LOL! Today, was not so much fun nor excitement. But make way for embarrassment. But on to that later.
Just now, I went to confession with !Punani and Darr and I feel so clean now!!! A REVELATION HAS BEEN MADE!
Confession is like Magiclean for the soul.
LOL... Maybe that can be my Haiku for the day. But on to the topic of embarrassment which was only like... Tonight? Aiya. Small and pathetic.
BUT! It's my blog so I shall say anything I want here, geddit???
Lol. I sound like a gangster. But anyway, I was on the way back from Parkway , playing HOTD 4, Basketball and dance Dance Revolution on Bus 14. We were pulling into the interchange and there were only 3 people left on the top deck of the double decker bus. Excluding me.
Poor liddle me was aaaalllllll alone at the back of the bus... And I was deleting pictures, that were only taking up space in my phone.
AND SUDDENLY! I look up and realised that the bus was...
... ... ... ... ... ...
OMGAWD!!! IT WAS PARKING!!!!!!!!!! I was like O_O SCHIZER! And I ran down and said, "SORRY UNCLE!!!" I think the uncle got a shock to see there was a girl coming down the stairs. Maybe he thought I was a ghost or spirit or something... :D Oh well. Sorry if I gave you a jump-outta-the-skin experience Uncle. If I were you, I'd be shocked till I faint and wake up only 10 days later or something.
Ah well... I'm bored... I shan't post up quotes from Stomp the Yard or from TMNT (Yes... I watched it. It's kinda cool and FUNNY!!! Mike RAWKS! ((The orange retarded turtle, FYI. *I'm sorry I can't spell his full name properly due to lack of vocabulary? XD*)) The movies are too great to spoil here. XDDDDDDD! GET $12 AND YOU CAN GO WATCH THEM AT "THE CATHAY CINEPLEX" FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY BEFORE 5PM!!! I think that's the best cinema to go to. It's $0.50 cheaper! And by the time you've watched 12 movies, you'd have saved enough money to buy ANOTHER ticket to ANOTHER movie!!! Aweeeeesome duuuude...
Oh well. Check out this video Jit introed to me from YouTube! It features a boyband of 4 called "Ok Go". It had 13 Million Hits!!! Moreover, it came out the same time, the reknowned "Panic! at the Disco" came out. And in MTV awards, it won something like "The Most View Online Video" or something like that. The song is called "Here It Goes Again" and it's really really great! Cool and unique, great synchronization.
After the video, I shall take me leave.
Presenting... OK GO!
Yeah... Check it OUUUTTT! COOL OR COOL???
Okay. Bye.
Yoh-kun had to wash 9,358,465 dishes as a chore for Anna and broke 3,424 of them in the process at 1:11AM. (O_o... Omg. Imagine how much he has to pay... O_o Looks like MORE chores for Anna to torture poor Yoh-kun with to work off the debt. TT____________TT)
~*QuoTe Of ThE DaY*~! Do what you want others to do unto you.
But anyway, nothing really much happened. But what I can tell you is some boring stuff that happened in my life. XD
Well... I forgot which day it was, but me and Luanie monster went to visit Gracie and Eli Liu on the Project Superstar auditions which was located in the open area of Ang Mo Kio HDB Hub. THE QUEUE WAS DAMNN FUGGING LONG!!! And you know what? Even when Eli and Gracie and Luanie reached there at 8AM, there was a fugging long line snaking it's way around the hub already!!! O_O They took 10 hours just to reach the FRONT of the queue! that's gahdamm long!!! And you know something? After waiting for 10 hours, they were still turned down. *SOBS* GRACIE HAS A GREAT VOICE! ELI LIU TOO! WHY ON EARTH DID YOU TURN THEM DOWN????? *sobs* if Gracie get turned down, I would be worser than that. I'd be a flop. And they even had to sing in front of a HUGE audience that could fill up an AUDITORIUM for pete's sakes! Not to mention TV CAMERAs that are shooting your footage that is gonna go onto LIVE TV! O_O Insanity.
Talk about guts. If it were me, I'd be glued to the floor with some really really strong cement and would refuse to go upstage to even do anything.
Well, anyway, moving on. I watched this show called Stomp The Yard. It was great!!! Based on a true story!!! ((SPOILER WARNING!)) <- Set to the biggest so you can see it. XD!
There were two teams. I forgot their names but one had a "theme" of a wolf and the other, a snake. They battle it out with fancy footwork including breakdancing and "Stepping" and the wolf team, based their team on popularity and status being the ones that actually won the competition for 8 years and running. While the snake team, based their team on a "Brotherhood that lasts for life" and fight with actual team spirit. So you can actually DISTINCTIVELY see who the bad guys were. LOL.
Basically, the movie taught you about the importance of friendship and teamwork, including the value of dedication. The main protagonist also went through a phase of love and it also showed how love could be so pure and genuine that it would help overcome adversities.
But anyway, for a great movie like this, I'd rate it a 4-4.5 Stars.
And also, (for those who watched would understand), I wouldn't name myself Knucklehead in the Step group. I would name myself... OLI-VIRUS!!! XDDDDDDDD! Okay. I am LAME as usual. ((END OF SPOILERS))
Lol. Well. Nothing much happened during the week except that I miss Benny Boy because he wasn't free BUT BENNY BOY! DO YOU DUTIES FIRST! Sacrifice and enjoy TMNT later with US!!! XD! Oh well.
Speaking of TMNT, I like like like really like the trailer for TMNT!!! It is SOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!! WhoooooO! Lol.
(In a low suspenseful voice) On a platform, prepared, and ready for battle, 4 pairs of eyes suddenly flash open. They leap, they jump from building to building, sliding on rope with perfect accuracy and stability. With swiftness and with precision they land on grates and on a silent alleyway, down jumps one of the figures, making fancy moves with his wooden pole. Another lands heavily, making moves with his fork-lookalike thingiemajiggys. The third lands and hogs the limelight 3x more than the previous two, doing sword techniques and swings his blade with such skill, it could kill someone.
Down lands one of the figures...
Into the garbage can.
(Opens the garbage bin) "I'M OKAAAY!" Mike yells. The leader with the two swords whacks his forehead. (Leo, FYI. ~^_^~)
(Btw, I watched it today and it was so frigging funny. Tell you some of the funny parts in the next post.)
RANDOM FACT! I got an S for stage 1 for HOTD 4!!! O_O
Lol. Back down to earth Oli-Land. Nowathese days, I'm happydafied that I can actually play lvl 30 songs on DrumMania. One of my ultimate favourites is a song called DRAGON BLADE! if you can hear it on, then go and listen to it! Hmmm... Maybe the next song of the day can be Dragon Blade. ~^_^~ Just find out and keep tuning in to the Oli-Virus "podcasts"! LOL!
But anyway, I'm so bored. Poly application is done and omg... SO FREAKING ANNOYING!!! the forms, the applications... EVERYTHING I HAVE TO DO!!! You wouldn't believe it when I say that when I went for my medical check-up, it was a packed as a zoo! ((Well... I can use a better description but for the love of oreos, I shan't.)) LOL! It was so frigging packed and me and Nani waited for 2 and a 1/2 hours before we could actually finally finish the whole entire process. Not to mention we were the last two to leave. So maluuuuuuuuuu. Also, they made us take a frigging urine test!!! And the toilet, you had to have a special key to get in. EEYERRRR! So malu! But when they check my height I never said "So maluuu...", even though the rest were taller than me and I was the.... Nevermind that. BUT I GAINED 2CM!!! You know ever since my growth spurt in Primary 6, I always grew only 1CM each year BUT! THIS YEAR!!! It... is different... I HAVE GROWN MORE!!! ((Maybe you can call this a miniature growth spurt or something. Lol.))
I'm bored. I think I will watch the famous drummers like Derek Roddy and Dave Lombardo and Joey Jordison (<- Darr introed to me :D) and sincerely wish that I could be like them but FAT CHANCE! Not in a million or so years. ~^_^~ But oh well. I'll just be content with a level 30 for Drummania for now. =~_^= Eheeheeheehee... Yesterday was pure fun! I went with Jit and Nise to the Park and it was whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Oh well. Watched "I, robot". Took photos. Nothing to say except pure fun, laughter, peace and joy with those two. You guys rock my world dudettes! RAWK ON! But anyway, Mel and Shar thought of the sweetest and they gave me a huge surprise. I was like O_O When I saw what they brought me to. I went to downtown east... Only to get surprised with a pedicure at SCRATCH!!! O_O Whoa. my FIRST EVER PEDICURE! Mel was in the same boat so I was O_o Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. This is crazy. Lol. The end product is that I now have nice shiny orange nails, "cared for" for $32. O_O It's just nuts!!! SO MUCH MONEEEYYYYYY!!! O_o But anyway, THANK YOU BOTH SOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!! Here's a wet, sloppy, big, fat kiss for each one of you!!! *MUACKS!!!* *MUACKS!!!* ~^_^~ I feel so loved and pampered. Lol... You both just make my day. ~^_^~ Oh well. I'm okay with that. The shop was really cool. It's feels snazzy and it's just purely red and white and more red and white and MORE red and white and red and white... National Day themed? O_o I dunno. But, the designs were fantabulous and I found the place really really comfy, customers' service was good and the staff were really really friendly!!! Good service. Kinda like a 4 out of 5 stars, I would rate it. XDDD. Speaking of makeovers, I highlighted my hair red today! The highlighting treatment cost $27 (for members at Cut and Curl) lasted for two hours and they place your "gonna-be-coloured" hair into this aluminium foil and splatter it all over with the dye. Then they fold up the foil with your hair in it and after repeating it with the rest of your hair, they stick a heater with 5 components of heating (Left, right, top, bottom x 2.) But luckily it isn't that hot, otherwise my face would be fried. You'll have an extra tan to go. =________= Now my hair has a particular stifling smell that you smell in some perfumes. It's that kinda musty smell. Oh well. Not like I mind it. It's free perfume? Errrr... Lol. Anyway, I'm signing off now. I'm tired from today cos I just realised I deteriorated from HOTD4 due to the machine in Parkway cos of it's VIBRATING PROPERTY!!! Ruddy vibrator. (Gah. Sounds wrong.) And I'm pooped from a vigorous day of activity. *yawns.* I'll change everything tomorrow. Including Fact-on-the-Go. And the next post will be up tomorrow (No obligations.) with a quote of the day. ~^_^~ CIAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oli-Virus called for a taxi, slept in it and caused the taxi driver to fine it $15 for replacing the seat it just messed up with drool at 12.27AM.
Monday, March 12, 2007; 3:32 pm
First Videos Put Up! : Cheerios and have fun watching!
I think some of you out there are kinda bored at staying at home with no frigging thing to do, right? well then, I think thiss post would certainly hold your attention for at least 1/2 hour to 1 hour depending on the speed of your connection and your interest to the first ever video clips I'm about to put up from Youtube, I thought to be interesting. ~^_^~ Enjoy!
Some notes for the previous post:
To Silva: You're very welcome. ~^_^~ To Everyone out there: The quotes from "Music and Lyrics" can be found at the end of this post. ~^_^~
*Important Word in the English Dictionary*
A whole new meaning to the word "F***"
*Warcraft Coke Advertisements*
Not for those who appreciate CGIs. OR Warcraft. Or those who doesn't have a good sense of humour.
*Funny cartoon*
For those who appreciate a good laugh and cartoons!!! The poor little Weasel... Or was it a beaver???
*Funny Magic Act*
This one is funny! Great sense of cheoreography is needed in order to pull this off. Being in drama for 4 years. I WOULD know.
AND NOW FOR THE BEST FOR THE LAST, THE FUNNIEST OF THE FUNNIEST! AHAHAHA! I discovered it somewhere when I was just looking around. WATCH IT!
*Note: Don't watch it if you don't like reading/watching Vulgarities.
3 letters for you: LOL!
The poor little kiddo called Tran... LOL! If I were him, I'd sue him for harassment.
*chicken appears*
"Sorry, Doctor. That was F*cked up."
LOL!!! __________________________________________________________ Anyway, here are the Quotes for "Music and Lyrics"! *Note: Go read the summary before reading this. Otherwise, you'd not really understand what the jokes are about.
WARNING: SPOILERS MAY BE INCLUDED! Don't read it if you don't want to know what happened! __________________________________________________________
~Sophie and Alex were in need of a taxi and they ran out upon seeing this taxi zoom past.
~Sophie has to sing the song they both composed, "Way Back Into Love" for the draft and she rarely sings. Well... Except maybe in the shower.
Sophie: *deep breath* *sings uber uber uber softly* Alex: Sophie, if you didn't realise, the song is intended for humans. __________________________________________________________
~Sophie runs into the toilet to avoid seeing this particular man that she liked before. They were at dinner with Alex's manager and I think, his wife. Alex tries to come up with an excuse for Sohpie's behaviour with this.
Alex: *apologetically* Yeah. Yeah. She always does this. It's a way of working up her appetite. __________________________________________________________
~Sophie starts thinking about the song while watering the plants and she holds the watering can in that position of watering one of the plants, while telling Alex about the Lyrics.
Sophie: No... No... It's doesn't sound right. Well... you know about the... *Blah blah blah for the next 2 minutes* Alex: *goes over to Sophie* Okay, now you can start killing the next one (the potted plant). __________________________________________________________
~ Alex starts a fight with the guy that Sophie used to like in the restaurant at the table. (No spoilers given here.)
Alex: *While struggling with the guy's grip* My face is in the butter... __________________________________________________________
~Comment from Alex on the fight.
Alex: It's a good thing they didn't have breadsticks, I might have lost my eye...
*LOL! IMAGINE... your eyes being poked by... BREADSTICKS? LOL!* __________________________________________________________
~Alex commenting about that guy to Sophie.
Alex: *high pitched* He's a jerk! ... He's a jerk! He's a jerk! Listen, listen to me! He's a jerk he's a jerk!!! __________________________________________________________
~Conversation when Sophie was putting an ice bag on Alex's bruise on his right cheek.
Sophie: Does this feel any better? Alex: Well... It would be if it was on the right side. __________________________________________________________
~Alex and Sophie going to the man, the second time, at the hotel's front desk to sing and see if the song they composed were great. (Spoiler for humour here.) *Previously they went to the guy and they were singing. You'd recognise it from the advertisements. -> I've been living with a shadow overhead, I've been sleeping with a clown above my bed. LOL! ~Supposed to be cloud, he sing CLOWN. And after that they turned and got out of the hotel to rectify the song. WAH. PAISEI. XD!~
Alex and Sophie: *Begins singing and slowly develops into a really beaty mood with them, all singing synchronised and really well* Guy: *starts nodding head... A milder version of a punk at a rock concert* Alex and Sophie: *Finishes singing, looks at him, expecting for comments*
Guy: I'm sorry but I'm tone-deaf.
Alex and Sophie: *Speechless* ... __________________________________________________________
~Sophie's sister nagging at her husband for him to get into the concert first with the two kids so she could talk to Sophie.
Sophie's sister: How hard is it? You go, you walk and you sit! Husband: *walks in with a grudging (?) face with the kids* Sophie's sister: Oh thank you. You're a good man.
*LOL! SO FUNNY! Imagine saying "You're such a good man." to your husbands? I mean, you MARRIED him for Pete's sakes! LOL!* _________________________________________________________________________
LOL! there's so many funny comments, it was hard to capture them all into my phone/ brain but go watch it! It'd rate it a 4.5 stars!!! It's especially great for those who feel moody or somewhat like that.
And for CRYING OUT LOUD, those who don't like the movie (Which would be quite little, I suppose, since it's such a great movie!), GO SCREW YOURSELF or go the doctors to have a head check or something. =____=
One note: I think that the girl, Cara? This is her debut movie and she had a hard time getting into the character of the slutty Cara that we all see on the cinema screens. Well, I think she did pretty well even though she WAS showing off some skin. C'mon. Give her some credit. Her parents and even HERSELF were SHOCKED when they saw the skimpy outfits but she has a great body to show off anyway, so I didn't think it matter. Oh well. Me and my rantings.
Anyway, going off soon. I'm gonna see Benny Boy aka Silva to the Hair Salon! And meet !Punani!
Oli-Virus was manipulating her bolster to do the dishes for her at 3.32PM.
*Note: Fact-On-The-Go won't change just yet as I changed it err... In the previous post already. ~^_^~
Blah de blah. A peek in the Oli-Virus Recording Files
HEYA ALL! I'm bored today so I decided to put up a little postie wostie...
Lol. In like 5 minutes' time I am going to eat my Maggi Mee with egg. Shiok Bodoh!!!
No. DON'T EVEN SPEAK A WORD. No matter WHAT you THINK. It is NOT MAGGOTS. If you weren't thinking of her, then it's fine. BUT DON'T THINK OF HER!
If you do, bitchslap her for me?
LOL! KIDDING! You think I'm that evil? She broke her arm already. PLUS, I don't think I'd wanna cover her medical expenses.
Let's take a 15 minute interval~! (Though you're not really gonna experience it when you READ blogs but ah! Who cares anyway? I'm being random as usual. ~^_^~)
OKAY! I'M BACK!!! Hell yeah. I feel full and stuffed! Like a roasted turkey at Thanksgiving? LOL. But anyway, back to my boring old life.
It seems to me that I have to be a news reporter for the day. And So I shall bring to you the news of the Oli-Virus at 9PM Tonight.
On the news today, there has been a sighting that a Virus has been rampaging on the loose and has been dishing out brutal whacks to a poor little soul by the alias little weenie, !Punani Tsunami of a Salami, with a supposedly identified "Ice Mountain Bottle" with a label of "Singapore's No 1 Drinking Water Brand". People have actually called it (Alias Silva) the "new meaning to hydrotherapy" and the quote has been recorded into the memory of th ever-so-great Oli-Virus.
Another reported news was that a IDENTIFIED Virus was last seen in a theatre spreading contagious laughter throughout the whole cinema watching a movie, "Music and Lyrics" and has been actually arrested and charged on the account of "causing too much noise pollution" that a man nearly threw a box of popcorns into her mouth to stop her from laughing.
The same identified Virus was also last seen at a hot spot nearby "Suntec City" to attend an event, "The IT Fair 2007" and the virus was spotted gawking at the screens of the "Playstation 3" with its "Blu-Disc Technology" and making the spot on which it stood unaccessible due to a large amount of "Drool" on the red carpet itself.
From an unknown tipoff, we got to know also, that the Virus also sneaked out of the very same fair, with an Unidentified object but most likely guessed to be a webcamera. The virus was seen spotting a Webcamera for 1.3 MegaPix for a 3 month warranty with extra earphones free and bought the camera at the spur of the moment along with "Silva". We suspect that it went to another place with a branding "24-Hour" and realised that it was ripped off by. The offer was said to be 2.1 MegaPix camera with the exact same functions and sold at a price $5 more expensive. Another !Punani and the Virus bought the webcams. 2 for $90 and 1 for $48. Then, the virus was spotted heading back to the store, giving the OTHER camera back and asking another stranger by the alias "Silva" to use it and get an $80 MP4. Therefore, using his and it's purchase, they exchanged it for an MP4.
And extra news for your own entertainment's pleasure, they ate a Carl's Junior again and the Virus ate Cris-Cut Fries along with a huge burger (Western Bacon Burger) and a cup of Iced Leman Tea for $9.30).
That's the news for today. Till Then, this is the Oli-Virus stalker bring to you live, from Channel Kazuiteimugapitch.
LOL! That's about it. Besides the fact, that I watch a scary movie called The Messenger ((a must-watch for anyone who likes the type of movies that focuses on scaring you and cool effects.)) today and I got a bloddy shock (I swear it's worser and MUCH worser than having to watch History Documentaries but to hell with history documentaries. I LIKE MOVIES A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER!) that I nearly got sent to either Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. No spoilers for anyone here IF you were EVER HOPING for any. just go watch. I'd rate it a 3.5 to 4 Stars.
ARGHHH! And oh. I played the whole game of THOTD 4 within 20-25 minutes and omg. It was damn FUUUUN! Lemme give you the status quo:
1st Credit: Chapter 3 (Boss Monster) (You can consider it the beginning for Chapter 4 because I had to put in another credit to kill an itsy bitsy bit of his life. Schizer.)
Boss Monster Hits: (On me) Justice: 0
The Lovers: 1
Empress: 1
Temperance: 3
The Star: 1
The World (Beta): 0
The World (Gamma): 3
Chapter 1: A (73% Accuracy)
Chapter 2: B
Chapter 3: B
Chapter 4: A (71% Accuracy)
Chapter 5: A
Chapter 6: A
Overall Accuracy: 70% (Perfect)
Total Critical Shot: (Amazing)
Good: 136
Excellent: 81
Great: 68
Perfect: 141
Total Score: 27064 (Amazing)
Agent: Expert Agent
Total number of credits used: 4
You can imagine the improvement from the first time I managed to get to The World (Gamma) ZZZ. I leave that to you to figure it out for yourself.
Oh. And also, especially without a whole bunch of people watching me play, I realised I play MUCH MUCH better if I had one or two friend(s) for company ((A whole bunch is fine... but don't distract!!!)) who just gives his/her support AFTER each chapter. Or making gestures of approval or even going Hell Yeah!™ or Silva's WHUUUU™! of some sort. Just don't distract can liao.
Meanwhile, I'll just put up a little something treaty for you.
Conversation(s) *I think only one funny one for today.*
A Sweet Picture of Ash carrying a little Misty doll. AWWW. *blush*
A picture of me brushing my hair? Or attempting to? Well. The hair really really looks like mine anyway. =___= So I shall declare it me!!!
These two pictures were on my MSN Display Picture for a while and people who were on my contact list, who didn't know my face asked me, "You're a GUY???!!! I thought you were always a GIRL?!" OEI! You guys outdated lei. If I were this handsome guy, I'd just die to a horde of fan letters by now. But I'm not FYI.
Lol. That's about it for the pictures. And STOP IT! STOP SWOONING OVER SHIN GOON! I know even guys can just gasp and release a fan girl scream when you see the pictures of this remarkably dashing guy but STOP SCREAMING ON MY BLOG! If you want to scream and swoon, you can always FIND FOR THE PICTURES AND SWOON OVER HIM! IN YOUR COMPUTER FOLDERS!!! O_o... Weirdos.
Anyway, I'm gonna go sleep. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Tomorrow I'll post up "Music and Lyrics" quotes in an uber short post in my blog. But right now, I am pooped 'cos I woke up at 5.45AM to get to the 7.15AM Mass at Holy Fam. So excuse me while I snore.
The Oli-Virus and Yoh-kun communicated through the extra-terrestrial on this webpage at 12.26AM. ((Sorry for lack of creativity. I am TIRED.)) *Drools and snores* ZZZ.
!~~*LyRiCs Of ThE MoMeNt*~~! ~*Way Back into Love*~ I've been living with a shadow overhead, I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed. I've been lonely for so long, Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on. I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away, Just in case I ever need `em again someday. I've been setting aside time, To clear a little space in the corners of my mind.
~Hugh Grants and Drew Barrymore
Saturday, March 10, 2007; 1:49 am
Just A Food For Thought
I just wanted to be uber random and have an uber short post to say this.
"Don't blame others whenever you get pissed. Look at yourself first before you do the talking."
Another thing that Silva taught me.
"Happiness is a way of choice."
And he reminded me of this old saying too.
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."
Just a random Food For Thought. Maybe it'll make you think of some stuff you never thought in a new light. ~^_^~
Oh. Another random thing. I learnt from Ah Teow and "Law and Order" aka Elliot about a new term. "Purdy" is the retarded way of saying "Pretty"!!!
That's about it.
And NO. No new facts for you till I put up a new post which may highly possibly be later in the day. ((FYI, it's 1.47AM and I'm pooped.)) If you tag or comment more or whine and flood on my blog that you see a lack of posts for the past few days, I may gain the drive to do so. ~^_^~ *grins innocently* Lol. Joking!
Ciao ciao.
Oli/Yoh-Kun signed off with a yawn of tiredness from his day of hard training and flops about in bed at 1.49AM.
Monday, March 05, 2007; 2:01 am
These Words Are My Own ~^_^~
I think... I'm gonna change to a song which I think is pretty meaningful... And can be seen in various lights. Let's see how you view it. ~^_^~
Anyway, on to the updates!
IT'S BEN SO LOOOONG! How are ya guys out there?! Go comment after the posts dammit!
You know... On Thursday, I was lazing around at home, (WATCHING MY FATS GROW BY THE DAY), eat, sleep, play comp, sleep more and I had a miraculous event.
I went onto MSN!
And then...
WHEE! And so, I was talking to her and listening to the horrendous days at work and came to the realisation of a true fact that made me pretty happy at first.
Maggots broke her arm.
WHOOT! LOL! I was happy. Exhilarated. Brimming with joy that she kinda got what she deserved. (And I don't deny that till this moment.)
Then suddenly... HORRORDAWNEDSTROKED A 1500V CURRENT upon me!!!
EFFER! Shar and Bao Zhen were the only ones working on that day!!! ((With Maggots uselessly hovering around.)) SCHIZER! And moreover, I didn't want Shar to have her LAST DAY OF WORK so SCREWED up like Fark.
And to be so tired for the sleepover the next day.
So Oli or should I say, Yoh-kun had to come and step into the picture.
And volunteered herself for work. An extra day. And also, s/he felt kinda bad for feeling happy at someone's downfall because that's the way Yoh-kun is. Maybe she's just human. XD!
LOL~! Anyway, back to the story. I was damn pooped after Thursday and to think that I made one huge mistake. But the cause of it wasn't me. It was...
YOU KNOW HE CAME TO CRYSTAL JADE MY BREAD WITH THE REST OF THE GANG INCLUDING QUACKERZ (Mark)??? WTF!!! I was like this: o.o... O_O OTZ ZZZZZZZZZZZ! WTF! You know that of all people to come, Edmund had to tag along. I made the two METAL measuring cylinder DROP and it CLANGED. REAL LOUDLY. WTF! I was like: Shyte. Shyte. Shyte. Oh well.
OH! And you know the heavy corner metal thingamajiggies that you have to put up before the shop closes? The ones that hold the shutters in place? YEAH! I had to carry the heavy corner one myself! It was damn heavy I totally LOST my energy can... I dunno how the rest can manage it pretty easily but I was struggling so hard, my muscles were still sore the next morning when I did the morning shift.
Yes. You heard me right.
Morning. Shift.
MORNING SHIFT! You know I had 3.5 hours of sleep? It was so bad I had to put 7 sachets of sugar in the coffee I took. OMFG. I can tell you officially I was oh-so-pooped... But I had to endure. In the end, the coffee kept me going and the sugar kept me high. Work that day was pretty okay. Not so much flaws. But the thing is,I stayed there till 3PM and !Punani came over to the Airport and we had our lunch there. I had the Set C meal which comprised of toast, a soft drink which I gave !Punani and a sausage. Oh hell yeah. It was damn good. ~^_^~ But anyway, I was there till 3PM and we headed over to my place so he could watch Shaman King and I could pack my bag for the sleepover. We left at about 8PM and reached Darr's house at about 8.30PM. Whoa...
And here's the section where I'm supposedly to rant on about the sleepover.
Day One
It was basically, half staying at Darr's house and half went to eatthat the coffee shop near Darr's house. And I brought Shar's ice cream that was practically stoning and staying frozen solid in my fridge and not being productively adding fats to those, who desire a really yummy chocolate chip taste in their mouth that would eventually stay in the fats of your BUTT CHEEKS!!!
GAAAH! So for dinner, I did just that. Have chocolate chip ice cream. OMFG! The sin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I still have absolutely no regrets. No pain, no gain after all. XDDDDD!
Anyway, we were playing o2jam and watching Shaman King there. It was super damn damn funny with one of the characters "Milly" that had this thing called the oracle bell sliced in half which made her eligible for the Shaman Fight. It was held once every 500 years and by the time they waited they would have been part of the soil 6 feet under where earthworms worm their way around and eat you up. Eww. But yeah. She started crying and there was subtitles underneath. But all we heard... WAS JUST WEEWAHHUMAWAHGAHWEEWAHWOOOMAGAAMUU, etc etc. It's like me, talking gibberish, except it's just one whole long WORD. I frigging repeated that scene 5 times and I laughed until Jared (It's JER-RERD. Jer as jer in "Jeremiah". I kept on calling him "Ger-RARD" ZZZ.) woke up due to my laughter and thought that the laughter was part of his nightmare. He woke up and the laughter still continued? Only to realise it was me laughing like a mad scientist. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
And when I was sleeping, I accidentally placed both my feet onto Jared's face!!! Then he called Darryl for help and he threw a pillow to him. Darr woke up and saw the pillow and Jared calling his name so he said an "Orh..."
And gave him the pillow back. LOL! WTF! DAMN FARNI SIA! Schizer... LOL! But Jared twisted his body until his head go into my section of the bed sia. Talk about being flexible. =___= I nearly fell off twice when I was sleeping and my hand dropped down. Darr, sleeping beside the bed, my hand went down onto his side of the waist while he was playing "Burnout Legends" and I think I was having some dream and my hand twitched, tickling him. LOL! AHAHAHAHA! You can imagine his reaction sia. Damn funny. Man... Sleepovers are fun.
I also heard from Jared that one time, he wanted to wake his brother up... I forgot his name but nevermind, we shall use the name James. So... It went something like this:
LOL! His subconscience was just talking to him sia! LOL! It was damn funny. So funny I nearly had side sitiches! But anyway...
Today, Ami and Manta-kun came over to watch Shaman King yet again. And they saw me sleep/have a power nap... I was damn tired 'cos after sleepover ((didn't sleep that well)) I had to go for my last day of work today (HOOORAAAAY!) and I sleptalked! Shyte. I rolled from my side only to be facing the ceiling. Then I sleeptalked and they thought I was talking about Shaman King... LOL! Afterwards, I smacked my lips nonstop for 2 minutes like I was eating. Then I took the pillow and PLOPPED it onto my face. LOL! They were laughing at me sia. :P I guess that's what you called tired.
And hell yeah! I had 40% absolute alcohol at the sleepover sia... Damn pain. I nearly got woozy after half a cup of it + half a cup of coke. Edmund last time made a joke about Ami's sister 'cos she's has a high tolerance of alcoho and how she actually likes drinking, I suppose. Darr was like, "You say the word Al- she zip come down already! XD!" Then Edmund said something like this,
"Your sister ah... Then you can make it like this. You say "al-" then she zip downstairs! And then You say "Almond". She sure say "Cheeeey..." Then you come up with every possible name that has the first word as "Al"/"El" and then she run up and down sia! Your sister's name can change to "Elle" Lol!" XD!
Oh well! I personally think that's be good considering the amount of fats she would lose... Not like she's fat nor did she eat anything out of that sinful ice cream tub but which girl doesn't wanna lose weight????!!!!
And !Punani had 4 cups sia! 1st cup = 10%, 2nd cup = 30%, 3rd cup and 4th cup = 40%! ALL IN 1 HOUR! He can hold liquor well sia... Bu after that in the next day, he had a bad bad fever of 38 degrees. Poor sad child...
And oh btw! I AM SO HOOKED ONTO BURNOUT LEGENDS! I got triple Takedown!!! And some signature takedowns too!!! WHOOT! But I'm such a noobie. Boo... The maximum amount of takedowns I got, was 20 on the 2nd day of sleepover, when I was playing on the bus on the way to 6PM mass at Holy Fam... But I like that particular play. First 11 takedowns and still not crashed! WHOOOOOOTTTTSSSS!!!
Boo. I nearly kept on snatching the PSP away from Amidamaru too much... Eeps. Grrr. I think I should go buy the game ((*Ahem*DJ *-Ahem- hacks throat* MAX *Chokes. Sputters. Regains composure -ahem ahem-* Portable)) The PSP costs like $399 CAN!!! It's gonna burn through my pocket and into my skin like that patch of dark skin I have on my calve from the motorbike burn in CHINA... ZZZ! Amidamaru so damn frigging lucky sia... He got a free PSP from his dad cos his dad kenna lucky draw!!! KENNA AGAIN! THEN SELL ME ONE CHEAP CHEAP!!! It's a no brainer that a lucky draw is called... lucky draw. *Sobs*
I wanted to add in some random stuff such as our roles in SK *Shaman King* and such. This is called... The randomness of the Oli-Virus™ or Yoh-kun's bored mind at work. Eheh heh heh... ________________________________________________________
Asakura Yoh: Oli Asakura Hao: Jamin Amidamaru: Darryl Oyamada Manta: !Punani Tao Ren: Rod Tao Jun: Shar Horo Horo: Mel Chue Anna Kyouyama: Her Pirika: Siong Wei Chocolove: Jit Silva: Ben Faust VIII: Mel Quake Tamao: Grace Ryu: Edmund Lyzerg: Matt Leong Mikihisa: Terence
YEAH! That the list. Go contemplate. Or should I say.... Go figure. =___= I still need to cast Quackerz though. Boo.
Funny Jokes
*This and the next one are from this movie called "Pursuit of Happyness". Go watch. It's based on a true story and it's pretty inspirational.*
There was a shipwreck and this man believed that God would save him from drowning to death. One huge boat came by and said, "Do you need any help?"
The man replied, "No, thank you. I know God will save me."
Another huge one came by and asked the same question and again his reply was, "No thank you. I know God will save me."
He drowned and went to heaven. There, he met God. And he asked God, "God, why didn't you save me?"
God answered, "I sent you two boats, you dummy!!!" __________________________________________________________
LOL! The next one is from "Friends Season 10". GO WATCH! It's a must-see!
Joey: First you lied... Then you lied about lying. Then you lied about lying about lying. So before you lie about lying about lying about lying about lyi-- *trails off and counts in the air... 3 seconds later, with big eyes and waving action in front of face* STOP LYING!!! __________________________________________________________
This one is from"Shaman King". They were finding for the secret village called Patch Village where the Shaman Fight Tournament would be held at. Librarian: Here. I'm almost finished searching for the information you seek. *types* Tao Ren: Come... let me do the finishing touch. The rest: EHHHHH?! You mean the Tao family holds the secret to where the location of Patch Village is??? Tao Ren: *sits down* The rest: *leans closer* Tao Ren: ...
Oh... I know... You could be damn lame like I was after I played THOTD 4 with BENNY BOY! aka Silva! *Oh... At THOTD4, we ROCKED.*
I made this up at the bus stop 'cos I was a bit "ko-yak" in the head.
Bus 11: Walking Bus 111: Guy walking (You should know guys all have 3rd legs.) Bus 10101: This is the evolved version of Bus 111... Include the nuts, of course. Bus 101: Girls walking. Either that or a gay is walking. Bus 0101010: MACHO MAN WALKING ALERT! XDDD!
LOL. Yeah... That's about it for today. Tomorrow night, I would blog about tomorrow. (DUHHH.) Most prolly go and play arcade with Boro Boro the Donkey and before that, go with Tao Jun to CJ My Bread to give everyone there a farewell gift... I'm gonna miss everyone. *sob* And I have to practice for my drums lesson next week. ZZZ. Add on to the fact, we (Me, Manta-kun and Ami) may watch a movie! Hell yeaaaah.
I'm gonna install my scannr tomorrow so maybe we could possibly see an uploaded picture of Asakura Hao tomorrow on photobucket or something. ~^_^~ Coolness. Either that, or you could wait for an INKED version to come out 'cos I sketched it during the sleepover...
Gah. I'm pooped and tired. No slight chance of drawing 'cos I need my 8 hours of sleep now.
And Ciao! ~^_^~
Yoh-kun got tortured through his training of running 5KM carrying 10KG weights on his limbs at 1.53AM.
!~~*LyRiCs Of ThE MoMeNt*~~! *~Unwritten~* Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten
~Natasha Bedingfield
The Webmistress
Behind The Scenes
OliOli is just your normal average girl who loves many things but can't get her hands on them. :)
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