Tuesday, February 27, 2007; 10:42 pm
Talk about Freedom of Speech XD
LOL! I came across this site wth this damn stupid quote about the Freedom of Speech.
"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say."~Bill Clinton, former U.S. PresidentLOL! and to this that everyone thinks that America is the Global "Policeman". ZZZ. How ironic can this get??? XD! Au contraire, I think it's HILARIOUS.
Carpe diem! Keep the post running eh? ~^_^~
Anyway, it's back to the Dashboard and to tell you what happened to my ever-so-boring life. XD!
Well... On Wednesday, once again, I had work... But this time I could work with...
YAY! But sadly... It was damn bad... Even though if it was with Sharon, I still had a big obstacle looming from above me high up there. ZZZ. Scary, little (XD), old Maggie Mee. XDDDDD. Can you imagine? Starting from today, I do not have a single shift with her at all! WHOOHOO! :D It's called a BLESSING from God. I swear. He just knows that I don't mix along well with that one-eyed, old, maggot-infested witch and decided to put me in the same shift as Ah Kim, Minmin and Kenvin. XD! Yay! And it's pretty fun too, to tell you the truth. >_< Oh wells. Maybe I should start calling her Maggot instead of Maggie Mee 'cos I like to eat Maggi Mee (sp?) but not Maggots. Though it's a speciality in certain countries and they fry the maggots and turn them into sweets, WHICH they say is delicious, I don't think I'd wanna even try currently. This maggot is bad enough for my health as it is. Always making me have "constipation"... Shar, I wonder how you can bear the smell for such a long period of time... Gross. =__=
Anyway, let's pollute my blog post a little, shall we? 'Cos I think you'd like to know certain stuff that just recently happened. :P
That day, I was happily working and Maggot being the Maggot as she usually is, scolded me for the tiniest things. Typical. Saying that I work slow and all that shit. Err. Looks like I'm not surprised? Anyway, that day, it was terrible. Oh! And Amy was scolded for the tiniest things. Mind you. I think Amy is a really friendly person now. I mean I forgive and forget... Being a Catholic and all. And to tell you the truth, I think she's a really nice woman when you get to know her. The way she treats me is like me being a daughter or some sort. She's earnest and concerned whenever anything happens, ya know? That sort. Maybe it's 'cos she's humbled after what happened that day 'cos on that day, despite that time when I didn't like her, I just gave her a hug and told her that she looks prettier when she smiles. ~^_^~ I've been in a situation like that and I know how it feels like. But I think it was ten times worse 'cos she was with the shop ever since it opened. And being a "senior", she has her pride. She can just bear this much but not too much right? Everyone has their limits too, that I know.
And I think she told Shar that, you know, you have your pride and all that yadda yadda. But that day was just too much. =_= It's 'cos on that day, it was the second day after CNY when the shop was open. So on the previous day, which was Tuesday, she was scolded for not ordering more stocks but ordered less instead and therefore, it couldn't fulfill the customers' quota. I mean she can't predict that momre was gonna be sold 'cos after Chinese New Year, you don't know how business would be like! It depends all on the CUSTOMERS! Not AMY! ZZZZZZ. Stupid. And Maggots scolded her for that. Then on the next day, Amy ordered more stocks and she kenna scolding again 'cos this time she ordered too many and it wasn't selling well... ZZZ. I mean she followed orders and still got scolded? That is
JUST TOO STUPID! Yeah. Then after that, Maggot called Amy to go upstairs to the kitchen to fetch down more Dim Sum down. ZZZ. She kenna scolding again 'cos she put everything into one box and made the fragile, stupid carrot cakes broken into smaller pieces. I mean.. She rarely goes up and bakes her tarts and whatsoever and would be too busy to even look at us work. Wei. Maggot. Decide whether you want your egg tarts or not or I'll smash a pile load of tarts- No. Make that SHIT into your face. You can eat it and manifest in it, like you always do. Anger management problems, that woman. She doesn't have to take it out on us when she's getting a scolding from the higher ups or something. Go and kenna sai la. It's to the point where you even made Amy hand in her resignation form on Tuesday can... Even Min wants to quit in April, K.envin quits in March, P.oh Keow and Zhen consider quitting. You just SUCK. You made Amy CRY when she was in the car explaining to her husband what happened to her. Bloddy Biatch.
Okay. I'll pollute more later on about Thursday.
Anyway, on to the day's events after work! Actually, on that day, I wanted to go watch a movie with Sharon called Ghost Rider. But however, due to unforeseen circumstances, she went to watch it with Rod instead, so we abandoned the plan. Besides, Shar had to go home and do chores (Grr...) so I went out with the other people, Darr, !Punani and Ben to the arcade and totally THRASHED the THOTD4 machine. Not say that I THRASHED it literally but firguratively, in my standards of course.
*For results, it's in the PREVIOUS previous post that I published. 2nd result.*
3 FRIGGING As and 3 FRIGGING Bs CAN!!! Will you look at that piece of Holy-Moly-Blooming-Wonder-of-a-Mishegoss??? ((Mishegoss is the slang for "Craziness". Learnt it on a webbie.))
I beat my own record and at that point of time I was still SICK! One of my worser "Invasion" days where bombs where dropped. XDDDD! Today, I only have phlegm and lots of mucus in my nose which annoys me to the depths of hell. ZZZ. So Mummy(s), you don't have to worry. *Did I tell you? I have a "family" too with my colleagues. Ah K.eow is my Mummy too and is my sista. XDDDDD! I have many Mummy(s)! Lol dol bol.*
Thursday was more of a simple description. 'Cos nothing much happened on that day except if you count Sharon's shift.
I shall summarize Thursday.
Worked afternoon shift. Darryl came at 10.30PM. *like FTW??? Why you still come when we were about to close you fool! ZZZ.* Bread SOLD OUT! ((Only left one coffee egg tart and something else. I forgot.)) Left airport at 11.10PM. *OMG A FIRST!* Miraculously caught the train for the first time. Dad waited for me. Said Bye to Darr. Go Home. Rest. Play a while. SLEEP.
Well. It's a simple summary. ~^_^~
As for what happened to Shar, this was what happened.
Shar helped Amy to do the resignation letter previously. An Indian H.arilela office person came down. ((H.arilela is a muslim company, which had a co-joint project with C.rystal J.ade to form the company I work for now. Bread Supplier: C.J. Pay supplier: H.arilela.)) Maggot's off day that day. Zhen, and Shar worked on that day. Person took picture. Asked Zhen who was in charge. Bao Zhen said she' not around. Person takes down Bao Zhen's name. Bao Zhen panics and says it's not her. Person says nevermind. Maggot calls. Shar picks up. at toilet. Shar warns about Maggot. She braces up. Get a earful from Maggot. ((Poor soul, Maggot fa feng. ((Go crazy.)) And ordered another round of bread which was too much. Maggot kenna scolding at meeting the next day. She complained to Shar and said, "I so poor thing. Later I have to go for meetin and get scolding. Poor me." ((OMG!
Thursday was pretty much more or less the same thing. K.envin and on shift. Except the fact that the whole gang came! I was uber shocked sia... !Punani and Darr came 'cos I asked them if they wanted to, so they came from the Kingdom of Boredom and I let !Punani try Set I! He ate it while doing his YF stuff. And Set I is toast with ham and cheese, a choice of drink of either Yuan Yang (tea mixed with coffee), coffee, tea or Soft Drinks and a Chicken Wing coated with Shrimp Pastry. he took Yuan Yang and said it was pretty nice to eat! YAY! I added extra cheese on top btw, so APPRECIATE IT! XD! Oh... And teased me that the Chicken Wing was my boyfriend. XDDD! LOL! And I agreed. Then Min came along and said where's your "shou qie shou de nan peng you" (holding hands guy friend?) GAH! Even Min is teasing me about it!!! Grrr.. And so I said, " HEY! I'm already taken! I'm filial to my Chicken Wings!" XDDDD! Gah. People just love to tease me. *_* Not like I mind. XD! It's fun anyway! :P
Anyway, Rod and Terence unexpectedly came from Zion's 'cos they were bored... They were with Shar but she had to go home early. I was like Waaah! SOCIAL GATHERING! O_O Wtf... Then Ben came along by himself 'cos he had nothing to do. OMG I SWEAR! I NEARLY HAD A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALL OF THEM CAME AT ONE GO! O_O Please la. I got weak heart lei. Don't make me kenna heart attack sia... ZZZ. Lol Dol Bol.
Well... I got them bread and my dad a Garlic Baguette and I brought back home two slices of cake! Yummm.. Sadly, that was my last day on the shift with P.oh Keow... Me will miss my Mummy. +_+ And my very last time I can bring home some bread for my family to eat! Other than that, I found it a perfect way to end the times I was on shift B and no accidents or anything bad happened! ~^_^~
LOL! It was damn fun nia... I played in the morning and then went for mass. Then after that I went to Pasir Ris with !Punani to go check out the iPod that that he wanted... ZZZ. Now he rich sia. Can buy iPod with his own pay. ZZZ. I have to pay for my own texts sia. ZZZ. OH! I bought a pretty beret for $10 and a really nice choker for $12.90! It was DAMN NICE! It's for the gothic look that was gonna pull on Sunday which I did! Tell you more later. So then, after that I went for mass and we parted ways on the mrt. So then, I met Jit, Baka Saru and jit's two younger cousins, Priya and her friend after mass and it was...
CHINGAY TIME!!!It was damn fun! Priya and her friend only had on ticket and so they didn't wanna go in the end and we had an extra ticket. LOL! I didn't invite anyone 'cos I thought no extra tickets. TT___TT !Punani could've come 'cos I asked him on the day itself, when I was at Pasir Ris and Darr, don't worry. I think you had something on, on that day right? Oh well... Ah hecks. Omg... the parade was Fabulous! I got Half-line seats where you got to seat on the sides of the pavement and watch them passing by. It was so damn frigging packed that you could even barely see them perform at the Performance Area. But I think I'd rather communicate with the performers than watch them perform. MORE FUN!!! ZZZ. So annoying. There was this whole military band that played for the Soccer World Cup in 2002 and they were from Benny Boy's homeland! TAIWAN! OMG! They were so cool! Especially the drums!!! OMFG! IT WAS LIKE REMINISCING THAT MOVIE CALLED "
DRUMLINE"!!! Damn cool! I practically yelled my LUNGS out despite my dammit "Flam". ZZZ.
And omg omg omg omg! The japanese people! THEY WERE LIKE POSNG IN GROUPS FOR JIT'S CAM!!! I even got to ask them in japanese whether they were from Japan but they said that only a few of them were. Then she asked if I studied Japanese and I said yeah. I did. :D WHEEEEEE! Then there were these few people who did some really funky stuff! They actually came over to the audience to do HIGH FIVES! And Jit asked if she could help take pictures of performer. Least did she expect that the woman asked the PERFORMERS THEMSELVES to go over to us and together, take a photo! Baka Saru (Stupid Monkey) aka Denise wasn't there at that point of time so she missed it. Jealous little monkey... Haaaaaaahahaha! Who ask you scamper away???
Then there's these people in huge inflated plastic balls ((Sounds wrong... *Hint hint: PSSST. Edmund's... XD I think those who were there would get it. ;P*)) and they were dressed in like those you would see on a trapeze with boots and mushroom-shaped, coloured hair. =S If you went out in those clothes, people would either mistake you for as cosplay of a power ranger or you just had a very bad taste of fashion and see you as a walking, talking, living, breathing fashion disaster. =S
AHHA! And there was this person who was with the Dragon dance sector... He had ignited torch with a sling bag full of gun powder. It was damn nice. he took a handful of powder and threw down, lit it and a HUGE FLAME came out. I think the ground was either burnt or it's just the residue from the ashes... From just 4-5 metres away, I could feel the heat already!!! Intense or what??? Then there was another guy would took it threw it in the air and did the same. But this time, the smoke billowed out like what you see in the atomic attack on Hiroshima or Nagasaki! It was MUSHROOM SHAPED! OMG. It was damn pretty and the whole crowd went WHOAAAAAAAAA. I'm proud to say I was one of the loudest. XD!
XD! And also, there was this float on which, a gymnast was swinging on. OMG! SO COOL! I've been wanting to do it since young... Gymnastics.. *dreams* But you know, the pole looked like it was about to break and the guy was about to swing off the pole. It's be a horror if I was knocked down 'cos i would FLY! XDDDD! First time I saw it
LIVE okay!!!! People swinging... OMG. Reminded me of George of the jungle where he keeps on whacking into trees. Except this poor little sad soul of a gymnast would not be whacking into trees but into buildings instead. ZZZ.
LOL! After the whole thing, I met Matthew, who happened to be around at that point of time... He was meeting up with a friend of his so he was around... Meow. And so we all had dinner at Cineleisure at Burger King. I was sick and I still ate the frigging single Turkey Bacon and Ham meal. But no worries.. No harm done. Meow. I was planning to go to the doctors after that 'cos the doctor closed at 12MN, but argh heck. It was too late by the time I reached home so I took my time eating and providing warmth to those around me and taking up space. (Reminds me of Ms A Lim. She was asked in class about what she does in the HOD Department and she said, "I take up space and provide warmth." LOL!)
OH! For all those who are bored and have nothing much to do, go rent the movie "Mahjong King" Andy Lau is inside it and it's a damn cool show if you know at least some Mahjong laws. Like "Pong!" or whatsoever. Even if you don't understand, just watch. You'd get it if you do have a functioning brain that has an IQ of at least above 80. XD. It's damn nice.
That's about it for the Chingay. And now... Onto SUNDAY! XD!
You know, I had work on that day. ZZZ. *Sausage Cocktail buns are gooooood! I had one!* With Maggot and Zhen... Maggot had anger management problems as usual and she kept on saying how Shar was so much better at packing. Err. No shit? 'Cos in MY shift, I rarely pack bread! And that time when it was my first time cutting the bread, you said that Shar was better yet again. Errr... NO SHIT! YOU DON'T HAVE A BRAIN AH? FIRST TIME CUTTING YOU STILL DARE SAY??? I was so damn pissed I smsed MelMel the Donkey, Shar and Darr about work and saying F*** about Maggot. So disgusting... Schizer. She has the IQ of my pen which is the type that is 0.28. ((This means Maggot can't watch "Mahjong King". MUAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!)) ZZZ. No common sense. Really! These days, common sense isn't that common anymore. ((Wei. Don't look at me like that! I
NEVER had common sense in the first place!))
I had t pay $7 for the taxi fare sia... I didn't know the train to Tenah Merah came at 6.42AM instead of the usual 6.14AM everyday. So in the end, I was late by 5 minutes... ZZZ. Stupid stupid Sunday mornings. =_____= Waste my money only... ZZZ.
After work, I had to rush to the doctor's and he prescribed to me anti-biotics... Eww.. Hatemedicine to bits. Now have 5 different types of medication to take. Hais... What to do? Ah well... Shar and Rod accompanied me to go see and met my dad too. *note: Yellow "Flam" is always = to an infection* Shoooo shweet of them. They played Heart of Darkness on my computer... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'M AFRAID OF THOSE SHYTE THAT SWALLOW ME WHOLE! I can officially tell you that I would definitely panic when I play that ruddy game... EEPS! Then I went to bathe... By the time I bathed finished, Mummy Mel had came over and it was time for Rod and Shar to go. ZZZ.And then after they left, it was...
So me and Mel prepared and put on eye liner, changed clothes, wore contacts, put lip balm, wear my beret, etc etc... AndI tell you... wearing contacts is damn HARD! I took 45 minutes just to put it in and it's super damn annoying to the eyes. I dunno how people can tahan nia. Especially if you never put it properly... THEY MAKE YOUR EYES GO RED LIKE SOME INFECED GOLDFISH OF UNCLE'S OR SOMETHING!!! My contacts fell out while I was watching the movie later on. ZZZ. Luckily, I managed to find it. Otherwise, I would have been throwing away $20 worth of contacts. XD! ~^_^~
Shar thought I really looked nice! Except for the contacts. ((The rest said I looked CUTE! ARGHHHHH! ANYTHING BUT CUTE OR ADORABLE OR RELATED!!! *shudders* EEPS! *blush blush*)) She said my pupils looked really big. And I think it made my eyes 1.5 time bigger. LOL! It was like I was one of those anime characters with impossibly huge eyes that you can't ever imagine... XD!
LOL! When the group saw me, I think they had trauma 'cos they never saw me in goth before... And I was *literally* ONCE IN A BLUE MOON
Wearing a skirt. YES! You just heard it! I WORE A SKIRT! =___= Don't be so shocked. ZZZ I have at least 4 skirts ((including the goth one)) in my warerobe... 2 informal and 2 formal... ZZZ. So not much surprise there, except that I actually
WORE them.. They should have at like 1 cm layer of dust on it. XD!
Went to Comic Connection. (CC) and no new comics. *Cries* Shiku Shiku ((Sob sob)) :'( T__T
Speaking of movies, I watched, "JUST FOLLOW LAW!" with Mel Q, Shar, Darr, Punani, Rod, Mark and Matthew. I realised the pun in the title of the movie due to an incident.
Let's have a flashback.
Me: Hello!
Neighbour: Hey!
Me: Where didja go just now?
Neighbour: *from my impression* Just Follow lor.
Me: Hah? Just follow? Got such movie meh???
Neighbour: No! Just follow law!
XDDDDDD! LOL! It's damn stupid... Tanya Chew, a manager in the company and the overall in-charge of the Events and Promotions Department, and Lim Teng Zui, who has a daughter and has an Ah Beng Attitude and a "Don't care la" kind of personality and doesn't bring much dough to the household, being a lousy electrician, switched bodies due to a freak accident. Here's some funny quotes from the movie:
*You need to understand some hokkien to get the puns.
*Guy 1 and Guy 2 are friends of Lim Teng Zui*
LTZ (In Tanya's body): We will do our "goodest" in the Job Fair for the last time!!!
Girl 1: Goodest? Hah?
Guy 1: Good?
Guy 2: Ho!
Guy 1: Gooder?
Guy 2: Jin Ho!!
Guy 1: Goodest?
Guy 2: SI BEI HO!!!
*lol* ~^_^~__________________________________________________________Supervisor: You haven't been doing your job properly! I'll give you ONE Warning Letter!
Guard: Please! Don't la... -starts pleading and rattles on-
Supervisor: You still say somemore???
Guard: Somemore.
Supervisor: Say Somemore.
Guard: Somemore.
Supervisor: Say Somemore.
Guard: Somemore.
Supervisor: Say Somemore.
Guard: Somemore.
Supervisor: That's it! TWO warning letters!!!
*As seen on advertisements*
Guard: I don't follow law, kenna scolding. I follow, ALSO kenna scolding.
*LOL DOL BOL!*_________________________________________________________
Anyway, After the movie, Mel and Shar had to Zhao home... And I went to Zone X to play THOTD4! two other people played before me and it was one of my fastest EVER. My grades for the first two chapters were B and I couldn't complete the 3rd Chapter on time... once I shook off one monster they SHUT the power down COMPLETELY!!! ARGHHHH! But the best part was I took two credits to get to stage 3! Whoots! But dammit. But it was damn fast and damn fun sia... :D As it usually is!
Wells... Anyway, other than that, I was planning to buy pokemon and I did! I bought it yestrday and we watched Pokemon Heroes DAMN NICE! It features Latios ansd Latias. It's a MUST SEE! I'm not revealing any info so you have to just go buy it or download it from the net. NYEAAAGHHH. XD!!! LOL! And two new Movie came out! Gonna watch one at Darr's sleepover!!! Whee!!! So excited! I can't wait! The other one is in Japanese so I'm gonna watch it and then read the translations.
I had this VentureEra guy calling me too... Saying about a job interview on Monday which I went to and realised it was exactly the same as the one Edmund brought me, !Punani and Matt to... !Punani and Darr came along and !Punani saw the girl called Zhen Li who did his training! It was confirmed that we didn't wanna do it 'cos previously we already rejected it and didn't really see any interest in it. ZZZ. And to think the one who called me said that we would be involving Marketing which really wasn't... It's more of Sales and promotion...
WHAT MARKETING???Lol. They occupied 3 levels of the new building in Eunos and are shifting from City Hall to around Eunos area. Now they say they are gonna aim to buy over the whole building. Whoa. So rich sia... The company! But sorry. No. A BIG FLAT NO! ((Sorry! This is as big as it can go!!!)) And they had this retarded cafe called Passion! WAH LAO! It was damn stupid and uber retarded... Plus the fact that there was already a card called the Passion card for the Community Centres. I think that the Community Centres can sue them for copyright infringements or something. But I think they can't be bothered. ZZZ.Played Heart of Darkness again and this time I was stuck. DAMN HARD TO PASS!!! ARGH! Annoying! And I bought a meal for $22.95 yesterday at KFC and shared it with the other two idiots, namely !Punani and Darr aka TheDog... XD!
Nothing much happened today except after work ((I had so many accidents during work, I thought I was a walking disaster...)), Mark and darryl went to The Cathay to play BattleField 2142. It turned out that you can't create an account there but have to create at home only. Sadly... *Sob* AHAHA! KENNA JACK! But yeah la. They had top quality keyboards and mouses and all so maybe I shall take another look at the place 'cos it recently opened. I think I've been there before lately.. Not sure but yeah. I think I did. :D
Anyway, I met !Punani who got a HANDPHONE TODAY!!!
AT LAST!!! He has the same phone as me: Nokia 6070 and we both went to get dinner today.
ICE LEMON TEA! ((Eeps, I'm not supposed to drink cold stuff! X_X)) XD! Then Mark didn't come 'cos he went back home and then went to TM with his parents to register for the drums course! OMG!!! YAY!!!! I HAVE COMPANY! Hopefully he remembers to help me buy my textbook on the way. Eeps...
So today, we tried playing Worms Armagaddon and it sorta lagged and hung. So we couldn't play. Darr went to sleep on the chair and me and !Punani decided to watch Shaman King!!! I lent him box 2 and CCS Box 1! WHOOTS! Happy happy And tomorrow, I have to go to Phoa's home to collect the Shaman King Box 3-5. She's selling it to me for $12 each! OMG! SO HAPPY! :D I would have completed my collection!
Hais... Nothing much to blog about now 'cos I only have 3.25 hours worth of sleep now. So I shall say my farewell here.
!~~*Quote of the day*~~!True friends are the ones who pick up when you call at 4AM in the morning to listen to you cry.
SAGA PART 2.1!!!
And now... The moment you have been waiting for...
MY NEW POST!!! XD (Lol. Dol. Bol. I'm so lame.)
But have you guys been waiting long? I'm frigging sorry... These few days I haven't been getting enough time to myself to blog to you nice people out there (*muackx*) who read my blog, about my ever-so-great-yet-boring life of the ever-so-great-yadda-yadda Oli!
XD On with the show. Now, presenting to you is the 2nd great day of the Lunar New Year, which supposedly, a historic event took place.
The. Oli-Virus. Was. Under. AN INVASION!!! *Screams and runs away! lol*
Yeah. Yeah. Don't rub it. in... Till today, the Oli Virus is under attack and still going on strong. (I swear I hate falling sick.)) But at least 75% of the sickness is gone except for the frigging nose and phlegm. ((I used to think Phlegm was spelt Flam. And Clarke Quay was pronounced as Klark Kweh. *One time, I ask my dad if Clarke Quay was a cake. ZZZ.*))
Anyway, I was such a sad little poor ol' little soul out there suffering under the hands of the flu virus but OLI-VIRUS WILL
Anyway, on to the festivities of the 2nd day of CNY! HELL YEAH! That day I had to go to my Grandmother's house and OMFG.... It was so damn boring as well... My family friends came by and two of them both Sec 2 and Sec 3, Amanda and Shawn respectively, are like so damn tall.. Now they are taller than me!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THEY ARE ONLY 14 and 15 and I'm 17! AND FTW (fark the what)!!! ARGHHHH!
I swear...
I got my Mum's genes.
GAAAH! DAMMIT! Why couldn't I inherit my Mum's cooking talents and my dad's height genes!!! DAMMIT DAMMIT.
Anyway, they came over and OMFG it was so damn boring... Schizer... I swear I could've just gorged my eyes out and put them back for fun or maybe toodle a tattoo all over my arms and drawing pictures on the walls while I'm at it. It was so damn boring. ZZZ. Hell.
But you know, there was this Dragon Dance that came to my house. Another of my family friends, (same age as me but in Sec 3 NA *Kenna retained. So sad. TT___TT*) had a friend who worked in the Dragon Dance Troope so he could get them to come over and perform for a short while at my grannies... Man.. It was damn cool. They came in and pranced around and my Uncle *shudders* offered them the basket of vegetables and oranges. :D And they turned the orange slices into the Chinese Character called "Fu", meaning Wealth. XDDDD So niceeeee... And also, they made the number 2317 with the orange slices too! ~^_^~ It's like they asking us to make Singapore Pool richer by buying that number. ZZZ. Err... 1st) Not of legal age. 2nd) No money 3rd) CANNOTBE BOTHERED! XD! And did you know if you turn the number upside down... You have the word "LIES" with an inverted S... Lol... found that out when I saw the thing. Looks cool sia. If only I could upload photos frm my phone. ZZZ. I don't have the ruddy equipment to doso... Ching ching never fill my pockets. *sob sob*
But anyway, When halfway they were dancing out of the house, one of the "Nostrils" of the Dragon
FLEW OUT!!! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You know the ball ball thing on the front? YEAH! I just totally "lol dol bol"ed okay... I feel bad for doing so but it's just too funny! I SWEAR! OMG. I thought suddenly some thing huge like a flying ant came flying through the window and I thought...
*Eh... Since whe did a flying ant fly like that... And why on EARTH is it so COLOURFUL?!*
LOL! So damn funny all of us, including the elders, laughed away. But I think the guy who danced would've felt paisei lei... Dunno la. XD!
Anyway, I got out of the place once the Dragon Dance was over and went home to change, shower, and get out of the house to meet !Punani, Darr, Benny Boy and Rod... :D WHEEE! MAN. I STILL ROCK WHEN I'M SICK!
*For results, please refer to the previous post, 1st result. ~^_^~*
2As, 2Bs ad 2Cs! hell yeah! I completed the game in 8-9 CREDITS! WHOOHOO! And speaking of credits, they had this offer. Get $28 value in your Tapz card and you get $28 more free!!! SI BEI HO! (Goodest! XD... Pun intended. Explain later.) Imagine if you Buy $100++ OMFG... Can play for almost a month and still not yet run out unless you're a hardcore. ZZZ. It was valid till only the day after... Such a pity. Otherwise, I would've gotten more. U_U Oh well. You can't have everything.
Anyway, it was damn damn fun. I came home at like 11.30PM. So late and I couldn't sleep properly for the past two nights 'cos of the runny nose. Dang it. If PUB charged my nose as tap for running "water", I'd have to pay at least $150 with a surcharge of $50 for contaminating the "water" yellow. ZZZ. Yeah. I had yellow mucus. So gross. That whole entire week, I either had time to sleep but couldn't or lacked the sleep and had 4-5 hours per day. So now I'm am pooped but be content I'm still updating you though I just wanna go sleep. XD. See how loyal the ever-so-great Oli-Virus is??? ~^_^~ XD
Oh. Btw, on that day, the 2nd of CNY, !Punani had his last day of work and Rod is gonna be so sad 'cos there won' be any breakage ((when the wrappings of the packeted good are torn or broken, it's called breakage)) for him no more... Awwwwww...
*Observes a moment of silence.*
Darr the Dog ((Hey! DD! If only had my mum's surname. Dong. Then it'd be Darr Dong the Dog. XD!)) had already stopped work the previous week before CNY started. *sobs* FINALLY! MY WORK ENDS ON 4 MARCH! And Whoots! I await PAY DAAAAY! XD *thinks:
MUST tell myself I only have 4 workings days left. Schizer. It's feeling like eternity...*
Gahhhh. On to the 3rd day of CNY! :D I met up with Benny Boy, Shar, Rod, Terence, Darr, !Punani at Zion's 'cos we were gonna plan to go over to Uncle's shop... ZZZ. Shar left early, Benny Boy had to left early so I couldn't meet him, and funnily, we bumped into- or should I say, Edmund ran into us while we were playing our games. ZZZ. Naturally, Edmund wanted to tag along. And Uncle said that he would leave at 7PM, we went there only to find out that he's not going home until his flatmate comes by 'cos he (the flatmate) called on a short notice. And guess what time it was when the ruddy flat mate arrived?
ARGHHH!!! I swear I could've done so much more constructive things than sit around and accumulate fats all day long! HELL! I don't wanna have a pot belly as big as Uncle's! If he wants it, he wants it! I DON'T!!! GAAAAHHHH. So annoying. So !Punani, Darryl, I, Rod, and Terence decided to go eat dinner. And so we did! Wow. It was SO DAMN PACKED, we couldn't even find seats at Treats. All of us except for Terence ((he went home. BOO! Bwadder so mean... *lol. Sounds like the word bladder.* went to the prata shop nearby Darr's house and ate there. YUMMM! I ordered Milo Dinosaur and yummy Mushroom and Cheese Prata despite my invasion of the stupid virus. Terence had to go home so he took the shuttle bus while we slowly journeyed on the bus ride. ZZZ. And omg.... The cheese prata is HEAVENLY. OMG. It's damn good! The cheese melting in your mouth... The yummy yummy taste of cheese ooooozing from your chewing and biting. Eeps. Right now,I can just fill a bucket up with all my drool. GAH! Gimme a swimming pool! STAT! XD!!!
XDDDDD. That's part 2.1 for you. Once then whole story comes out which would be most likely by tomorrow, the Facts would b changed and the lyrics/quote of the moment would also most likely be the end of the saga... Now I'm getting really drowsy from medication and I need to wake up early by 5am tomorrow. Now 12.25PM liao. And my style of writing would not be the same if I do continue with this post. Sorry!!! So for now, it shall be a...
Ciao and
Wednesday, February 21, 2007; 10:30 pm
ZZZ. Bored At Zion's. ZZZ.
GAAAH! You know that Zion's keyboard is uber laggy for o2jam and it causes me to get more "Goods" than what I would normally get. ZZZ. I am in the presence of the !Punani, Ben and darryl. Mark and Terence are also here. XD the first 4 are playing counter strike together.
Ben/!Punani VS Mark/Darryl
I am uber bored... Just finished Mass with a green dot on my head for the Ashes that they put on me... ((Today is Ash Wednesday. Have to abstain from meat... Not like I can eat fried stuff with my condition. =___=)) I'm like blogging now and it's already like almost 10PM. I think I'm just gonna type for 1/2 and hour more and continue with a new post to update you on what happened recently. ~^_^~
But since we're already on the topic of games, why not begin our little 2-part saga with GAMES itself??? :D
*Ou... Btw, Rod joined forces with Mark and Darryl. !Punani's team got new member: Unknowned. :D
The OBVIOUS topic.
THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I played it yesterday and today and OMGWTFHBBQCHICKEN!
*hushed whisper* A dramatic improvement... *Music BG plays aka Phantom of the Opera*
XDDDDDD! I'm being really lame. I think it's the sugar I ate just now... I ate 3 sachets despite my little bout of flu.. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
*goes high. Head inflates. Oli starts rising from her seat.*
XDDDDDD! Oh well... Anyway, ((!Punani trying to be kaypo sia...)) AHAHAHAHA! Yeah. IGNORE YOUR COUNTERSTRIKE AND BE KILLLLLLLLED!
Oh well... Anyway, on to THOTD4!!
The first game I played?
((ahem ahem... *awaits for applause.))
Audience: ... o_o
Okaaaaaay! On with the results actually.
For chapter 1: 45 PERFECTS NIA!!!
For chapter 2: 45 AGAIN!
For chapter 3-6: Heck. Like I would look cos it sucked.
1: A
2: B
3: C
4: B ((Accuracy: 72%!!! PERFECT!))
5: C
6: A
I had a Master Agent RANKING! Rank 4!
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! That time... In the later part of chapter 6, at "The World ((Gamma)) - Final of the Final Bosses..." I managed to get rid of one of the attacks aka the two snakes that circle round you and attack from behind? I shot and JUST when they were about to BITE THE CRAP OFF ME... ((or my life at least)) I KILLED THEM! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? OMGWTFHBBQPORK! GAAAAAAAHHHHH...
But that's not all.
In the second game which I played today, yes. Today. With slight fever and all.
I HAD A WHOOOOLE Lot more Perfects. At least 20 for each level.
1: A ((Accuracy : 75%!!! Even better!))
2: B
3: B
4: B ((Sadly this chapter I deproved. TT__TT))
5: A ((I improved here!!! ~^_^~))
6: A
Overall accuracy? 68%!
Total number of perfects? 147!
Agent? Expert Agent
Rank? 3
Number of credits used? 6-7
WTF! And I casn finally finally get rid of the SPIRAL SNAKES THAT ARE SENT INTO THE AIR! Along with the ones that circles around you and bite your health off from behind. *Pervos. Don't peek at Girl's arses. I know Kate Green is hot and I always use that character but it doesn't give you the right to peek! WE have woman's rights you know???*
*Thinks* How ironic. My character that I play in Drama's film production is the main character. AND her name is also "Kate". ZZZ. Maybe I'm destined for THOTD4 XD!
AND... To top it off... I TOTALLY OWNED "THE STAR"! ((In terms of MY standards.)) The supposedly Hardest ((after "The World (Gamma)")) And I LOST ONE LIFE HERE! :D Oh well...
Okayokay.. It's almost 10.30PM. Now 10.25PM. I won't put "Lyrics/Quote of the moment" nor change the "Fact on the go" till I get back home and get Part 2 Of the saga up and published. ~^_^~
And Toodarah! ((For Now.)) lol bol dol.™
Oli paused her sharing here at 10.30PM.
Note: lol: Laughing Out Loud
bol: Burst Out Laughing
dol: Dies of Laughter
SPREAD THE LOVE! BUT REMEMBER! It belongs to the Oli-virus and Oli herself so SCRAM if you wanna take away my TradeMark. HA.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007; 11:56 pm
Oli-virus is sent here to give the following recipents:
Followers and readers of Oli's ever-so-entertaining blog. (Ahem ahem...)
a message. No. Make that a notice.
A NOTICE! WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT?! ((Please excuse me. I'm the virus afterall...))
From the ever-so-great-Oli herself. (ahem ahem... *coughs*)
This notice is to be read to you peeps out there:
Hello everyone out there! Basically, hello WORLD! :D I'll be updating on my life soon most prolly by tomorrow so you guys would have an entertaining read. Pray for me 'cos I'm having a very bad and heavy flu/cough/small 'bout of diarrhoea and I came back home at 11.30PM... *sobs* I'm depriving you guys of a source of entertainment for the next 20-30 minutes or so depending on how fast you read. *sobs* I'M SO SORRY!!! But anyway, hopefully I can tahan ((pull through)) tomorrow's morning shift and last through till I get back home to rest. I need my next 5 hours of sleep. ((Now's 12MN and I wake at 5AM.)) So I'm truly sorry about this. Flu gets worser and worser. ZZZ. Do pray. :D And do tag at my tagboard even if you're a random passerby after each post that you've read. ((Unless you read all at once if you're new to this blog. Then, one tag would be good enuff. ~^_^~)) . It would do me good to see that I've made someone smile in their day... ~^_^~ ANYWAY, CHEERS! And have a Blessed and Belated Happy Lunar New Year to one and ALL! :D
ZZZ. *sniffles from flu*
And THAT, was the message from the ever-so-great Oli! ((ahem ahem...))
That's about it. And toodles.
Oli-virus disconnected from server.
Sunday, February 18, 2007; 11:46 pm
Random and nothing much to type about.
TODAY IS CHINESE NEW YEAR! Just yesterday at around 11.45PM, I went for my annual walk ((For god knows some fengshui yadda yadda or something.)) And I came across the fact that I had not actually washed my hair yet. So I realised...
So I rushed home and had only 2 minutes to spare before 12MN on CNY ((It's considered inauspicious to wash your hair on CNY)) just to wash my darnit hair so that it would be able to last me for one whole day before I washed it again in 2 days time. I swear. That was the first time I bathed ever-so-fast with hair dripping wet by the time I came out of the shower... And after that, I spammed into every blog I knew a HAPPY NEW YEAR! XDDDDD. Heck. I even wished HER from the goodwill of my heart via SMS. ((Coming out from mass and all that yadda. :D))
But that's besides the point. XD. Moving on!
XD. I found these really adorable pictures...
These, were taken from Emiko-chan aka mummy's blog. ((My other Mummy. XD)) :D SO KAWAII AIN'T IT??? Awww..
And more from a forum I used to patronise... *IT CHANGES!!!* ((You'd get this if you played MapleStory :D))
And one of my friend's MSN nick that was shaped into the word "Love"... Must have taken AGES just to do it! SOOOO nice right? Nyan.
Oh well... More entertainment! I'm gonna show you some terms of Japanese that I learnt from a website! WHOOTS!
Squid ............................Ika(イカ)
Pink prawn..................Amaebi(甘エビ)
Steamed prawn...........Mushiebi(蒸しエビ)
Sea urchin eggs............Uni(うに)
Salmon roe...................Ikura(イクラ)
Sweetend Omelet.......Tamago(タマゴ)
Lean Meat of a tuna.............Akami(赤身)
Medium-fatty tuna..............Chuutoro(中トロ)
The fatty flesh of a tuna......Ootoro(大トロ)
You can go check out for more info a this webbie: :D Damn cool!
Oh and btw, Mel Swee, I've linked ya! :D
SPEAKING OF WHICH! Yesterday's steamboat! ((I should get a camera. Not uploading pictures just annoys me.)) OMG IT AS GOOOD! I was the ((FIRST TIME IN YEARS!)) last one to leave the table! (I think it's 'cos I didn't eat lunch to save my stomach for the Steamboat. Or felt damn ger-laaaaat from the Secret Recipe cakes and Mushroom soup. ._.) :D Most of them were watching me eat, IF they weren't preoccupied. So after a while, I just left the table 'cos I was damn full and I was growing uncomfortable when people continuously staring at me when I eat from my bowl. ZZZ. Now I have a damn ruddy sore throat and I don't have VINEGAR! Gaaaaahhh. Just my luck. Vinegar helps with sore throats due to it's acidic nature, you know? :D ~^_^~
Oh. And one of my uncles were damn annoying 'cos he ruddy insulted me. He's a damn lecher. I hated him even more when he went on the China Trip with the rest of us man... I dunno how my aunt married to him in the first place. Pei fu pei fu. Summore she sooooo damn nice. She guided me for chinese before, when I was in Primary school. As in clarifications and all... Not tuition though. :D I guess this is what you call a case of opposites attract. :S
Snippet of the convo with my dad:
U: Uncle
D: Dad
U: So now your daughter working is it? *kaypo =__=*
D: Oh... Yeah she is. ~^_^~
U: Cleaning toilets or something like that is it?
Me: *thinks: WTF*
GAAAHH!! SO INSULTING RIGHT?? Wah... I almost wanted to take my ruddy shoe and SLAM it into his face can... Irritating arsehole of a d*ckhead. ZZZ.
Nevermind... I shall be gracious and pardon you. See??? I'm such a kindhearted soul. XD
But anyway, I had an MSN convo with my brother that was in some way or other... Funny!!! :D I LMAOed myself till my parents were coming in and giving me a sanity check. =___=
Okay. Here it goes:
*opens convo and starts the chat.*
Problems Problem: TAKA!
Problems Problem: TAKA TAKA TAKA!
Problems Problem: shimaya *Note: Takashimaya is the local shopping centre in the heart of Singapore. *
~[Taka]~ I Exist: ...
~[Taka]~ I Exist: byebye!
Problems Problem: SO FAST??
Problems Problem: SO FAST?
~[Taka]~ I Exist: kiddin
Problems Problem: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
~[Taka]~ I Exist: stop it
Problems Problem: NO
~[Taka]~ I Exist: pls
Problems Problem: LOL
Hahahahaahhahahaha! the spasm of NOs!!! *This is one of the functions of the Oli-Virus: Spamming. So BEWARE!* I am unmerciful. *chuckles*
Ahahahaaa... I hope this provides as enough entertainment for you guys out there. Or at least capture your attention for the previous 20 odd minutes. And I hope to get more more more more ang paos for tomorrow. Oh no. Make that TODAY's visiting the folks. And must have the cash inside la. Ang pao a lot, little cash, it's as good as little ang paos and more cash. ZZZ. Oh well... :D
Anyway, I'm off to play more o2jam. OHOH! Speaking of which, I shall show you some scores! :D

RUDDY MISSION FOR LVL 52! I passed with Love Drive Hard x 5. I used paper to cover the bottom part where the notes get hit, but it didn't work. The trick is to use your own eyes and not listen to the music. Teow teow taught me. ~^_^~ THANKS LOADS GAY GUY!!!

My sucky scores. :D Improved. But still sucks. ZZZ.
In case it's too blur;
1360 Cools
251 Goods
1 Bad
7 Misses
Combo: 540
Song: Go Hell
Speed: x4
Difficulty: Hard
Lvl: 20
That's it for today.
Oli received her ang paos and ripped them apart the minute she saw them and ate all the money up at 12.41AM.
!~~*FUNNY QuOtE oF ThE MoMeNt*~~!
"We didn't lose, we weren't beaten, we just came in second."
~U.S. commentators, after Canadian Donavon Bailey won the 100 metre gold medal at the 1996 Olympics
Lol. Maybe I should start saying that after every O2jam Match.
My version: I didn't lose, I wasn't beaten, I just came in last.
XD. Talk about denying Pawnage/Ownage (Paw/Ow/nage). Later then. ~^_^~
Saturday, February 17, 2007; 12:54 pm
YO HOHO! ((and a plate of cakes!!!)) O_o... Hah?
V-dae is over. *sob*
((Stark contrast between the first line and second line... I think I'm going mad. O_O))
Lol! Lots of stuff happened between the 14th of Feb and yesterday! And this post is gonna be LOOOONG.
Let's have a recap:
On V-dae, THAT day was the
FIRST TIME I received my PAYCHECK!!! WHOOT! Sadly, the downside would be that, 2/3 of it goes to my mum. *Sob* Oh well. At least I made her happy... ~^_^~ Oh! And we had our little "Crew Ceremony" of the couple within our midst! We gave them this couple ring from "Couple Lab" and it cost us quite a lot of money. Thank God it was divided by 4. :D And special thanks to the other two Cabin Crew Members who pooled in their share even though it was a little constraining for them to do so. :D OHOHOHOH! And speaking of which, the girl (I refuse to tell you who is the couple. NYAAAAAA. *Pulls one eye sack and sticks out tongue*) was so darn happy. She hugged me like... *counts fingers* err.. SO MANY TIMES!!! My heartfelt congrats go out to you too dear! And make sure you take care of yourself, your partner and the ring! :D Lol. I sound quite stupid. Oh well. It's
OLI we're talking about here. *grins widely*
On top of that,
SUPER UBER DUPER SHOCKED WHEN I SAW THEM! Omg.. I seriously didn't expect it, you guys... one was a pair of Drumsticks which I think must have cost him at least $15 and one was a manga which had been released this week on Monday which would cost him $8.50. 1st) Darr 2nd) !Punani
ZOMFGWTFHBBQ! I WAS SUPER UBER DUPER DAMMIT HAPPY WHEN I SAW IT! MY HEARTFELT THANKS GOES OUT TO THE BOTH OF YOU~! I practically SQUEALED and GLOMPED them! Even Darr ran away from me. *sob* till Rod told him that I was gonna hug him. ZZZZZZZZ. Oh well.
Dogs are always afraid of me. *evil smirk*
NYAN! and Shar, your ice cream awaits you in my kitchen freezer. Deeeeliiiiciouussss Iiiiceeeee Creeeaaaaammm! SO COME OVER SOON DAMMIT! :D
OH! After that, I met Denise who was hosting these two Japanese girls. OMG. The food she dished out to us for breakfast the next morning was so greeeeaaat. She's a damn good host nia. And her bathtub! OMG! It was the first time I could soak in a bathtub. Like a spa!!! It's not long and rectangular but more of a square size so it wasn't that big. Lucky I'm small-sized though. *grins* Other people's places I've been to:
The stoppers do NOT work. DAMMIT! *sobs* And also I nearly slept in there can. It was like 1.30AM... Stayed in there for half an hour. I never knew warm water could ease your worries away so effectively. *sighs contentedly and cat ears pop up* Meow. XD Gah. I think I'm straying off course here. The two Japanese Girls were so nice! I mean. I was afraid we would have girls that were shy or those that seem like robots and have killer looks or something. Or fussy people who looked like they were potential grandmothers. *Not referring to Shar here. Hers is
DEFINITELY an exception due to how much I wuv my big sister! -hearts-* ~^_^~ And GAHHH! I'm going crazy over their dictionary. If only they had a dictionary like that for English to Chinese.
It translates
ENGLISH! -Drools- I wanted it ever since I saw it with the previous batch of Japanese girls last year that came to our school! BOOOOOOO. T___T Why can't we have cool dictionaries like that??? It also has an english to english function! GYAAAH! No more thick dictionaries to refer to. Bye bye! *attempts to throw them out of the window.*
Oh. And one of the girls, Saori, called me....
ZOMGWTFHBBQ! I am SOOOOO not adorable! That's why I keep on saying. I AM
NOT cute. Yes. I am ugly. But not "adorable". DAAAAAAEEEEE. *<- error sound* A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E is not found in Oli's Vocabulary. Please try again. Thank You.
Oh well. We communicated mostly through some conversation, hand gestures, and that cute dictionary! *squeal* But nothing really much happened. Except they called my ever-so-limited vocabulary of Japanese words: Sugoii. (amazing)
Dots.Anyway on the 15th. I seriously think that M.aggie was undergoing either PMS or Menopause. She was a little grouchier than usual; and I've repeat this to 3 of my other friends and so, being very tired, I would not wish to repeat what happen on this blog.
ARGH! Screw this! I'll tell you! I, C.indy (the new girl), Z.hen (aka P.oh, and M.aggie were doing that shift on the 15th. Afternoon shift. And everything was going along fine until this whole entire bunch of people came in. Okay. Two of them came up, and decided that they were going to buy this, that, whatever. Halfway preparing, another two came along and started ordering and said to put it on the same bill. As in pay together but different order. I was like
WTF??? Okay. So naturally, like what anyone else would do, I would listen to what they wanted to order. but Oblivious M.aggie didn't realize that they wanted to pay together and said, "YOU POUR YOUR COFFEE FIRST! YOU SERVE THE OTHER CUSTOMERS LATER!" Errrrr.... are you
BLIND or are you
DEAF? GAWD! What's WRONG WITH YOU??? And then I
DISTINCTIVELY remember the guy saying "
MILK TEA and WATERCRESS DRINK" so naturally I would tell immediately to whoever was making the drinks, which was M.aggie And I went to finish up whatever-I-had-left-to-listen
-to-that-idiotic-guy's-order. And then, one minute later, I didn't know the guy changed his order from milk Tea to Coffee and M.aggie started scolding me. I was thinking:
*HUH? What the Frigging HELL did I do?*
Apparently, the guy changed and ordered Coffee instead. Errrr. Z.hen, doing cashier and being anxious 'cos a line was forming due to these idiotic indecisive people, along with being muddled up by the guy's order couldn't remember whether he changed, I assume, so yeah. So she scolded us for being "Hopeless Cases" and how much she hated that afternoon's shift ((with Z.hen and I)). And also how "blur" I was *about the coffee/milk tea incident*... Not only that, later on, the people said, "You still owe us one more watercress drink you know?" and I was like, "Really? Okay. Hang on for a moment." I told Bao Zhen and she was like "Oh yeah..." and Maggie started scolding again. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? SCOLDING SCOLDING SCOLDING! You sound like a BLODDY AH MA LEI! ZZZZZZZZZ.
So after the whole incident and I told C.indy about how M.aggie was always right we were always wrong. I admit she's a great organiser but to lead?
You SUCK. Moreover, she oeverheard snippets and she thoug9ht I was complaining about her continuous scoldings. But I wasn't. So while I was talking she said, "Hai Jiang ah? Hai Jiang ah?" *Still say ah? Still say ah?* And I was thinking:
GAH! Naggy old Grandma of a tooterfu*k. So anyway, Uber uber Black Oli emerged and she started to keep quiet. As in, she started speaking more nicely and all that shit. *You wouldn't wanna see uber Black Oli. It's really really bad.* And I started to put down plates more violently and all that, but not hard enough to break them. (Was done when I was being the counter. Not in front of customers, no worries.) And after each time she spotted a mistake she said:
"Don't say I scold you hor. Is you do, your own fault one hor!" *What
LOUSY BEYOND COMPREHENDED english. Singlish not even up to standard. Wth. *Pffftttt*
So anyway, I've ranted on about the work day. And NOW. it's time to move on to more humourous stuff and not pollute my blog with Menopausing M.aggie (M. M. M.! COOL!) ~^_^~
And so, yesterday. We were going to this gig at Queen of Peace that was about to start at 7pm and it cost me $2. Claire was gonna to perform in it. Yesh. Tonton's girlfriend. But anyway, yeah! The thing is before that, Tonton and !Punani had to go drop off their slips to get their paychecks at Suntec City and me and my bro were strolling and watching those two idiot zoom off. (Yeah. We followed them.) I've never seen Tonton walk so FAST in his life. Me and Bro agreed that indeed money makes the world go round and for lazy people to exercise a little more just for the money. -winks- Well. He said he was lazy... =_____= And so, we waited at Starbucks for them and I ordered Java Chip again for bro to try! *my unidentical twin bro! -hearts-* And I bought the bigger sized one which is $1 more than the "Tall" size. All you out there should try! It's coffee with Choc Chips in it! Whoot!
We went for the gig and left halfway because I felt that we had too much noise pollution. So we don't really go deaf so early? ((Sorry Claire but the guys, Shar and I couldn't take it. We couldn't wait till 9.30PM for you guys to perform though we'd love to see you up there.)) In fact, it was nicer when we were OUTSIDE and the door was closed. That volume... Was the average sound you'd blast into your ears from an MP3. I mean OMG! What's wrong with those inside??? *Oh. And me and Shar were shocked at the fact we saw Fran there. With her boyfriend. We were like WTF??? Yep. That's our classmate we're talking about. Dunno how she tolerates the noise level.*
After that, we went to Secret Recipe to have some cheese cake. :D Mmmmm... The Mushroom soup was really goooood. *Can't compare to Marche's though. Mmmmm Heaven. CCCX* And the Cheese Choc I had was also out of this world.
1st layer: Chocolate sauce all over on the top.
2nd layer: Thick layer of chocolate cream. Mmmmmm...
3rd layer: Thick layer of cream cheese. MMMMMMM...
4th layer: Biscuit base! :D
Man. I swear. It was so good. But I felt uber bloated after that. Bleagh... Ugh...
Ahha. Now. Is time for some funny moments!
Italics: Me thoughts currently
Bold: Thoughts in general
Conversations (yesterday)Ben: So we go to Secret Recipes? And we walk there? It's a long way away you know?
*I think* You sure can lose quite a lot of weight. *
It's something insulting to Ben's weight for sure I remember.**Ben chases after Bro* LOL!
*after the chase*
Bro: I ran faster than you!
Ben: So what? You got a head start, okay???
Bro: But I've got a bag to carry. So by right, I should've by right been running slower.
Ben: How heavy is your bag?
Bro: Not that light, not that heavy. But still, with a bag I ran faster! :D
*Extraded* to Bro: But Ben weighed more than your bag and you put together, you see?
Oli to Ben: Hey, he just insulted you, you know? Why never chase after him?
Ben: No. You see. Cos it's that he just proved my point!
*LOL! But he insulted you in the process! Nevermind. I beat my GAWDDAMMIT IDIOTIC COUZ aka YOUR BRO FOR YOU!* No one gets away for insulting Benny Boy. Growl...*XD. On with the conversations! (with god?) XD <- Pun intended but I dunno if you get them. :P__________________________________________________________
Bro: Here. Try the chocolate biscuit. Though it's kinda soft and all.
*in cutesy wutesy voices -Being lame as usual. ~^_^~*
Oli: I wan some toooo!
Shar: Okay! Here! Take some!
Oli: Eeeeee.. Biscuit not crunchy one...
Shar: Ya lor. I don't like biscuits that aren't crunchy.
!Punani: Hmmm.. Ya I agree... I like biscuits that are not crunchy.
*moment of silence*
*Shar and Oli deep in conversation at Banquet*
*listing things down. 1..2..3..4.... on why rod was pretty quiet*
Shar: number 5.. I don't know.
Oli: ? XD
Shar: If you want I can list more retarded stuff down.
Oli: ~^_^~ Go ahead!
Shar: Number 6, 'cos he is in the presence of chilli?
Oli: Ahahahaha!
Shar: Number 7, 'cos he's sitting beside !Punani?
Oli: LOL!
Shar: Number 8, 'cos he's not gonna get breakage from !Punani anymore... *
he stops work on Monday*
Shar and !Punani : ...
Shar: Okay. That sounded wrong! Whoops! No pun intended!
Oli: -laughing her arse off-
!Punani: -gives Shar "The Look"-
Oh well! That's about it today! Till tonight then! And I can't wait to go to my grandma's house for STEAMBOAT! *Drools* And I also need to make Min Min her lanterns. I've only got 2 hours to do it! GYAAAH!
Oli wakeboarded and fell from it graciously (Right.) at 2.43PM.
PS: To someone, don't be sad anymore 'kae? And your good friends here will still give you hope and encouragement! Plus the fact that Oli will still be Oli and Oli is sad when her friends are sad. So don't be sad Dammit! XDDD that's the reason why yesterday me acting oddly.
Toodarah!!! *waves*
!~~*LyRiCs oF ThE MoMeNt*~~!
~I'm With You
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
But I'm, I'm with you
::Avril Lavigne::
Friday, February 16, 2007; 1:20 am
Under the shades of red and blue.
No mood to blog at all. For a certain somene, I'm sorry. And for all of you out there: Sorry peeps, but I hope this poem can convey some messages about the way I'm feeling now.
ForFor time is unmerciful.
It waits for no man.
Sadness, sorrow,
Here at my wit's end.
For Part and Parcel,
For Adam and Eve.
For Joy and Sorrow,
For Happiness and Grief
For black velvet curtains,
Untamed rough seas.
For rain rolling down,
Floodgates will it be.
For Raindrops, For Snowdrops
how nice would it seem.
Put two and two,
It's all a dream.
For friends would come,
And yet friends would go.
Lord Jesus, thee pray,
would mercy be shown.
For hurt, pain,
And anger consume.
Let peace flow over,
Let order resume.
For glass that shatters,
For hearts thee break,
For someone torn,
For relations that shake.
For all love that is lost,
For all wrath bestowed,
For all trials that come,
Hearts, pray, nigh turn to stone.
For tranquility,
For thee,
For grace,
For me.
I pray.
Labels: a prayer for peace
Tuesday, February 13, 2007; 11:16 pm
I think I'm gonna be one of them. For those who call the hotline I mean.
Let's wait and see, shall we?
That's my additional rantings for the previous post.
And that was just *not entirely* pure randomness. ((Ironic. O_o))
*Note: New Fact on the Go posted.* ((I have a new fact each time I have a new post. -excluding random additional posts like this one-))
GYAH! Cool and interesting stuff!
Okay. Today's post won't be so "Life-Based" but more on "Cool-Stuff-I've-Come-Across-while cleaning-up-Based". XD. But I shall update you on stuff involving the monotonous life I lead.
I can now defeat the monsters in THOTD4 in chapter 2 and 3 using only 1 credit! :D But I died in "The Empress" portion of the game sadly. XD. Today, after seeing Tonton and Couz, I was at Dhoby Ghaut's THOTD4. There was like a small group of 2-4 people watching and they wanted to play the game. and I was so focused on the game till I didn't hear anything around me except muffled buzzing in my ears. XD. ((Pesky flies... Shoo shoo go away. The Oli-virus is contagious. *LOL IMAGINE FLIES GOING HIGH! -jiggles about-*)) And Terence caught some words like: I CAN'T DO SOLO LOR... Or wah... Until now still living ah? *BASHES THOSE GUYS UP* NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE OLI-WOLI! And if you're not too dumb to realize, it's actually easier to play solo than duo. ZZZ.
WHOOT! And a coupla days ago, I got a PERFECT FOR MY ACCURACY FOR CHAPTER 1! (70%) WHOOT! This calls for a celebration! ~^____^~ *wiggles about* PLUS I GOT AN A FOR CHAPTER TWO! *JIGGLES!* This is called: Being uber happy. XD. LAAAME.
Oh! Today, I came across a Gothic shop. It was pretty cool and I should try out being a Goth for a day. 'Cos i love those chains and those sleeves attached to a normal tee via chains of some sort or something like that. Can't describe. just that the shirts are damn uber expensive can!!! $52. $52. AND THAT'S AFTER DISCOUNT CAN?! OMGWTFHBBQ! I SWEAR! It's DAYLIGHT ROBBERY. But I suppose it's for the fancy jewellery aka chains attached to it. ~^__^~ Even a skirt is $55 before discount can. Gah. Guess it's not within budget. FOOBAH.
SOMETHING EXCITING IS HAPPENING TOMORROW AND I CAN'T WAIT! Not only what you're thinking people-who-are-involved, but also a sleepover at Baka Saru's HOUSE! WHOOT! Plus a treat of the Meiko Gakuen girls sleeping over at her place. WHOOT~! I can't wait! :D
Oh. My bro is one funny dude. he came to watch "Black Cat Episodes 1-4" at my place today and we had Wan Ton Mee. So we were about to eat and naturally, would talk at the same time. And suddenly we came across the topic of saying your prayers before a meal aka Grace. He's not Catholic for one thing. So he told me this: *Note: Italics are Oli's opinion. Normal is Bro's*
When I was sec 1, my senior told me to say grace. But I didn't know what grace meant. So I thought:
*Since when was our president's name become Grace??? I thought it was S. R. Nathan???*"
But that's not all.
"Okay. So I asked my senior sitting beside me, since he was a Catholic and all, so I thought he might have known.
Bro: "Oei. Say what grace?"
Senior: "Huh? What grace?"
Bro: "I mean... What does XXX mean by him asking me to say grace?"
Senior: "Oh. That... Just say grace lo."
DOTS! Like that helps! XD. Anyway, on with the story...
XXX: "Okay. Bro, say grace."
Bro: "Errr... Grace."
XXX: "Noooo. Oei. Say it properly la."
Bro: -Gives the funny look- Err... *thinks: What the HECK am I supposed to do???* Errr... Geerrraaaaace.
YYY: "Hey, you're supposed to say a prayer you know?"
And that's how my bro reached Nirvana about the word Grace. LOL! I was like LAUGHING ALL THE WAY can.... It was damn funny. GEERRAACE.
But oh well. XDXDXDXD. I found it funny. :D OH! You should try watching Black Cat! it's a damn nice anime. I'm looking forward to downloading Black Cat EP 5. :D Can't download it now cos tomorrow I have to go to work at 5am. ZZZ. I know I'm gonna be damn tired. But heck. I'm working WITH SHARON! CAN YOU FARKING BELIEVE IT??? AFTER ONE MONTH OF SOLITUDE FROM WORK AND I CAN GET TO FINALLY FARKING WORK WITH SHARON! *SCREAMS till my glass SHATTERS*
Gah. The sad news is, Mr Gao (?) is gonna supervise us tomorrow and it's only Kim, Shar and I working. ZZZ. I'm happy enuff I'm getting to work with her though. LOOK AT THE BOLDED TEXT MAN! XD!
But sad enough, I've got work with MAGGIE on THURSDAY. SCHIZER. THIS could spell my ultimate death. Pray for me guys. *Shar, I have ABSOLUTELY NO idea as to how you survive her wrath.*
Okay. Time to move on from my daily life. :D
You know, when I was spring cleaning two of my cupboards (('cos my dad forced me to do it)) and I came across my little diaries. So I found this poem about the disastrous Camp Corri that i attended in Sec 3 at Malaysia. Man. The toilets had no flushing system and you had to use a pail to clear out your rear end's products within the SQUATTING toilet bowl. Plus, being girls and having girlfriends from an all girl's school and them using the toilets like what they do in Singapore, since we're such fortunate people to even live here, they abuse the toilets and choke it up with items like err... indescribable things that were stained, which I should think you can guess already. *pants for breath and continues* Moreover, the whole level had to go and share those 8 measly toilets and also not only doing our business in there, but also BATHING in there with the horrid STENCH of the choked up products, it was such a morbid experience for anyone to take.
So anyway, I made up this one verse of poem about the toilets:
"The toilets there were simplified,
It was terribly unmodified.
The campers there were terrified/horrified;
What was inside? We were stupefied."
XDDDD. Tells you something, doesn't it? I wrote it on the 31st January 2005. It's stroke me like a bolt of LIGHTNING! *No... I didn't turn into Kentucky Fried Oli.* And I think it was a stroke of GENIUS. XD. A very, very, very, very, extremely, stupendously, scientifically, horrendously, RARE!!! But oh well. "Expect the unexpected!"
For Avid Harry Potter Fans ((Like i was the last time)), here's some interesting things I got from J. K. Rowling's site -I think I got it there. tell me if I didn't.- *FULL CREDIT goes to J. K. Rowling herself. Disclaimers inserted by me here. Don't own Harry Potter nor ANYTHING created by her as well as the poem she wanted to put in the book but didn't, below... Hey. You think I can create stuff like this? This is the work of a PURE GENIUS. I'm just a doodoo goondu in some unknown ulu part of the world. I'M JUST AN AVID FAN OF HARRY POTTER SO DON'T SUE ME!!! GYAAAAHHH!* *panics*"the secret stuff you have to frigging unlock to discover, when I was still in Sec 2.
- Crookshanks is a half cat, half Kneazle.
- Hermione's birthday is on the 19th September.
- Ginerva (Ginny) was the first girl to be born for several generations.
- Fred and George were born on April Fool's Day. (Not sure.)
- Molly Prewitt lost close family members to Voldemort. (I guess that's why she was imagining everyone dead in Book 5 or 6 when she was facing the Boggart.)
- Sir Nick had a poem about his beheading:
It was a mistake any wizard could make,
Who was tired and caught on the hop.
One piffling error and then to my terror,
I found myself facing the chop.
Ala, for the eve, when I met lady grieve
A-strolling the park in the dusk.
She was of the belief, I could straighten her teeth,
Next moment she sprouted a tusk.
I cried through the night that I'd soon put her right,
But the process of justice was lax.
They'd brought out the block, though they'd mislaid the rock,
Where they usually sharpened the axe.
Next moment at dawn, with a face most forlorn,
The priest said to try not to cry.
You can come just like that, no, you won't need a hat,
And I knew that my end must be nigh.
The man in the mask would have a sad task
Of cleaving my head from my neck.
Said, "Nick, if you please, will you get to your knees?"
And I turned to a gibbering wreck.
"This may sting a bit," said the cack-handed twit,
As he swung up the axe up in the air.
But oh the blunt blade! No difference it made,
My head was still definitely here.
The axeman he hacked and he whacked and he thwacked,
"Won't be too long." He assured me.
But quick it was not, the bone-headed clot,
Took forty-five goes till he floored me.
And so I was dead, but my faithful old head,
It never saw fit to desert me.
It still lingers on, that's the end of my song.
And now, please applaud, or you'll hurt me.
*Disclaimers inserted here yet again, that I do not own Harry Potter or any of J. K. Rowling's works or any sort of relations to Harry Potter at ALL. Just to put things up here for the benefit of Harry Potter fans out there so they can have at least some sort of entertainment with this wonderful, damn hilarious poem.*
LOL! There's the entertainment side. And I'm off to go pack my bag for tomorrow's sleepover. And practice some o2jam which I have not been doing for the past 3 days.
Oli popped her balloon and got a new one to pop yet again at 10:49PM.
!~~*LyRiCs oF ThE MoMeNt*~~!
~Beautiful SoulI don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I want to chase
You're the one I want to hold
I won't let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
::Jesse McCartney::
Sunday, February 11, 2007; 12:27 am
Being over the top is a nice warm fuzzy feeling! TRY IT!
I'm such a happy person this week. You know, I'm such a happy person this week.
Did I tell you that already?
Hmmm.. Let me tell you again just to get it into your head.
Of course I would be happier when I get my pay and when I get my ang pao money. $____$ WHO WOULDN'T???
And of course. I would be even happier that I can possibly get my manga that I lack in my collection. The latest book sthat were just released. AND IN TWO DAYS! MORE ENGLISH MANGAS ARE GONNA BE PUBLISHED!
Just like this post I'm typing. Well.. Not in two days, but you get the drift don't you?
Ah. I'm just spamming and spamming. XDDDD! I'm such a happy person. But when you get me pissed especially by calling me
LLAMA. Just two words.
Watch out.
But anyway, today I felt happy cos I managed to go out with my cousin and my daughter. LOL! Benny boy and Shar shar! I went to novena to offer my thanksgiving praise to the Lord for all he has done for me during the O level period. And that most of my friends also did pretty well... :D And we sang and sang. Man. I felt ancient when I was in there. The place was like pretty much full of old people. But they sure can hurry and talk pretty fast. not like I'm complaining about it. XD However, isn't the gist of novena itself l0st when it's hurried? *sigh* I wonder why this generation likes to take stuff so fast.
You know, I read in a comprehension paper that I was doing to practice for O levels. *The english teacher forced it on us... DO WE HAVE A CHOICE??? Actually... come to think of it, I do. =X* Everything around us is always in a hurry. It's so difficult to appreciate the beauty that Mother Nature has given us. Given one example, don't we always wait impatiently for the doors of the lift to open when we're late? Don't we always tap our feet with a look of annoyance on our face when the train comes one minute too short? Or how we get so frustrated when a web page takes longer than usual to load? It made me think and how we're so blind to everything around us. How our lives has been thrown into the flurry of time in this generation, where everything has to be done within the snap of a finger. And sometimes it does annoy me. *sigh*
Oh well. But anyway, snapping back to reality, lemme get on with my boring monotonous life that I'm telling to all readers out there. *Don't drool when you sleep on my blog. I took such a long time to do it up!*
Today we went to Great World City to get stuff for Rod's present from Shar. OEI. YOU YOU YOU. ROD! YOU
BETTER cherish it. your mudder-in-law wait scold you for mishandling my child then you know ar! Wait I nag till yor ears drop off! See! My daughter so nice! Go Great World City waste like
90 cents on MRT fare just to get you your present lei. Plus, she was so damn worried you don't like it can! So if you don't cherish.
YOU BETTER BE PREPARED FOR MY NAGGING! *waves her walking stick wildly*
Anyway, we went to Timezone the arcade to play some games. They changed the whole place man. Last time, DDR was at the entrance.... ZZZZZ At least they updated their arcade games. If they didn't, I'd call them a 1 -tar arcade. Seriously. Can't stand arcades without my most favourite game: THOTD4! XD I played and I got an A for the 1st Chapter. But you know something? I always get A for first stage. And I like that arcade's THOTD4. I played and I had
5 LIVES when I began! MAN! I thought like it's such a ripoff from Dhoby Ghaut's Zone X. Pay the same price and get more lives. ZZZZZZZ. Annoying. ZONE X had only
3 lives when I began.
But I can't say anything.
I have no life by playing all these. XD
But other than that, I affirm that Zone X is a ripoff. ((But I'm continuing to play there anyway. ZZZ... *The
Birony *Learnt the word from Shar -hearts-*))
XD And I felt like splurging money today, *in which I did* so
I spent $17 on Arcade and $8 on dinner alone. Man. I can just feel the hole burning in my pocket that I can feel the singe already. OOF. Benny boy and I tried to get the bloddy Walkman phone in the arcade and after many attempts, we detoured to the Hogh machine where we "Took our picture" (it's just a drawing blahblah that you can actually find at arcades surprisingly O_o)
It's ANOTHER RIPOFF!!! I swear, I look like a doofus. And a freak. Benny boy looked nice in the picture. in fact, h looked pretty emo. but it's the camwhoring type. So by nature, it looked nice. HEY BENNY BOY! TRY CAMWHORING! It's fun. ~^__________^~ Shar looked like.... Shar. What can I say? XD She still looked like herself. :D That's my daughter!
And then we went back to attempting to get the bloddy thing. GAHHHH! So stupid! GAAAH! I wish I could bang down the plastic, get the thing and pass it to the cashier. So I can get the bloddy phone! :D
Cashier: What happened to the machine?
Me: It decided to break down due to overstress from the banging of customers that it ripped off from so I saved it the agony and put it to sleep. Moreover, it was the
TIME OF THE MONTH so it really had to take a break you see?
Cashier: Oh. Okay! Have fun with the phone!
OMG. If that person ever did that, I'd be blessed to be served by
a reallythe most dense person I've ever met!!! AS DENSE AS ME I might include that
FACT... :D
And I continue to dream.
ME AND SHAR SANG ON THE BUS! THE SHUTTLE BUS! *reminds me of the Magic School Bus* :D You know, we were singing Avril's song? (Things I'll Never Say) And we agreed that it's one of her nicest songs. And it's a very innocent and true song. It tells of a girl who can't say out her true feelings. I was like that last time. I still am. But now it's different. Aiyah. today happy day la, so what for be emo? :D
And the count rate on my blog is like... 115 and climbing. It's now the top on my "25 Most Played Songs" on iTunes. XDDDD Cool or what? maybe it's gonna be like Houki Boshi! 1000++! Whoot!
WE USED CHOPSTICKS TO PLAY HOPSCOTCH! you know, you draw a hopscotch thing onto a piece of paper, break the chopstick so it looks like the chopsticks are like legs and hopping on one feet and VOILA! You have your enertainment of the next 5-10 minutes! *Me and Shar's way of killing time while waiting for my slow cousin to eat. =_= But can't blame the poor
girl *NOTE: I said
GIRL* Cos he/she (shall be known as heshe from now on) heshe is
SICK you see? Did you pray for heshe like what I asked all of you to do in my previous post? XD
Yes. You've guess it right! (if any of you bothered to.)
ah well... can't be bothered to talk about the heshe. REST WELL OKAY? I pray for you! *mutters some vulgarities* AMEN! Ahahaha. JOKING! OTZ *bows*
Lol. I'm so random. Oh. I just noticed. It's 1.22AM. I'm tired and I know cos my eyes are burning. XDDDDD just wanted to update you on my boring-monotonous-yet-fun-to-me day. Welp. Meeting Mel Q tomorrow for lunch tomorrow and meeting Alvin at TM tomorrow too ~^__^~ Plus, I'm going for mass at 6PM to watch Ben in the procession at Holy Fam! :D lol Lotsa stuff to do tomorrow so I need my sleep!
Oli sat and thought, and killed a brain cell in the process at 1.24AM.
PS: I think most of the machines at TimeZone besides THOTD4 and the 3 Button thingie *I think it's called Bishi Bashi Champ or something. The buttons are damn sensitive. I managed to get to the stage where I was 2 games away from the end on 2 credits. :D* were ripoffs. Even the Percussion Freaks (Drum Mania for those who play the other version) were a ripoff cos the CYMBALS DIDN'T WORK! GO FIX IT DAMMIT!
!~~*LyRiCs oF ThE MoMeNt*~~!~Crash and BurnLet me be the one you callIf you jump I'll break your fallLift you upAnd fly away with you into the nightIf you need to fall apartI can mend a broken heartIf you need to crash then crash and burnYou're not alone::Savage Garden::
Saturday, February 10, 2007; 1:40 pm
Oh. The Irony.
XD! I'm BACK! it's a day after the O levels and I'm still reeling from shock.
I've got 1A, 5Bs and 1D (
CHINESE! What didja expect???) Plus a merit for CLB.
Let's have a moment of silence shall we?
The spasm of 'H's. But anyway,
CHINESE CHINESE CHINESE! throughout my secondary school life, I've had 5 F9s and 3 E8s and NO D7S. Even for my O levels in may. I got an E8. BUT WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT? A D7! OMGWTFHBBQ! I cried once I saw that okay... So happy and proud. Okay. I'm frigging happy about this. You know, all my sec 3 and 4 life, I've been getting grades like 30++ EVERY SINGLE EFFING TIME? (Now you know how I scored.)
But I have a below 20 SCORE! OMGWTFHBBQ! This is really really my happy happy week. And to think i halved my score by 18 points. :DDDDDDDD
Hmmm. I'm wondering how many points will be cut if I included CCA bonus points for L1R4. I mean. During the PAE for admittance to JC for the first 3 months, I got cut by 5 points. I dunno if it's the same for my O levels. ZZZZZZZZ.
Anyway, on to my daily life. I am now officially called by many of my friends a llama. A
WRONG) Dammit it you stupid donkey. I'll get you for this. GAAAAAAAAH. Annoying. till today, I'm still haunted by the ever dumb dumb donkey. *grumbles* Llama... LLAMA... *GRRRRRRRR*
ZZZZZZ. I want a biiig biiiig hong pao. For this CNY. So I can buy my
DJMAX PORTABLE, PARAPPA THE RAPPER and PSP!!! I shall not be to greedy and ask for too much. LOL!
Oh! The irony.And you know
V for Vendetta? I have absolutely no idea how that actor can say such a long long speech on his introduction, memorize it and say it flawlessly onscreen. If it were me, I'd do it in 30 cuts. I shall flood my scrollboard with his speech! *Credit to !Punani for finding it for me*
Speaking of which, after celebrating, he fell sick. Pray for him not to die. Okay? Amen.
YESTERDAY! I paid $8. For a concert at Aljunied at a church. Me, Donkey, Mummy, Stepsis went there and OMG. Was it fun or was it fun? XD The skits was damn funny/sad/etc. And the food was damn good. Tender juicy porkribs dripping with yummy BBQ sauce. Yummmmmmm.
TOO BAD THE GUYS MISSED IT! *Don't know what you're missing* (You didn't wanna come so it's not my fault. HAHA. And you played at Gamers. Hahahahahahaha. :D I'm so mean. I'm rubbing it in.) OMGWTFHBBQ! Plus Mummy bought me a $5 necklace that Stepsis recommended to me. Shooo pwetty. Pity I can't upload pictures. *sob*
XD. I'm just bored and random currently. I learnt new stuff from the japs!
OTL (person on his knees and looking down in doom.)
OTZ (Similar to OTL except his knees are at his butt area instead?)
I think the descriptions are not so good but I should think you would be able to see the figurine. *IF you ain't blind*
XD And there this video clip made known to me via Donkey's blog on the Scottish kitty! OMG SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Just feel like squishing it. But sadly, did you know that the frigging US Health yada yada said that cats now, have finally caught the Bird Flu Virus? GAAAAAAH! I DON'T WANT THE STRAY KITTIES TO BE CULLED! NOOOOO! BOO YOU STUPID BIRDHEADS! DON'T PUT THEM TO SLEEP! I shall begin a demonstration right on this blog. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Next would be the dogs, WHAT WILL BE OF MY RUSTY???!!!! *He's my pet dog* and Darryl,
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Stupid birds that sh*t everywhere. Now you've infected the felines. (When I refer to birds, I mean those annoying crows and mynahs that roam the city of Singapore. Sparrows, are too adorable to be shot. *Is this why I find Jack Sparrow adorable? O_o*) Don't you DARE. Infect. My. DOG. I. Will. Kill. You.
DIE!!! *takes a parang and chops a random crow's head*
Anyway, now I'm content. On Monday I'm going to TP to register for the Tourism or Animation Course. :D Cooking can be a hobby taken up at some other place. (EG: The CC near my home.), Pets I would rather rear than study them, Science I would not wanna study (Try something new ~^__^~)... So it's down to Animation and Tourism. Lol. I talked it out with Darr yesterday on MSN and I've narrowed my options from a 7 to a 2. :D Thanks dude!
But anyway, I'm going for Novena at OLPS later. Thank and give praise to the Lord and thank Mother Mary (for her intercession) for my grades. ~^_^~ Was actually advised from my dad to do so. :D Gonna meet Shar later too and we can catch up with each other. ~^_^~
Oh well.. gonna stop here. Tired of typing.
Oli sat and farted on her pwetty, white potty at 2.24PM. ~^__^~
PS: I bought two TEES! COOOOOOL! In total, $8 spent. :D Bargain from This Fashion. (Was bored at Aljunied MRT station, waiting for Luanie aka Stepsis, so the Donkey, Mummy and I went in. ~^__^~)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007; 11:26 pm
*sigh* Updates? Anyone?
Today. Wasn't such a good day. But yesterday. Was almost a perfect day! XD
Let's have a recap shall we?
The previous previous day of work:
I heard shocking news. WOW. From certain sources, declined to be named, and apparently are
uber uber uber biatchy people backstabbers. Unsympathetic people without a heart. And apparently, THEY were the ones, along with Biatchy, sucked up to pretty
*PUKES* little Mrs M.aggie with her
scrawny face and all, *GROSS -> SHUDDERS VIOLENTLY* on sleeping for 5 minutes on the trolley. Hmph. Let's see you TRY what I did! You'd do the same thing I BET YOU. Esp if it was your
1ST TIME on the
morning shift. So STFU.
And I realised, that those cronies of M.aggie, really love to do their role. apparently, JUST BECAUSE he mends the cash register, and is a"
SENIOR" or so he says *PUKES (HIM? Abusing
C.E.O. then come talk. And I'm sure it won't happen. Not even in your
dreams wildest imagination. HA.* <- You can't choose your dreams. CX) And you know what's the scandal? Amy was
TOLD BY M.AGGIE M.EE herself that she should GO UP and do the Dim Sum stuff. Let me stay downstairs 'cos I'm still quite unsure what to cancel what crap. (At least she has a heart. For a limited period of time only.) She doesn't understand M.aggie's CHINESE AH? Either she's DEAF or DUMB (
stupid). And she
STILL sent me UP! WOW. Let me take the blame if anything happens.
HOW SNEAKY. Sneaky Sly Little of a biatch.
Argh. screw this. They are all Biatches and Busteds, except for Min Min, Poh Tin, Wen Pei and Keow. *Though I trust none except Min Min* Stop the bloddy pollution.
ANYWAAAAAY,Two days ago:
:: Reached FINAL BOSS (The World [Gamma]) of House of the Dead 4!!!
You know I took like 8-9 credits to get to that stage??? Yay I was damn happy!!! *squeals* Never got there BEFORE!!! XD
Justice: 2 lives lost
The Lovers: 0 lives lost
Empress: 1 life lost
Temperence: 0 lives lost
The Star: 2 lives lost (I never got hit by the tornado! WHOOT!)
The World (Beta): 0 lives lost
The World (Gamma): 5-6 lives lost. And I stopped continuing. ZZZ
But I'm pissed 'cos I had grenades and I didn't use them. To EFFING COMPLETE THE GAME! Man... Holy cow. It's like it had barely any life left. (Sounds weird cos it's not really a Living Creature. It's out of the Pandora's Box of heaven's sakes.)
Not bad not bad. 1 A, 3 B and 1 C. Cool Cool. :D I'm officially an improved freak of House of the Dead 4. Heck! I may even join one of the undeads. But please. No bullet holes through me.
Morning: It couldn't have been better. I can give you a hint. DJ and o2. Simple... Go figure. ~^__^~
Afternoon: Nothing much happened. One of the chefs of Crystal Jade kitchen said: Smile a bit! you don't smile look very scary lei...
Evening: I ATE A LAKEROL AND WENT HIGH! Made Minmin smile and laugh. My first success! *She rarely laughs... to the point it scares me 'cos she too, doesn't really like certain people there.*
Night: I got praised by a customer for good service!
You know what the ironic part was? The fact the guy said:
"They must train you here really well don't they?"
LOL! WHAT training??? WHAT TRAINING??? LOL LOL LOL! You know, the so-called TRAINING on their part is just ordinary PRACTICAL stuff like keeping aay tray and what time to do what. They have NEVER EVER taught about good attitude. Or anything like that. EXCEPT for the "training" at home and Mr. Gao's (?) little talk with me. He was a nice person and showed me that being the role of a person who arranges the bread is such an important job. And how it concerns the customers. Not like some
poor "trainers" aka Maggie Mee and *ahem ahem* Kenvin. <- Realised that he is such a *ahem cough cough*
busted. Moreover, he treats everyone with
RESPECT. ((Something you have to learn Maggie Mee... Go watch
Hi-5 if you don't understand a single letter about that word.))
He thought I was a Philippino... Err.. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I'm a SINGAPOREAN! Sheesh. That's the annoying part. But indirectly, he's complimenting that I have good service and I'm good with customers 'cos generally, Phillipinos as well as Thais, are known for their good service. Ah heck. he even said I have good attitude! Let see you get one M.aggie I don't think you'll get one with that grumpy face of yours. :D
Then... It came to today. Today, not much la...
1) I screwed up THOTD4 and wasted like 4-5 credits? Never passed even The Lovers. *sigh* Not good today.
2) Sharon watched Bleach with Rod till err... Episode 2? (can you imagine?) XD Miss her lots though. TT____TT
3) Sharon and I wore the same shirt today! the "Same Same, But Different" shirt! Whoot!
4) I went out with my 2 "couzs" and "bro" today! ~^____________^~
5) We didn't watch the movie we intended to: Miss Potter. Darryl got pissed at Furt 'cos of certain misuderstandings. *sigh* But "All's well that ends well!" ~^_^~
6) Ben become my cousin and !Punani's bro! Cool! Ben is the older kid. Not surprisingly, gay !Punani was the younger one. :D
7) I wanna buy the new Pokémon movie!!! *Not a fan of the series anymore, but the movies are cool. :D You should watch it with an open mind. Gives you loads of insights on life.*
8) My "couzs" came ove today to play stepmania!!! Cool ain't it??? :D
9) BLAUE ROSEN 2 IS OUT! *got it with much thanks to !Punani* AND SO IS OURAN HIGH HOST CLUB 9 AND VAMPIRE KNIGHT 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10) Gonna get stuff for V-DAE!!! Some people are gonna be in for a surprise and I mean it. *price and details disclosed*
11) Sharon got me my phone pouch for V-DAY!!!
14) O level results: Coming out on the 9th of February. *THIS FRIDAY!!!* Damn early compared to last year... NEED KLEENEX! Or maybe a
dozen rolls of toilet paper would be good enough.
15) Have lunch with Mummy before O level results come out!!! *GAH! I have to adorn the old school uniform yet again. Sure brings back old memories...*
16) Miss Thanabal is now in Australia. if you ever come across this blog, I send my regards and make sure you stay safe! ~^____^~ Missing ya funky Miss Thanabal!
17) Gonna die on O level Results. Gonna die Gonne die Gonna die. Pray for me. Amen.
18) Warm chocolate cake and Java Chip (coffee with choc chips inside) are good lunches from Starbucks. IF you can afford $12.50 for a meal. :D Heaven... Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...
19) Need to check out M.A.G.E. again on another day. (Eastpoint) It was still closed when I went there today in the afternoon with couz.
21) OH! I Met up with Drama last Friday! It was damn fun! And I missed you guys so much. Let's hang out again sometime soon okay???
22) V-DAY ITSELF! I'm gonna hopefully meet Denise on that day and bring the Meiko Gakuen girls, who are coming to my ex-school, around S'pore. Cos 'Nise
MAY be hosting 2 of the girls. hopefully they are not as bimbotic or biatchy. Thinking of places to go, try new food like Laksa or something. XD
23) I bumped into Justin nearby Burger King in EASTPOINT TODAY!!! Was with couz at that time. hopefully no wrong ideas like the rest of the other goondus.
24) The first cut would be coming out soon 'cos he has to reshoot some scenes involving Sonia cos he kinda screwed some parts of that up. ZZZ. Nevermind. I'll wait 'cos I don't mind at all. :D
*25) I'm bored. And tired.
*= Finally reached my index number for my whole Secondary school life. [Sec 1-4] LOL.
*sigh* Going to go rest now. *sigh* I'm pooped and my eyes are drooping. Z__Z
With much love love and huggies topped with *muacks*,
*Countdown to Results:
3 days. NOOOOO!
!~~*QuOtE oF ThE MoMeNt*~~!"If you live to be a hundred,I want to live to be a hundred minus one day,so I never have to live without you.":: Winnie the Pooh ::