Monday, June 25, 2007; 12:52 pm
Bored to bits.
It is back to school!!! And golly... Do I sureeee have a lot to tell ya. XDDDDDDDDD!
But there's so many projects that I just wanna complain lei... But no la... It was a fun holiday with the rest of the gang. And !Punani is safe and sound from Malaysia. Thank God for no thefts or injuries or whatsoever. :D
You know, during the camp there were so many many funny moments!!! Lemme list them down. XD
- I learnt that my friend , Wayne, has a very HAVOC wacko FLAT hair. O_O What a combination. The coach said that if you put glue onto it, it'll turn into a helmet! XDD!
- I learnt from someone that SAF stands for Stupid And Fuckedup. Lol.
- Ken (Our coach) was running along with us when we went one round around the track (400M) and he pretended to run DAMN fast, with his legs kicking up in an aggravated manner, BUT in actual fact, going quite slow. *Imagine doing olympics uber slow. Yeah.) So he did this kinda sound like a grunt each time he puffed for breath. And the first thing i asked was " Ken, are you having constipation?"
- We have a family in Archery!!! And I'm the daughter of Comy (Sp?) and a twin brother who was born 10 minutes before me... Oh, add in a dog and a pet terapin. (Not related to you JunJun, don't worry. If you had a brother like him...
Whoa... I feel DAMN DAMN sad for you man.)
- And ahahahahahaaaaaaa! My hands can get killed from doing the "hold-your-bow-at-full-draw-for-10-seconds-5-sets-each-and-doing-it-without-
fingertaps-to protect-your-finger-joints-OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". Yeah. It's that bad. All of us nearly got a bruise or in other words "ORH CHEH!" BIG BIG blue black. I swear I thought I couldn't write after 5 days or something. Ow.
- There are many many bugs in the field and I got bitten so many times. Bleagh. Especially if you do the "Team!" / "ARCHERY!" kinda thing? where everyone put their hands in the center... Bleagh. The FLIES! Omg. I thought one of them nearly went into my mouth. Bleagh.
- Darryl got injured by the bow when he put the bow to full draw. As in, the bolts were not fit for the bow, it came pretty loose and SNAP! Go figure. I shan't describe. Jared was traumatised, he was an "Easily Influenced Person". XDDD But it was scary. Darr got hit on the shoulder by the snapped limbs and you know I was like standing there for 10 seconds IN SHOCK before my mouth actally opened, "Darryl, are you okay?!" Lol. Thank God it's better now. :) I can't imagine if it happened to me. *shudders* he calls it, the day he nearly died. O_o
- I think you'll be familiar with the G double O D job cheer right? We made lotsa stupid versions fo it!!!
- The original: G-Double O-D J-O-B GOOD JOB!!! *clap clap* GOOD JOB! *clap clap*
- The alternative: B-Double O-B J-O-B BOOB JOB!!! *clap clap* BOOB JOB! *clap clap* O_o
- The third version: H-A-N-D J-O-B HAND JOB!!! *clap clap* HAND JOB! *clap clap* O_O
- With darryl's shoulder injured, he thought he couldn't do jumping jacks. ALLLLLLL the way from the other side of the field, Jared suggested by doing it with one hand like an injured chicken. Imagine. O_O Injured... Chicken... doing Jumping jacks!!! Flap Flap! LOL! AHAHAHA! Funnnnnnyyyy!
- Doing a 1-minute exercise!!! We had to relax, close our eyes and sorta, without counting, and just estimate 1 minute and then if you FELT like it, you raised your hand. 2 people got it. Next, we had to count mentally and Ken tested by just saying out random numbers and we had to test our mind. Our counting wasn't perfect of course. But I GOT IT! Whoooooooooo! CX Muahahaha... OliOli-PooPoo Virus DOMINATES!!!
- Kelvin, our senior, is a person who is quite bulky and big and Ken just loves bullying him. We were talking about Archery stuff and we came across buying stuff. AND NEXT, it led to a huuuuuge box (I forgot what brand) to keep your bow and your SPARE bow in. Whoa. BIG RIGHT? About 1.25M length, 1M Breadth, 0.5M Height... WHOA. Then a convo ensued:
Ken: "Hey you, can just fold you in half and put inside."
Senior: "Then Kelvin lei? How?"
Ken: "Aiyah... Kelvin have to chop up then put inside lo."
- Then you know for Archery? There's really not much to write about Analogies for this particular sport. You know when you go swimming, you "swim like a flying fish" with the "elegance of a dolphin" and when you run, you "run at the speed of light" but archery got what??? When you stand you need to be damn balanced la...
Then what?? As sturdy as a tree ah??? And when the arrow shoots... You can just imagine the commentator going:
Look at the arrow going like a powered-up rocket... ???
I mean the arrow so thin and slice through the air BUT the ruddy rocket just goes into the targetboard and you can say byebye to the poor sad soul of a targetboard...
- Other than that, Currently it's 12th july, continuing this retarded post. (LIKE ME!!!) Lol. And I have my FINGERTAP AND MY ARMGUARD!!! WHOOT! 30 BUCKS LEI! DON'T PLAY PLAY!
- And you know, I am feeling uber random!!! WHOOT! Don't bother about the... err... Next post. That beng is damn effed up. Stupid retarded attention seeker. HIS FRIEND IS THE ONE WHO WAS VICTIM YOU COME AND KACHOW FOR WHAT??? All your other friends all inside happily helping YOUR VICTIMIZED FRIEND CANNN!! You're the only ulu pandan who wanted to come out and try to pick a fight and ACT BIG! Stupid inflated ego of a WHORE! LOSER!
- Fergie's Big Girls Don't Cry is damn nice. WHOOOT!!! Lalalalalaa~!
- Tonight I'm going to blog again about TODAY. WHOOT! This is the PASSSST! Muahaha. I'm random! ~SPASMS~
- Lalala~~ I'm gonna do my projects. I have 4 due by this month. Lalala~~ It's an effed up world. LA DEEDAAAAAAH! :)
OliOli-PooPoo went to go pee a musical fountain (IMAGINE! O_O) Lalalala~~ at 2:16PM.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007; 11:50 pm
I will post two posts today...
But this one is for Furtado...
Faster come BAAAAAAAAAAACK! And frigging play C&C3 with meeeeeeee! I miss miss you loads lei!!!
But oh well.. who am I to say that? I can't do anything anyway...
Except to pray for his safety like what I did for Shar Shar!!!
Don't get dengue there hor!!! Later you spread to me, you will kenna sai.
I hope I don't miss you during Archery Camp tomorrow. Hais.
But this blog post will be dedicated to youuuuuuuuuuu! <3 Come back home safe and sound! bring something back for everyone...
Or die.
Anyway, I'll end here... And start on my rantings the next time. Actually I will blog but not yet. I'll blog after the ruddy camp. Stupid Pro*fucking*jects.
Oli-Virus nearly died from overexposure of Tiberium 'cos there was just too much money value there at 12:07AM.
Monday, June 11, 2007; 11:21 am
*sobs sobs*
To Genting la....
Think what?
LOLOLOLOL! Anyway, just wanted to post a short blog post to bid Shar Shar a nice farewell and a pleasent trip. *sobs* My daughter is so independent... :D
Till Thursday or Wednesday... Not sure which day...
Oli-Virus disintegrated and wormed its way into a computer system to play Command and Conquer 3 at 11:27AM.
PS: I wanna play C&C 3 SO BAD.
PSS: Strins are damn pretty to look at.
PSSS: And I love GDI.
PSSSS: Did I tell you I love GDI?
PSSSSS: Let me tell you again: I LOVE GDI!!!
PSSSSSS: And the GDI's Ion Cannons.
PSSSSSSSS: GDI just rule the world of C&C 3. XD!
PSSSSSSSSS: I think I'm suffering from C&C 3 DEPRIVATION!!!
AND QUICKLY ORGANISE AN OUTING SO I CAN PLAY C&C 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 10, 2007; 10:54 pm
Fun fun FUNGI!!!!!!!!!
SI BEI JERLAT... Damn full can!!!
From what you may ask?
Yes. Fungi.
One shop and one dish for you.
Pastamania's Al Fungi. ((sp?))
AHHHHHHHHHH! The cream is SIBEH thick can!!! You know I asked Ben, Darr and !Punani to try it out. First the mushroom and then the pasta itself and omgwtfhbbqmushroom!!! Comments?
The mushroomBen: The mushroom damn fungi tasting la.
Darr: Okay la. Quite okay.
!Punani: *silence*...
The pastaBen: Wah! Damn jerlat... The sauce too creamy already.
Darr: Argh! The sauce damn
!Punani: *Silence* ...
OEI!!! !PUNANI!!! Say something la! (LITERALLY) DUMB DUMB!!!
LOL. But cannot blame him la. From last Friday till today he had camp. Then over 3 days he sleep for only.... 10 hours? Poor poor thing *sayang sayang*
Come everybody!!! As you read this, on the count of 3, go AWWWWWWWWW...
Okay. Enuff limelight given to Dumb Dumb !Punani... Let's talk about
And I'm not attention seeking but this IS my blog afterall. *Does the Princess Diaries Wave*
Ahem Ahem. Eh heh HEM...
Anyway, so back to the mushy stuff.
MUSHROOM LA. Not romantics.
But I couldn't eat meat today 'cos on Friday and Saturday I ate meat!
OMG! MEAT IS LIKE MY LIFE! Give me a tiny portion of Vegetables AT ALL (besides my mum's spring rolls) I would SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not eat the ruddy dish okayyyyyyyy... So I would have to ruddy resort to ruddy potatoes or something as retarstic as that. But it's okay. I LIKE POTATOES!!! Especially FRENCH FRIES. Yum yum.
Today, I was at Tampines Mall from my drum lessons alone and I decided to go to Macs to buy my EVER SO WONDERFUL *hearts hearts hearts*
SHAKER FRIES!!! OMG... Heaven. I could rant on and on about it. But I shall spare you the agony. Lol. Anyway, I was turning around and walking off from the counter and I dropped my $1 coin. So it JUST had to like someone's feet and rooooooooooooll all the way to her shoe. Naturally, you WOULD put your feet UNDER the table and this one was the LOOOONG rectangular table with two sides to eat from. Kinda like the Last Supper's table where Jesus had his final meal, get the picture? And the lady was sitting on the opposite end somemore... So anyway, I said sorry to them and I bent down and picked it up and I think one girl in front noticed me bending down. The auntie beside her didn't.
So when the auntie felt something was wrong, looked down and saw me there. She was like...
O_O *
with her mouth gaping open*
And then she JUMPED out of her seat and gave a loud "EHHH!" noise.While everyone, her family, friends and daughter were laughing away at her, she still had the:
O_Olook on her face. Come on la. I know I laughed too... Her reaction damn funny la. But eh, I look so scary meh? Until got people from other tables turn around and look at me lei... SO PAISEI!!! I know if I bend down to pick something up, my hair will flop and look like a mop la. But not until like PONTIANAK or something like that right??? GEEZ.
That funny fiasco aside, I was at Zion's Cyber Centre earlier and I relived the old memories. We had two sessions. One before my drums class and one after my drums class.
Attendees: Draco
(4PM), Ben
(4PM), !Punani
(12PM and 4PM), Me
(12PM and 4PM), Rod
(12PM and 4PM), Shar
(12PM), Johnathan *Shar's bro*
(12PM), Terence
(4PM), Matthew
(4PM), Darr
(12PM and 4 PM)...
Yeah... Damn fun la!!! I/We played
Dota *
I never bothered to try. As EXPECTED. I'll just waste my time...*,
Elemental TD, Footmen Frenzy,
Quite fun lei... I may wanna play again*,
I didn't play though. :'(*,
Green TD *
Didn't play this too...*
COMMAND AND CONQUER 3!!!It's my new favourite!!! I think I'm gonna play this preeeeeeeeeetty much often now... Cos the rest like quite boring lei...
Besides GEM TD la... If got no one to versus against, the rest of the games are pretty much pointless.
The rest (the 4PM batch) besides Matthew and Draco played... WHOO! OMG!
I got pawned REAAAAAAAAL BAD...Darr, Me and Furt VS Ben, Rod and Terence.
It was ultimate defeat. But at least the rest said that my defence army was quite good for the first time round. WHEE~! I'm going nuts.
But ANYWAYS, I can't wait for Pamela's Wedding Dinner. 3rd July!!! I may need to shop of a KIAM KIAM dress again la. Like Grad Night. My dress only like $22? But still nice la, nonetheless.
And as for my tests... this Monday to Wednesday?
For Microecons, I'm pretty much safe. But for ORG BEH??? You... Or rather I, can continue dreaming that I'll get an A. I think I'll fail la bloddy shit.
On the paper itself I conked out and forgot EVERYTHING!!!
Bloddy shit la!!! I cried on the way out and !Punani noticed la. Fcuk. Stupid STUPID STUPID ORG BEH!!! But NEVERMIND I'll
MAKE SURE I'll do so damn well for my semester exams!!! HA! Watch out ORG BEH! Oli-Virus is on it's way to dominating you!!!!!!!
But for RHT, I stayed up the whole night just to study for it. From 12.30AM onwards till I had to go to school. And to think that before that I never as much as TOUCHED my book to study. I was WATCHING MARUTO for heaven's sakes!!!
So at 12.30AM I officialy began my regime of 6 hours of studying and TYPED out all my notes. But the funny thing is, I never managed to print them out. LOL! But it's the information that managed to get in that counts and I must say... I ranted to Ke En on the process of research what nots, retarstic stuff... I think she got freaked out a little... =P And I think, for studying for 6 hours only on the day of the paper itself and understanding what the question paper was throwing at you. Quite a commendable effort mannnnn... But I think I may still have a 60% chance of failing la... Don't worry.
I think out of all of us, I think Ning Zhi will score the best can... Smart Arse. Then she low-confidence say she'll fail lor... She's almost as bad as Melly the Donkey la!!! If she fail, I dunno what I am already, can...
Aiyah... Really nothing much to update about. But for drums!!! One of the things I'm excited about is that
I've got the fill-ins all down pat. The only prob is the sticking (which note to play on which hand) 'cos
I DON'T WRITE THE STICKINGS DOWN. I base it entirely on my sight reading and my brain to decipher which is what... But I'm doing a good job on it. And besides, I've already tried all the Fill-Ins for Alternating toms too. Damn fuuuun! The rest practicing for 10 minutes I also come up with my own rhythm. I can't do it right sia... Need lotsa practice and to go slooooooow... But the Alternating toms fill-ins? Easy if you know how to read the notes. Not bad.
ARGHHHHHHHHHH! I need someone to remind me to bring the fees for next next week. Like DAMN. Pay again. Feel the pinch sia. $78.75 per month. That's like $787.50 for 10 MONTHS. Not even a year!!! And not to mention that the fee rates are only for Beginners. Imagine Step 1, 2 and 3? Not to mention the DARN 7% GST RATE IMPLEMENTED SOON!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHH! The PINCH!!!
Hais... Anyway, I'm gonna go call !Punani... Feeling damn bored now... Nothing much to do. I miss drums and I wanna play on it again. Maybe I'll rent the studio for $5/hour and try out the new stuff in my book and PRACTICE. DJMAX Portable reaaaaaally reaaaaaaaaaally helps with my timing and what nots man... :D Gah. My passion for drums is overwhelming. *contented sighs*
Aiya. Ciao for now. Or
adéu!!! And PS: I LOVE THE CURRENT SONG ON MY BLOG!!! I may change it to something else after this, 'cos I have one song in mind and it's a really reaaaally inspiring song. :D
Oli-Virus farted and rocketed to Pluto at 11:40PM.
PS: Fact-on-the-go, Quotes changed. :D Have a look! Bleuk!!!
Sunday, June 03, 2007; 10:58 pm
Hierarchy of Needs!
This post will be much shorter than what I'd usually type so bear with me. Due to the fact that...
Screw this.
I love MicroEcons anyway so I don't think it should be a problem for me to pass it at the very least.
But I should think that I should expect myself to get an A. Reason being I think my tutorial teacher has that "
AURA" around her and the way she looks at people, has that EXPECTANT face that tells everyone.
Get an A or
Or an the very least something like that.
But I don't think that she deserves just a pass 'cos she's a GREAT CHER! And I don't intend to disappoint her anytime soon. It's either I hope that the department sets a frigging easy paper. Or the information does NOT FLY OUT OF MY HEAD ANYTIME SOON! Let alone when the paper is right in front of me.
*smiles very innocently*
*ahem ahem* Back to composed Oli.
Errr.. Wait...
Since when was there even a composed Oli?
But anyway... I wanted to comment about something that happened while I was studying for my Introduction to hospitality and Tourism a week back.
- Gross Domestic Product. It is the total revenue received by the tourism industry I think. BUT! There's OBVIOUSLY another way of learning the ruddy, hard-to-remember term, isn't it?
Let me pose a question.
1. What is Gross?
2. What is Domestic?
3. And finally, what is a product?
Answer for all three:
Go figure.Lol.
- There's this "Leisure Ladder Model" that we had to memorise... And yet again, the great Oli-Virus here has another way of memorising the fcuking hard-to-remember term isn't there? The Virus is definitely a genius. :D

Pearce's hierarchy of needs for Tourists:
WARNING!!!I request all viewers to think this with a sick mind. And I'm sorry if I'm promoting the ways and sacred means of polluting one's mind. Please do NOT read if you cannot tahan sickness and if you ever think sick, you'd just wanna puke onto your computer screens. I don't want to be the ones paying for spoiling your computers!!! *bows*So basically, You begin by yourself and you have your
BODILY NEEDS and Relaxaaaaation.
Then comes the
STIMULATIONAfter that would come in TWOS! The
NEXT! We go one step further with the
DEVELOPMENT... And the Self-Esteem.... OUUUU yeah...
Then we finally end with
That's about all for today. I know there some stuff like last week's 1st June fiesta of project homework due to tell you about and I'd think I'd just sum it about here...
- Business Computing Skills EXCEL Project
- Research into Hospitality and Tourism Questionnaire (Draft)
- Communication Skills Questionnaire (Draft)
- Organisational Behaviour Progress Report
Yes yes I know. Hell lot to pass up right? I still have a whole lot of other work to do. So pardon me if I don't blog as often anymore. And !Punani and Darryl, I want to kill you, but I know I can't. Especially YOU, !PUNANI!!!
You got fcuking full marks of the recent 3 tests that you had!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH! DAMMIT!!! But I can't kill you 'cos I love ya too much. Lol.
And I'll update ya about the fcuking tests soon which happens this coming Monday to Wednesday. Pray that I don't blank and conk out during the test. I will just punch myself silly.. And don't worry. If there's anything funny I'd be sure to update again. Plus, guys out there!!! You know VBUS is DOOOOOOOWN??? Lucky I did my Org Beh Online Quiz yesterday. Otherwise, I'd be officially doing a flying fuck. *I think it sounds catchy. Got it from Chessia the Babe. Lol.*
CIAOOOOOOOOOOOO! For now. Otherwise, I'd
REALLY be attaining nirvana.
And I officially love 24th May 2007. Thanks to all out there who know. :D Love ya guys much much (wo)man!!!
Oli-Virus purposely catches a cold and takes an MC to be exempted from the mid-semester tests ((I WISH.)) at 11:40PM.