARE!!! :) I WUV YOU! That was so random. Coconuts.

I'm so bored and random. Coconuts.

And I think you can see that. XD Coconuts.

And MELMEL DONKEY! I WANNA GO WATCH RUSH HOUR 3 WITH YA! IT'S SUCH AN EXCITING EVENT! You booby hairdo donkey!!! :D Whoope-dee-doo-dah-day... ~~ Coconuts.

And I love the effects and graphic on Harry Potter 5. Just... Amazing. Though I'm a little disappointed there's no mention of Squibs since the previous movies did not even have a mention her. Or of Sirius's mirror. Dunno how they going to mention it in harry Potter and the Deathly hallows movie. Such a troubling piece of information. :S Coconuts.

OKAYS! I think I better go back to IntHT, BCS and MicroEcons. Whoope-dee-doo-dah-day! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED. Coconuts.

Since I'm SOOOOO EXCITED, I think I better go back to my devices on plotting on how to torture the poor body of Little Icky Voldy. Coconuts.

Tata4now. :) Coconuts.

OliOli-PooPoo went around doing a survey on how to severe Little Icky Voldy's head at 1.57AM. :) :D =X =) *I am so random. Coconuts.*

Monday, July 23, 2007; 6:32 am



Ronald and Hermione sitting in the treeeeeeeeeeeeee...




But the best part is...

I'm happy.

Happy that I managed to read the book finish before my sister had the book ORDERED in. IN WHICH the book should've came in when "Today" was "Saturday"...

Or better known as 21st JULY 2007.

AHEM. under circumstances I was unable to read it. But it's okay. ALLS WELL THAT ENDS WELL THEY SAY!!!!!!

BUT I LOVE THE ENDING! I AM NOT GIVING AWAY SPOILERS! Go reaaaaaaaaaaaad it for yourself. :)

Have a good day. And Merlin's PANTS!!!

God bless Harry Potter. And Albus Severus. :)

Such a saintly boy. (: *hearts*

OliOli-PooPoo *hearts*

Friday, July 20, 2007; 11:06 pm
Tired. Just tired.

I'm sick of school. I'm sick of going to school literally every single effing day. I'm sick of thinking about my subjects and wishing that I could live up to my sisters expectations. I'm sick of the each and every time I complain, others will give me the look. I'm sick of being envious of others. I'm sick of living in my sister's shadow.

I am sick of the stupid politics in class. I am sick of being sick of others. I'm sick of saving my stupid money so I can please my mother. I'm sick of not being able to splurge 'cos I don't have money. I'm sick of starving everyday. I'm sick of always trying so hard to keep up with projects when people don't even give me the files to begin with. Much less email it to me when I ask them to.

I'm sick of stupid teachers who gives the I'm-not-biased speech during Lesson One and the next lesson, she goes all "I-Hate-You" attitude. I'm sick of the tutorials that I always have to do beforehand. I am sick of the continuous projects that the teachers pile on us. I'm sick that I can't wake up late due to projects. I'm sick of not being able to buy anything. I'm sick of POLITICS in a certain group of friends. I'm sick sick sick of not being able to buy my Mangas for the PAST 3 WEEKS as I've been trying so hard to save money. I'm sick that I couldn't go to Marché with Darryl and Furt because it was Furt's first time there and I've always wanted to go there with him, adding on to the fact to celebrate Darryl's grandma's recovery. I'm sick that I can't even buy my favourite clothes when I see them. I'm sick of sleeping so late and waking up early.

I'm sick of not being able to attend Archery. I'm sick of doing the PTs and being exhausted, not really able to do my work after that and that I've not complained. I'm sick of having training and then having a FULL SCHEDULE just to meet my friends and not even nap in between. I'm sick of NOT BEING ABLE TO EVEN MAKE UP FOR THE SUNDAYS THAT I CAN'T EVEN WAKE UP ON AND TURNING UP ON WEDNESDAY! I'm sick that our timetable ends so FUCKING LATE EVERYDAY. I'm sick of missing 3 sessions of Archery consecutively. I'm sick of keeping all this shit into myself. I'm so sick of poly life that I wish I were back in the secondary days.

I'm sick of not being able to see my friends from secondary school till I just feel like crying. I'm sick of being emo and crying. I'm sick of everything. I'm sick of studying so hard and when people ask me why I study JUST FOR A PETTY TEST, they wouldn't understand. I'm sick of the petty results to go along with the PETTY TESTS I've been getting lately, and to add on the fucking projects due within the week.

I'm sick of not having my sanity. I'm sick of worrying if the stupid Beng is around the corner each and everytime I turn. I'm sick of the phobia of getting into arguments with a beng. I'm sick of the phobia of everytime I see a Beng, I just wanna avoid him completely while forcing myself not to. I'm sick of my menstruation and I'm sick of practically everything. I'm sick of ranting out to people and they try to give me solutions when all I wanted was a ear to rant to and not some Aunt Agony. I'm just so sick. And I'm sick of my Dad's foul black mood due to his backache which I can't blame him for. I'm sick of worrying how everyone is 24/7.

I'm sick of myself and I'm sick of ranting.

I know I'll be okay in the end. My 4.6 classmates and LAN gang, please don't worry for me. And I love you guys. :)

But for now.

Please pretend you've not read this emo post and ignore me. Close the "X" button at the top right-hand corner of your browser.

Thank you.

Friday, July 13, 2007; 11:56 pm
I have decided...

I shall just mind my own business. MMOB. And not care and give a damn about those two, "someone", WaTer and "the other one", ColeSlaW that the class always likes to bitch about. Well, their affairs is theirs to handle. Mine is my own.

I wash my hands off. So I shan't say much about them. Won't mention names either. I'm a nice kid. Serious. DON'T SNIGGER OR COUGH! I REALLY AM! *Throws the coconut back at you*

Blahblahblah. I know the shopaholics don't really like her (Don't worry, I still love you guys man! You guys are whoo! And rock my TP LIFE!!! *MUACKS!* And sorry if I'm so-so with "someone"... REALLY hope you guys don't hate me for that. +_+)... But oh well. What have I got to admit? I am so-so with "someone" but I don't like "the other one" from peer influence. BLEAGHHHHHH! Boo. Bleagh. And someone? You're just trying too hard. Just let it go easy la. Ke En and I talked to you the other day but don't try so hard la. For what???

And I still... stillllll... STILL do NOT like " the other one".

I know many people except for a few to mention would understand perfectly what I'm trying to talk about but just bear with me here.

I do NOT like "the other one". Do I need to repeat?

I do NOT like "the other one". Especially "the other one's" effing attitude. WTF.

Erm... Female dog!!! Go translate it yourself.

But other than that, I wash my hands of the effing politics. 'Tis too much to bear. BLEAGH.

And I still don't like "the other one". FULLSTOP.

End of story.

OliOli-PooPoo sighed and went back to drink her Milo at 12:12AM.

A random quizzzzz!!!

I AM GUILTY OF KAPO-ING THIS RANDOM THING FROM SHAR SHAR'S BLOG! SOMEBODY SUE ME! Lol... JOKING LA! But anyway, hope you enjoy reading my random random random responses!

Bold: Given words.
Normal: My input.

Maybe I should go take a big snooze right now. My eyelids are... =_= ZZZ.

I love someone, anyone, everyone! But only someone. ~^_^~

I don't understand any shit that my lecturers spout out.

I lose sleep when I worry over something as useless as my homework.

People say so many things that I can't catch all of them at once. :) I'm just slow.

Love is so and so many forms but the greatest one is when one sacrifices for another. :D

When I like someone I wouldn't be as retarded as to spill the beans to nearly everyone on earth EXCEPT for that person.

Somewhere someone is enjoying the sunlight! is falling in love? farting and burping once every... 10 seconds?

I will always be a(n) very EXTREMELY ABSOLUTELY good girl. OKAY! I HEARD THAT!!! WHO COUGHED???

'Forever' is infinite la!!! Never learn your maths terms ah?

I never want to be a banana when I reincarnate.

I think the current US president is... PARIS HILTON George Bush!!! Who dunno??? Ahem ahem. *Whistles and looks away.*

I will never ever forgive Ke En for popping the M&M popper in my ear and making me scream so many times till I had a sore throat!!! Grrrr... Sabo! *sobs* XDDDDD ((This is getting stupid... Moving on!))

My past, my present and my future is NEVER for you to decide but mine alone. BLEAGH! :)

My greatest fear is to take away my friends, family, someone and... NEVER EVER TAKE AWAY MY ANIME/MANGA COLLECTION! YOU WILL NEEEEVAAAAAAAAAAAA! D: O_O

I get annoyed only when I'm not happy. DUH.

Kisses are the best ways for an interaction between man, that they have EVER come up with. Lesbians, gays and straight people alike. :)

Tomorrow is a new day that comes and goes like today? And tomorrow is the WEEKEND!!!

I really want to see Punpun. :) Someone STOP ME!!! I am so random-ish random-ish. :D


Muahaha!Kkies, I'll update more next time. But be sure to check out the previous PREVIOUS post... I posted it up already!!! Fact, quotes are changed and song will be changed soon. Stay tuned! Whoopdedoo!

~Spasms out at 12:27AM~

Sunday, July 08, 2007; 8:09 pm

Note: Previous post, halfway done. do look out for it in the future. Now, I've got absolutely no effing mood to even do anything.

I just need an outlet here so please please please bear with me.

I don't think I'll be going to any LAN shop anytime too soon. So I'm sorry peeps. Suffering enuff trauma here. Those who were witnesses would naturally know. And thanks to those who tried to stand up for me. :D Basket.

Hais. Let's not talk about this shit... Don't like Ah Bengs except the nice ones. Faggots. Major ones. Basket. Basket basket basket basket basket!!!
Shitty shitty shitty shitty.
I keep on wondering, how on earth to give the other cheek to people? Sometimes it's not as easy as it looks. ZZZZZZZZZZZ. And despite me trying to pray for them, it's so darn hard to forgive them. Much less forgive myself. How??? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! This is getting too much...

On top of that I'm depressed enough about my MicroEcons test. I just let my teacher down as I lost 16 marks for just one F-ing concept... Not to mention I lost 20 marks just for not doing it. Gah... The LOOK that my cher gave me... Gawd...0

My Organisational Behaviour. Shitty thing. I gotta memorise and memorise and memorise... STUPID... WHY ON EARTH DID I BLANK OUT DURING THE TEST!!! I lost so many marks and resulted in being one of the lowest in class.

This is getting too much.


Forgiving and forgetting myself is noooot easy. Did anyone feel that way before? Hais...

Goodness. I think I'm crapping up. I think I'm just driving myself beyond the brink of insanity.

I think I've developed 2 phobias. For goodness sakes.

Hais... I feel depressed. And I think I've made my point clear.

Clearly, I've realised that crying sometimes can be the best medicine. You know? It'll make you so sleepy after that, you can conk out for 3 hours straight. Right now, I've conked out for 2 hours and yet I still feel so darn tired. Funny.

I still have that burden on my shoulders and it does not feel good. Oh well. Whatever I'm speaking should sound like nonsense to you guys anyway.

God bless you.

The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes

OliOli is just your normal average girl who loves many things but can't get her hands on them. :)

If only the world didn't run on money..

Dear Santa, get these for me!
Material Cravings

Get into good uni
DS Lite + Games
Bow Master (MS)
Konami Original Controller (KOC)
Blackberry Phone
9th Dan in IIDX
Clear 37s (Pop'n)
New Laptop/Desktop
Japanese Lessons
Drum Lessons
Travel with friends
Bags (Backpack/Sling) - Crumpler/Zinc

The Chatterbox
Tag! You're it! :D

The Juke Box
Bop to the Beat!

None at the Moment
Album: -
Anime: -



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The Unknown~

.:FacT On ThE Go:. ((Click Me))

free counters

Beatmania IIDX
My Drug
My Addiction

The Sweet Escape
My Little LoveMates~

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Luanie Monstar
Mel Swee

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Jeremy Fade

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Mic Moi

*~ TPCYAians
Sarah Darling
Woon Jiun

*~ TP Babes
Piao Xue
Ning Zhi
Ke En
Wei Yan

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Matt L
Carlo Paa
Ignacio Tike

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Designer: Yours Truly
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Thanks a lot! :D